PgVector Knowledge Base

Last modified: April 24, 2024

1 Introduction

The PgVector Knowledge Base module contains operations to interact with a PostgreSQL database that has the pgvector extension installed. It allows you to easily store vectors and perform cosine similarity calculations from your Mendix app. This way you can leverage knowledge bases to make your apps smarter by performing operations based on (embedding) vectors and vector similarity. In the context of generative AI, Large Language Models (LLM), and embeddings, this is a key component in natural language processing (NLP) patterns such as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), recommendation algorithms, and similarity search operations.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

This module is typically powerful in scenarios in which Mendix apps leverage the capabilities of LLMs in the context of generative AI where private (company) data needs to be included in the app logic (e.g., when constructing prompts). In cases where there is a need for a separate private knowledge base outside of the LLM infrastructure, this module provides a low-code way to store data chunks in the private knowledge base and execute on-demand retrieval of relevant information for end-user actions or app processes.

1.1.1 Retrieval Augmented Generation

A common NLP-pattern is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), where the goal is to have LLMs construct answers to questions or provide on-demand information about private knowledge base data. In order to make this work, discrete pieces of information from the knowledge base are sent along with user questions to the LLM. The retrieval operations from this module are designed for this step in such use cases.

Also without invoking LLMs directly with the retrieved information, the similarity search logic from the retrieval operation can be leveraged in combination with embedding models to create a semantic search in a Mendix app. This can be used for fuzzy search capabilities, suggestions, or simple recommendation systems.

1.2 Features

With the current version, Mendix supports inserting data chunks with their vectors into a knowledge base (population), and selecting those records from that moment onwards (retrieval). Apart from cosine similarity search, which is executed based on the vector only, custom filtering is possible using key-value labelling to support an additional traditional search component.

1.3 Limitations

The current scope of the module is focused around (re)populating knowledge bases as a whole in one single operation. Deleting, adding, or updating individual knowledge base items is not yet supported.

1.4 Prerequisites

You should have access to your own (remote) postgreSQL database server with the pgvector extension installed. For more information, see Setting up a Vector Database.

1.5 Dependencies

2 Installation

Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the PgVector Knowledge Base module into your app.

3 Configuration

After you install the PgVector Knowledge Base module, you can find it in the App Explorer, in the Marketplace modules section. The connector provides a domain model and several activities that you can use to connect your app to a database and let it act as a knowledge base. Each activity can be implemented by using it in a microflow. To ensure that your app can connect to an external database, you must also configure the Encryption module.

3.1 General Configuration

  1. Add the module role PgVectorKnowledgeBase.Administrator to your Administrator user role in the security settings of your app. Optionally, map PgVectorKnowledgeBase.User to any user roles that need read access directly on retrieved entities, Chunk, and Label.
  2. Add the DatabaseConfiguration_Overview page (USE_ME > Configuration) to your navigation or add the Snippet_DatabaseConfigurations to a page that is already part of your navigation.
  3. Set up your database configurations at runtime. For more information, see the Configuring the Database Connection Details section in Setting up a Vector Database.

3.2 General Operations

After following the general setup above, you are all set to use the microflows and java actions in the USE_ME > Operations folder in your logic. Currently five operations (microflows and java actions) are exposed as microflow actions under the PgVector Knowledge Base category in the Toolbox in Mendix Studio Pro. These can be split into two categories, corresponding to the main functionalities: inserting data chunks into the knowledge base, for instance (re)populate, and finding relevant data chunks in an existing knowledge base, for example retrieve. In both steps, Labels can be provided to enable additional filtering.

3.2.1 Create label

Labels can optionally be used to attach additional information to chunks. That will be used for custom filtering during the retrieval step. Each Label stands for a single key-value combination. In the operations to create a knowledge base Chunk, a list of Labels can be passed as optional input. During the retrieval, if a list of Labels is provided as search input, all key-value pairs passed in the form of Label objects to the operation must match any previously-attached labels to the chunk during population. Examples for typical key-value pairs are:

  • Category: Bug, Feature
  • Status: Open, Closed, In Progress
  • Machine Type: MachineX, MachineY

3.3 (Re)populate Operations

In order to add data to the knowledge base, you need to have discrete pieces of information and create chunks for those using the Create Chunk operation. After you create the Chunks, the resulting list can be inserted into the knowledge base using the (Re)populate Knowledge Base operation.

A typical pattern for populating a knowledge base is as follows:

  1. Create a new List of Chunk.
  2. For each knowledge item, do the following:
    • Create a new list of Label.
    • Use Create label as many times as needed to add the necessary labels.
    • With both lists, use Create chunk for the knowledge item.
  3. With the list of Chunk, use (Re)populate Knowledge Base to store the Chunks.

3.3.1 (Re)populate Knowledge Base

This operation handles the following:

  • clearing the knowledge base if it does exist
  • creating the empty knowledge base if it does not exist
  • inserting all provided chunks with their labels into the knowledge base

The population handles a whole list of Chunks at once which should be created by using the Create Chunk operation. It is possible to have multiple knowledge bases in the same database in parallel by providing different knowledge base names in combination with the same DatabaseConfiguration.

3.4 Retrieve Operations

Currently, two operations are available for on-demand retrieval of data chunks from a knowlege base. Both operations work on a single knowledge base (specified by the name) on a single database server (specified by the DatabaseConfiguration). Apart from a regular Retrieve, an additional operation was exposed to Retrieve Nearest Neighbors, where the cosine distance between the input vector and the vectors of the records in the knowledge base is calculated. In both cases it is possible to filter on Labels.

A typical pattern for retrieval from a knowledge base is as follows:

  1. Create a list of label.
  2. Use Create Label as many times as needed to add the necessary labels.
  3. Do the retrieve, e.g. use Retrieve Nearest Neighbors to find Chunks based on vector similarity.

3.4.1 Retrieve

Use this operation to retrieve chunks from the knowledge base. Additional selection and filtering can be done by specifying the optional input parameters for offset and a maximum number of results, as well as a list of labels. If labels are provided, this operation only returns chunks that are conform with all of the labels in the list.

3.4.2 Retrieve Nearest Neighbors

Use this operation to retrieve chunks from the knowledge base where the sorting is based on vector similarity with regards to a given input vector. Additional selection and filtering can be done by specifying the optional input parameters: minimum (cosine) similarity (0–1.0), maximum number of results, as well as a list of labels. If labels are provided, this operation only returns chunks that are conform with all of the labels in the list.

4 Technical Reference

To help you use the PgVector Knowledge Base module, the following sections list the available entities, enumerations, and activities that you can use in your application.

4.1 Domain Model

The domain model in Mendix is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more general information, see Domain model. To learn about where the entities from the domain model are used and relevant during implementation, see the Activities section below.

4.1.1 Configuration DatabaseConfiguration

This is an entity to store the connection details to a PostgreSQL database.

Attribute Description
DisplayName This is a human-readable name for the configuration, to be displayed in the frontend.
JdbcURL This is the URL of the database on the database server to which the JDBC driver connects.
Password This is the encrypted password that is used during the authentication to the database server.
Username This is the username that is used during the authentication to the database server. DatabasePassword

This non-persistent entity is only used for editing the DatabasePassword. The database password is stored in the Mendix database as an encrypted string in the DatabaseConfiguration entity.

Attribute Description
Password This is the (unencrypted) password used by the runtime to authenticate towards your knowledge base database.

4.1.2 Knowledge Base Interaction Chunk

This entity represents a discrete piece of knowledge that needs to go into or comes out of the knowledge base.

Attribute Description
ChunkID This is a system-generated GUID for the chunk in the knowledge base.
HumanReadableID This is a front-end reference to the chunk so that users know what it refers to (e.g. URL, document location, human-readable record ID)
Vector This is the embedding vector that was generated for the knowledge for this chunk which is used in the vector database for similarity calculations.
ChunkType This is the type of the chunk. See the enumeration ChunkType.
Key This is the original string that was used to generate the vector and can be used directly after retrieval.
Value This represents a value that has no effect on the vector or similarity search but is to be used directly after retrieval.
MxObjectID If the chunk was based on a Mendix object during creation, this will contain the GUID of that object at the time of creation.
MxEntity If the chunk was based on a Mendix object during creation, this will contain its full entity name at the time of creation.
Similarity In case the chunk was retrieved from the knowledge base as part of a similarity search (e.g nearest neighbors retrieval) this will contain the cosine similarity to the input vector for the retrieval that was executed.

The PgVectorKnowledgeBase.User module role has read access to all attributes of Chunk which facilitates easy implementation on pages where retrieved data is shown. Label

This represents additional information that is to be stored with the chunks in the knowledge base. It can be used for custom filtering during retrieval. A chunk can be associated to multiple labels; labels in turn can be shared across multiple chunks.

Attribute Description
Key This is the name of the label and typically tells how the value should be interpreted.
Value This is the value of the label that provides additional information about the chunk in the context of the given key.

The PgVectorKnowledgeBase.User module role has read access to all attributes of Label which facilitates easy implementation on pages where retrieved data is shown.

4.2 Enumerations

An enumeration is a predefined list of values that can be used as an attribute type. For more information about enumerations in general, see Enumerations.

4.2.1 General ENUM_ChunkType

This enumerration provides a list of possible chunk types. Currently two types are supported.

Name Caption Description
Knowledge Knowledge One a single text (Key of Chunk) is relevant for both the similarity search and the processing steps afterwards.
KeyValue KeyValue The functionally relevant information after retrieval is different (Value of Chunk) from the text based on which the embedding was generated (Key of Chunk)

4.3 Activities

Activities define the actions that are executed from a microflow or nanoflow. In this module activities can be found in the form of microflows or java actions in the USE_ME > Operations folder.

4.3.1 General Operations

Operations that can be used in multiple knowledge base processes and do not fall into a specific category. Create Label

The Create Label activity is intended for creating Labels. The given input parameters are assigned to a newly created label. The label is added to the provided LabelList which is intended to be used afterwards for passing into Create Chunk.

Input parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
Key String mandatory This is the input to assign the key of the new label.
Value String mandatory This is the input to assign the value of the new label.
LabelList List of Labels mandatory This is for adding the label to a list that can be used outside of this Activity.

4.3.2 (Re)populate Operations

Operations that support the (re)creation and population of a knowledge base. Create Chunk

The Create Chunk activity is intended for instantiating Chunks to create the input for the knowledge base based on your own data structure. A ChunkList must be passed to which the new Chunk object will be added. Optionally, use Create Label to construct a list of Labels for custom filtering during the retrieval.

Input parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
ChunkList List of Chunks mandatory This the (mandatory) list to which the Chunk will be added. This list is the input for other operations e.g. (Re)populate.
HumanReadableID String mandatory This is a front-end identifier that can be used for showing or retrieving sources in a custom way. If it is not relevant, “empty” must be passed explicitly here.
Vector String mandatory This is the vector representation of the content of the chunk, based on which the similarity search is executed as in the Retrieve Nearest Neighbors operation.
Key String mandatory This is supposed to contain the string content of the chunk for which the embedding was created. In cases where the retrieval of the actual data happens in a different way (e.g. using an identifier or a Mendix object) this can be left empty if not used; in that case “empty” must be passed explicitly here.
Value String optional In the KeyValue ChunkType scenario, the chunk content that is relevant for the similarity search is different from the value that is relevant in the custom processing afterwards. This field can be used to store this information directly in the PgVector Knowledge Base.
LabelList List of Labels optional This is an optional list that contains extra information about the chunk. Any Key-Value pairs can be stored with the chunk. In the retrieval operations it is possible to filter on one or multiple labels.
ChunkType Enumeration of ENUM_ChunkType mandatory This mandatory value describes whether the chunk represents a piece of knowledge (key only) or a key-value pattern, where the key is embedded and used in the retrieval step, but the value is used in the logic after Retrieve Nearest Neighbors. If this is set to KeyValue, the Value string is ignored in this action.
MxObject Object optional This parameter is used to capture the Mendix object to which the chunk refers. This can be used to retrieve the record in the Mendix database later on. (Re)populate Knowledge Base

The (Re)populate Knowledge Base activity is used to populate a whole knowledge base at once. This operation handles a list of chunks with their labels in a single operation. By providing the KnowledgeBaseName parameter, you determine the knowledge base. It is used to later on to retrieve elements from the correct tables. This operation takes care of the creation of the actual tables. If there is already data from an earlier iteration for the provided KnowledgeBaseName, the data will be removed first. Use Create Label and Create Chunk to construct the input for this activity, which needs to be passed as ChunkList. The DatabaseConfiguration that is passed must contain the connection details to a PostgreSQL database server with the PgVector extension installed. This entity is typically configured at runtime or in after-startup logic.

Input parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
KnowledgeBaseName String mandatory This is the name of the knowledge base in your database.
DatabaseConfiguration DatabaseConfiguration mandatory This object is to connect and authenticate to the database where the knowledge base is located.
ChunkList List of Chunks mandatory This list is for inserting the Chunks’ data into the knowledge base.

Return value

Name Type Description
IsSuccess Boolean This boolean indicates if the population of the knowledge base was successful. This can be used for custom error-handling.

4.3.3 Retrieve Operations (#retrieve-operations-technical)

Activities that support the retrieval of the knowledge from the knowledge base. Retrieve

The Retrieve activity is used to retrieve a subset of or the whole knowledge base. A list of chunks is returned which can be used for custom logic. For additional filtering provide a list of labels, see Create Label activity. Offset and MaxNumberOfResults can be used for pagination or specific selection use cases.

The DatabaseConfiguration that is passed must contain the connection details to a PostgreSQL database server with the PgVector extension installed. This entity is typically configured at runtime or in after-startup logic. By providing the KnowledgeBaseName parameter, you determine the knowledge base that was used for population earlier.

Input parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
DatabaseConfiguration DatabaseConfiguration mandatory This object is to connect and authenticate to the database where the knowledge base is located.
KnowledgeBaseName String mandatory This is the name of the knowledge base in your database which contains the data to retrieve.
MaxNumberOfResults Integer/Long optional This is to optionally limit the number of results that should be returned.
LabelList List of Labels optional This list is for additional filtering in the retrieve. Only chunks that comply with the labels will be returned.
Offset Integer/Long optional This is for skipping a number of records in the retrieve.

Return value

Name Type Description
ChunkList List of Chunks This list is the result of the retrieval. Retrieve Nearest Neighbors

The Retrieve Nearest Neighbors activity is used to retrieve chunks from the knowledge base ordered by similarity based on the given vector. For additional filtering provide a list of labels, see Create Label activity. MinimumSimilarity (range 0 - 1.0) and MaxNumberOfResults can be used for optional filtering.

The DatabaseConfiguration that is passed must contain the connection details to a PostgreSQL database server with the PgVector extension installed. This entity is typically configured at runtime or in after-startup logic. By providing the KnowledgeBaseName parameter, you determine the knowledge base that was used for population earlier.

Input parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
DatabaseConfiguration DatabaseConfiguration mandatory This object is to connect and authenticate to the database where the knowledge base is located.
KnowledgeBaseName String mandatory This is the name of the knowledge base in your database which contains the data to retrieve.
Vector String mandatory This is the vector representation of the data for which the nearest neigbhors should be calculated. The dimension needs to be the same as the vectors stored in the knowledge base.
MinimumSimilarity Decimal optional This is to filter the results, so that only Chunks are returned which similarity score is equal or greater than the value provided. The score ranges from 0 (not similar) to 1.0 (the same vector).
MaxNumberOfResults Integer/Long optional This can be used to limit the number of results that should be returned.
LabelList List of Labels optional This list is for additional filtering in the retrieve. Only chunks that comply with the labels will be returned.

Return value

Name Type Description
ChunkList List of Chunks This list is the result of the retrieval.

5 Showcase Application

For more inspiration or guidance on how to use those operations in your logic and how to combine it with use cases in the context of generative AI, Mendix highly recommends downloading the OpenAI showcase app from the Marketplace. This application contains various examples in the context of generative AI, some of which use the PgVector Knowledge Base module for storing embedding vectors.

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