Extensibility API

Last modified: August 19, 2024


Extensions are self-contained modules which users can add to Studio Pro. This means that with extensibility you can add new features and functionality to Studio Pro. The Extensibility API is an API that allows developers to interact with a curated list of internal systems of Studio Pro. This documentation provides guides and reference documentation for the Extensibility API.

If you need to add your own custom UI to Studio Pro, you can achieve this using web technology. Your web-based UI will be rendered in Studio Pro using a hosted web view, the API provides communication functionality between your web UI and the C# extension logic.


  • You need at least a basic understanding of the Mendix platform.
  • You need some understanding of the Mendix Model.
  • You need to have some C# development experience. Extensions are developed using C#, and compiled into a .dll assembly file.

Getting Started

For detailed explanation on how to get started with extensions, check out Get Started with the Extensibility API.

You can also check out our examples and API reference documentation.


Here is a list of how-tos for you to begin with:

Learn More

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