GenAI Commons

Last modified: September 2, 2024


The GenAI Commons module combines common GenAI patterns found in a variety of generative AI models on the market. Platform-supported GenAI-connectors use the underlying data structures and their operations. This makes it easier to develop vendor agnostic AI-enhanced apps with Mendix, for example by using one of the connectors or the Conversational UI module.

If two different connectors both adhere to the GenAI Commons module, they can be easily swapped, which reduces dependency on the model providers. In addition, the initial implementation of AI capabilities using the connectors becomes a drag and drop experience, so that developers can quickly get started. The module exposes useful operations which developers can use to build a request to a large language model (LLM), and to handle the response.

Developers who want to connect to another LLM provider or their own service are advised to use the GenAI Commons module as well. This speeds up the development and ensures that common principles are taken into account. Lastly, other developers or consumers of the connector can adapt to it more quickly.


The current scope of the module is focused on text and image generation, as well as embeddings and knowledgebase use cases.


The GenAI Commons module requires Mendix Studio Pro version 9.24.2 or above.

You must also install and configure the Community Commons module.


If you are starting from the Blank GenAI app, or the AI Bot Starter App, the GenAI Commons module is included and does not need to be installed manually.

If you start from a blank app, or have an existing project where you want to include a connector for which the GenAI Commons module is a required module, you must install GenAI Commons manually. First, install the Community commons module, and then follow the instructions in using Marketplace content to import the GenAI Commons module into your app.


GenAI Commons is the foundation of chat completion implementations within the OpenAI connector and the Amazon Bedrock connector, but may also be used to build other GenAI service implementations on top of it by reusing the provided domain model and exposed microflows.

Although GenAI Commons technically defines additional capabilities typically found in chat completion APIs, such as image processing (vision) and tools (function calling), it depends on the connector module of choice for whether these are actually implemented and supported by the LLM. To learn which additional capabilities a connector supports and for which models these can be used, refer to the documentation of that connector.

The GenAI Commons module is protected, which means that it cannot be changed and the logic of the microflows is not visible. For information about what each exposed operation does, see Microflows, or refer to the documentation inside the module.

Technical Reference

The technical purpose of GenAI Commons module is to define a common domain model for generative AI use cases in Mendix applications. To help you work with the GenAI Commons module, the following sections list the available entities, enumerations, and microflows that you can use in your application.

Domain Model

The domain model in Mendix is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more general information, see the Domain Model documentation. To learn about where the entities from the domain model are used and relevant during implementation, see the Microflows section below.


The Connection entity contains specifications to interact with an AI provider.

Attribute Description
Model The name of the model to be used for an operation.


Request is an input object for the chat completions operations defined in the platform-supported GenAI-connectors and contains all content-related input needed for an LLM to generate a response for the given chat conversation.

Attribute Description
SystemPrompt A SystemPrompt provides the model with a context, instructions or guidelines.
MaxTokens Maximum number of tokens per request.
Temperature Temperature controls the randomness of the model response. Low values generate a more predictable output, while higher values allow more creativity and diversity. We recommend that you only steer temperature or TopP, but not both.
TopP TopP is an alternative to temperature for controlling the randomness of the model response. TopP defines a probability threshold so that only the words with probabilities greater than or equal to the threshold will be included in the response. We recommend that you only steer temperature or TopP, but not both.
ToolChoice Controls which (if any) tool is called by the model. For more information, see the ENUM_ToolChoice section containing a description of the possible values.


A message that is part of the request or the response. Each instance contains data (text, file collection) that needs to be taken into account by the model when processing the completion request.

Attribute Description
Role The role of the message’s author. For more information, see the ENUM_Role section.
Content The text content of the message.
MessageType The type of the message can be either text or file, where file means that the associated FileCollection should be taken into account. For more information, see the ENUM_MessageType section.
ToolCallId The id of the tool call proposed by the model that this message is responding to. This attribute is only applicable for messages with role tool.


This is an optional collection of files that is part of a Message. It is used for patterns like vision, where image files are sent along with the user message for the model to process. It functions as a wrapper entity for files and has no attributes.


This is a file in a collection of files that belongs to a message. Each instance represents a single file. Currently only files of the type image and document are supported.

Attribute Description
FileContent Depending on the ContentType, this is either a URL or the base64-encoded file data.
ContentType This describes the type of file data. Supported content types are either URL or base64-encoded file data. For more information, see the ENUM_ContentType section.
FileType Currently only images and documents are supported file types. In general, not all file types might be supported by all AI providers or models. For more information, see the ENUM_FileType.
TextContent An optional text content describing the file content or giving it a specific name. This can be used to refer to specific files in the prompt of the message.
FileExtension Extension of the file, e.g. png or pdf. Note that this attribute may only be filled if the ContentType equals Base64 and can be empty.


This is an optional collection of tools to be sent along with the Request. Using tool call capabilities (also known as function calling) might not be supported by certain AI providers or models. This entity functions as a wrapper entity for tools and has no attributes.


A tool in the tool collection. This is sent along with the request in order to expose a list of available tools. In the response, the model can suggest to call a certain tool (or multiple tools in parallel) in order to retrieve additional data or perform certain actions.

Attribute Description
Name The name of the tool to call. This is used by the model in the response to identify which function needs to be called.
Description An optional description of the tool, used by the model in addition to the name attribute to choose when and how to call the tool.
ToolType The type of the tool. Refer to the documentation supplied by your AI provider for information about the supported types.


A tool of the type function. This is a specialization of Tool, and represents a microflow in the same Mendix application. The return value of this microflow when executed as function is sent to the model in a next iteration and hence must be of type String.

Attribute Description
Microflow The name (string) of the microflow that this function represents.


For many models, StopSequence can be used to pass a list of character sequences (for example a word) along with the request. The model will stop generating content when a word of that list would occur next.

Attribute Description
Sequence A sequence of characters that would prevent the model from generating further content.


The response returned by the model contains usage metrics as well as a response message.

Attribute Description
RequestTokens Number of tokens in the request.
ResponseTokens Number of tokens in the generated response.
TotalTokens Total number of tokens (request + response).
StopReason The reason why the model stopped to generate further content. See AI provider documentation for possible values.


A tool call object may be generated by the model in certain scenarios, such as a function call pattern. This entity is only applicable for messages with role assistant.

Attribute Description
Name The name of the tool to call. This refers to the Name attribute of one of the Tools in the Request.
Arguments The arguments with which the tool is to be called, as generated by the model in JSON format. Note that the model does not always generate valid JSON and may hallucinate parameters that are not defined by your tool’s schema. Mendix recommends to validate the arguments in the code before calling the tool.
ToolType The type of the tool. View AI provider documentation for supported types.
ToolCallId This is a model generated id of the proposed tool call. It is used by the model to map an assistant message containing a tool call with the output of the tool call (tool message).


An optional reference for a response message.

Attribute Description
Title The title of the reference.
Content The content of the reference.
Source The source of the reference, e.g. a URL.
SourceType The type of the source. For more information, see ENUM_SourceType.


An optional citation. This entity can be used to visualize the link between a part of the generated text and the actual text in the source on which the generated text was based.

Attribute Description
StartIndex An index that marks the beginning of a citation in a larger document.
EndIndex An index that marks the end of a citation in a larger document.
Text The part of the generated text that contains a citation.
Quote Contains the cited text from the reference.


This entity represents a collection of chunks. It is a wrapper entity for Chunk objects or specialization(s) to pass it to operations that execute embedding calculations or knowledge base interaction.


A piece of information (InputText) and the corresponding embeddings vector retrieved from an Embeddings API.

Attribute Description
InputText The input text to create the embedding for.
EmbeddingVector The corresponding embedding vector of the input text.
_Index Internal attribute. Do not use.


This entity represents a discrete piece of knowledge that can be used in embed and store operations. It is a specialization of Chunk.

Attribute Description
ChunkID This is a system-generated UUID for the chunk in the knowledge base.
HumanReadableID This is a front-end reference to the KnowledgeBaseChunk so that users know what it refers to (e.g. URL, document location, human-readable record ID).
MxObjectID If the KnowledgeBaseChunk was based on a Mendix object during creation, this will contain the GUID of that object at the time of creation.
MxEntity If the KnowledgeBaseChunk was based on a Mendix object during creation, this will contain its full entity name at the time of creation.
Similarity In case the chunk was retrieved from the knowledge base as part of a similarity search (e.g nearest neighbors retrieval) this will contain the cosine similarity to the input vector for the retrieval that was executed.


An optional collection of metadata. This is a wrapper entity for one or more Metadata objects for a KnowledgeBaseChunk.


This entity represents additional information that is to be stored with the KnowledgeBaseChunk in the knowledge base. It can be used for custom filtering during retrieval.

Attribute Description
Key This is the name of the metadata and typically tells how the value should be interpreted.
Value This is the value of the metadata that provides additional information about the chunk in the context of the given key.


An optional input object for the embeddings operations to set optional request attributes.

Attribute Description
Dimensions The number of dimensions the resulting output embeddings should have.


The response returned by the model contains token usage metrics. Not all connectors or models might support token usage metrics.

Attribute Description
PromptTokens Number of tokens in the prompt.
TotalTokens Total number of tokens used in the request.


An optional input object for the image generations operations to set optional request attributes.

Attribute Description
Height This determines the height of the image.
Width This determines the width of the image.
NumberOfImages This determines the number of images to be generated.
Seed This can be used to influence the randomness of the generation. Ensures the reproducability and consistency in the generated images by controlling the initial state of the random number generator.
CfgScale This can be used to influence the randomness of the generation. Adjusts the balance between adherence to the prompt and creative randomness in the image generation process.
ImageGenerationType This describes the type of image generation. Currently only text to image is supported. For more information, see ENUM_ImageGenerationType.



ENUM_MessageRole provides a list of message author roles.

Name Caption Description
user User A user message is the input from an end-user.
assistant Assistant An assistant message was generated by the model as a response to a user message.
system System A system message can be used to specify the assistant persona or give the model more guidance and context. This is typically specified by the developer to steer the model response.
tool Tool A tool message contains the return value of a tool call as its content. Additionally, a tool message has a ToolCallId that is used to map it to the corresponding previous assistant response which provided the tool call input.


ENUM_MessageType provides a list of ways of interpreting a message object.

Name Caption Description
Text Text The message represents a normal message and contains text content in the Content attribute.
File File The message contains file data and the files in the associated FileCollection should be taken into account.


ENUM_ContentType provides a list of possible file content types, which describe how the file data is encoded in the FileContent attribute on the FileContent object that is part with the Message.

Name Caption Description
URL Url The content of the file can be found on a (publicly available) URL which is provided in the FileContent attribute.
Base64 Base64 The content of the file can be found as a base64-encoded string in the FileContent attribute.


ENUM_FileType provides a list of file types. Currently only image and document is a supported file type. Not all file types might be supported by all AI providers or models.

Name Caption Description
image Image The file represents an image (e.g. a .png file).
document Document The file represents a document (e.g. a .pdf file).


ENUM_ToolChoice provides a list of ways to control which (if any) tool is called by the model. Not all tool choices might be supported by all AI providers or models.

Name Caption Description
auto Auto The model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.
none None The model does not call a function and instead generates a message.
any Any Any function will be called. Not available for all providers and might be changed to auto.
tool Tool A particular tool needs to be called, which is the one specified over association ToolCollection_ToolChoice.


ENUM_SourceType provides a list of source types, which describe how the pointer to the Source attribute on the Reference object should be interpreted to get the source location. Currently, only Url is supported.

Name Caption Description
Url Url The Source attribute contains the URL to the source on the internet.


ENUM_ImageGenerationType describes how the image generations operation is to be used. Currently only text to image is supported.

Name Caption Description
TEXT_TO_IMAGE TEXT_TO_IMAGE The LLM will generate an image (or multiple images) based on a text description.

Microflows activities

Use the exposed microflows and Java Actions to map the required information for GenAI operations from your custom app implementation to the GenAI model and vice versa. Two sets of operations are provided: one for text and files, plus a second one for embeddings and knowledge bases.

Text and Files: Build request

The following microflows help you construct the input request structures for the operations for text and files defined in GenAI Commons.

Chat: Create Request

This microflow can be used to create a request for a chat completion operation. This is the request object that contains the top-level functional input for the language model to generate a response.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
SystemPrompt String optional A system message can be used to specify the assistant persona or give the model more guidance, context or instructions. This attribute is optional.
Temperature Decimal optional This is the sampling temperature. Higher values will make the output more random, while lower values make it more focused and deterministic. This attribute is optional.
MaxTokens Integer/Long Depends on AI provider or model This is the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion. The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the models context length. This attribute is optional.
TopP Decimal optional This is an alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with Top_p probability mass. Mendix generally recommends altering Top_p or Temperature but not both. This attribute is optional.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Request Request This is the created request object.
Chat: Add Message to Request

This microflow can be used to add a new Message to the Request object. A message represents the conversation text content and optionally has a collection of files attached that need to be taken into account when generating the response (such as images for vision). Make sure to add messages chronologically so that the most recent message is added last.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Request Request mandatory This is the request object that contains the functional input for the model to generate a response.
ENUM_MessageRole ENUM_MessageRole mandatory The role of the message author.
FileCollection FileCollection optional This is an optional collection of files that are part of the message.
ContentString String mandatory This is the textual content of the message.
Return Value

This microflow does not have a return value.

Chat: Add Stop Sequence

This microflow can be used to add an optional StopSequence to the request. It can be used after the request has been created. If available for the connector and model of choice, stop sequences let models know when to stop generating text.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Request Request mandatory This is the request object that contains the functional input for the model to generate a response.
StopSequence String mandatory This is the stop sequence string, which is used to make the model stop generating tokens at a desired point.
Return Value

This microflow does not have a return value.

Files: Initialize Collection with File

In order to include files within a message, you must provide them in the form of a file collection. This helper microflow creates the file collection and adds the first file. The File Collection is an optional part of a Message object.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
URL String Either URL or FileDocument is required. This is the URL of the file.
FileDocument System.FileDocument Either URL or FileDocument is required. The file for which the contents are part of a message.
ENUM_FileType ENUM_FileType mandatory This is the type of the file.
TextContent String optional An optional text content describing the file content or giving it a specific name.
Return Value
Name Type Description
FileCollection FileCollection This is the created file collection with the new file associated to it.
Files: Add File to Collection

Use this microflow to add a file to an existing FileCollection. The File Collection is an optional part of a Message.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
FileCollection FileCollection mandatory The wrapper object for Files. The File Collection is an optional part of a Message.
URL String Either URL or FileDocument is required. This is the URL of the file.
FileDocument System.FileDocument Either URL or FileDocument is required. The file for which the contents are part of a message.
ENUM_FileType ENUM_FileType mandatory This is the type of the file.
TextContent String mandatory An optional text content describing the file content or giving it a specific name.
Return Value

This microflow does not have a return value.

Image: Create ImageOptions

This microflow creates new ImageOptions.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Height Integer/Long optional To set Width.
Width Integer/Long optional To set Height.
NumberOfImages Integer/Long optional To set NumberOfImages to create.
Return Value
Name Type Description
ImageOptions ImageOptions The newly created ImageOptions object.
Tools: Add Function to Request

Adds a new Function to a ToolCollection that is part of a Request. Use this microflow when you have microflows in your application that may be called to retrieve the required information as part of a GenAI interaction. If you want the model to be aware of these microflows, you can use this operation to add them as functions to the request. If supported by the LLM connector, the chat completion operation calls the right functions based on the LLM response and continues the process until the assistant’s final response is returned.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Request Request mandatory The request to add the function to.
ToolName String mandatory The name of the tool to use/call.
ToolDescription String optional An optional description of what the tool does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the tool.
FunctionMicroflow Microflow mandatory The microflow that is called within this function. A function microflow can only have a single string input parameter or no input parameter and returns a string.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Function Function This is the function object that was added ToolCollection which is part of the request. This object can be used optionally as input for controlling the tool choice of the Request, see Tools: Set Tool Choice.
Tools: Set Tool Choice

Use this microflow to control how the model should determine which function to leverage (typically to gather additional information). The microflow sets the ToolChoice within a Request. This controls which (if any) function is called by the model. If the ENUM_ToolChoice equals tool, the Tool input is required which will become the tool choice. This will force the model to call that particular tool.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Request Request mandatory The request for which to set a tool choice.
Tool Tool Required if ENUM_ToolChoice equals tool. Specifies the tool to be used. Required if the ENUM_ToolChoice equals tool; ignored for all other enumeration values.
ENUM_ToolChoice ENUM_ToolChoice mandatory Determines the tool choice. For more information, see the ENUM_ToolChoice section for a list of the available values.
Return Value

This microflow does not have a return value.

Text and Files: Handle Response

The following microflows handle the response processing.

Get Model Response Text

This microflow can be used to get the content from the latest assistant message over association Response_Message. Use this microflow to get the response text from the latest assistant response message. In many cases, this is the main value needed for further logic after the operation or is displayed to the end user.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Response mandatory The response object.
Return Value
Name Type Description
ResponseText String This is the string Content of message with role assistant that was generated by the model as a response to a user message.
Get References

Use this microflow to get the list of references that may be included in the model response. These can be used to display source information, content, and citations on which the model response text was based according to the language model. References are only available if they were specifically requested from the LLM and mapped from the LLM response into the GenAI Commons domain model.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Response mandatory The response object.
Return Value
Name Type Description
ReferenceList List of Reference The references with optional citations that were part of the response message.
Get Generated Image (Single)

This operation processes a response that was created by an image generations operation. A return entity can be specified using ResponseImageEntity (needs to be of type System.Image or its specialization). An image of that type will be created and returned.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
ResponseImageEntity Entity mandatory This is to specify the entity of the returned image. Must be of type System.Image or its specializations.
Response Response mandatory This is the response that was returned by an image generations operation. It points to a message with the FileContent to create the image.
Return Value
Name Type Description
GeneratedImage Object of type determined by ResponseImageEntity The generated image.
Get Generated Images (List)

This operation processes a response that was created by an image generations operation. A return entity can be specified using ResponseImageEntity (needs to be of type System.Image or its specialization). A list of images of that type will be created and returned.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
ResponseImageEntity Entity mandatory This is to specify the entity of the returned image. Must be of type System.Image or its specializations.
Response Response mandatory This is the response that was returned by an image generations operation. It points to a message with the FileContent to create the image.
Return Value
Name Type Description
GeneratedImageList List of type determined by ResponseImageEntity The list of generated images.

Text and Files: Chat Completions Interface

The OpenAI connector and the Amazon Bedrock connector both have two chat completions and image generations operations implemented that share the same interface, meaning that they expect the same entities as input and as output. This has the advantage that these operations can be exchanged very easily without much additional development effort.

We recommend that you adapt to the same interface when developing custom chat completions or image generations operations, such as integration with different AI providers. The generic interfaces are described below. For more detailed information, refer to the documentation of the connector that you want to use, since it may expect specializations of the generic GenAI common entities as an input.

Chat Completions (Without History)

The Chat Completions (without history) operation interface supports scenarios where there is no need to send a list of (historic) messages comprising the conversation so far as part of the request.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
UserPrompt String mandatory A user message is the input from a user.
Connection Connection mandatory This is an object that contains specifications to interact with an AI provider.
Request Request optional This is an optional object that contains optional attributes and an optional ToolCollection. If no Request is passed, one will be created.
FileCollection FileCollection optional This is an optional collection of files to be sent along with the request to use vision.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Response Response A Response object that contains the assistant’s response. The return message string can be extracted by using the Get Model Response Text operation.
Chat Completions (With History)

The Chat Completions (with history) operation interface supports more complex use cases where a list of (historical) messages (for example, comprising the conversation or context so far) is sent as part of the request to the LLM.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Connection Connection mandatory This is an object that contains specifications to interact with an AI provider.
Request Request mandatory This is an object that contains messages, optional attributes and an optional ToolCollection.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Response Response A Response object that contains the assistant’s response. The return message string can be extracted by using the Get Model Response Text operation.
Image Generations

The Image Generations operation interface supports the generation of images based on a UserPrompt passed as string. The returned Response contains a FileContent via FileCollection and Message. See microflows in the Connector Building folder to construct the output.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Connection Connection mandatory This is an object that contains specifications to interact with an AI provider.
UserPrompt String mandatory This is the description the image will be based on.
ImageOptions ImageOptions optional This can be used to pass optional request attributes.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Response Response A Response object that contains the assistant’s response including a FileContent which will be used in Get Generated Image (Single).

Knowledge Bases and Embeddings

The following microflows and Java actions help you construct the input structures and handle the response object for the operations for knowledge bases and embeddings as defined in GenAI Commons.

Chunks: Initialize Chunkcollection

This microflow creates a new ChunkCollection and returns it.

Input Parameters

This microflow has no input parameters.

Return Value
Name Type Description
ChunkCollection ChunkCollection The newly created ChunkCollection object.
Chunk: Add Chunk to ChunkCollection

This microflow adds a new Chunk to the ChunkCollection.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
InputText String mandatory Input text to generate an embedding vector for.
ChunkCollection ChunkCollection mandatory ChunkCollection to add the new Chunks to.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Chunk Chunk The added Chunk object.
Chunk: Add KnowledgeBaseChunk to ChunkCollection

This Java action adds a new KnowledgeBaseChunk to the ChunkCollection to create the input for embeddings or knowledge base operations. Optionally, a MetadataCollection can be added for more advanced filtering. Use Initialize MetadataCollection with Metadata to instantiate a MetadataCollection first, if needed.

Input parameters
Name Type Mandatory Documentation
ChunkCollection ChunkCollection mandatory This is the ChunkCollection to which the KnowledgebaseChunk will be added. This ChunkCollection is the input for other operations.
InputText String mandatory Input text to generate an embedding vector for.
HumanReadableID String mandatory This is a front-end identifier that can be used for showing or retrieving sources in a custom way. If it is not relevant, “empty” must be passed explicitly here.
MxObject Type parameter optional This parameter is used to capture the Mendix object to which the chunk refers. This can be used for finding back the record in the Mendix database later on after the retrieval step.
MetadataCollection MetadataCollection optional This is an optional MetadataCollection that contains extra information about the KnowledgeBaaseChunk. Any key-value pairs can be stored. In the retrieval operations it is possible to filter on one or multiple metadata key-value pairs.
Return Value
Name Type Description
KnowledgeBaseChunk KnowledgeBaseChunk The added KnowledgeBaseChunk object.
Embeddings: Create EmbeddingsOptions

This microflow creates new EmbeddingsOptions.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Dimensions Integer/Long optional The number of dimensions the resulting output embedding vectors should have. See connector documentation for supported values and models.
Return Value
Name Type Description
EmbeddingsOptions EmbeddingsOptions The newly created EmbeddingsOptions object.
Embeddings: Get First Vector from Response

This microflow gets the first embedding vector from the response of an embeddings operation.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
EmbeddingsResponse EmbeddingsResponse mandatory Response object that gets returned by the embeddings operations.
Return Value
Name Type Description
Vector String The first vector from the response.
Knowledge Base: Initialize MetadataCollection with Metadata

This microflow creates a new MetadataCollection and adds a new Metadata. The MetadataCollection will be returned. To add additional Metadata, use Add Metadata to MetadataCollection.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Key String madatory This is the name of the metadata and typically tells how the value should be interpreted.
Value String mandatory This is the value of the metadata that provides additional information about the chunk in the context of the given key.
Return Value
Name Type Description
MetadataCollection MetadataCollection The newly created MetadataCollection object.
Knowledge Base: Add Metadata to MetadataCollection

This microflow adds a new Metadata object to a given MetadataCollection. Use Initialize MetadataCollection with Metadata to instantiate a MetadataCollection first, if needed.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
Key String mandatory This is the name of the metadata and typically tells how the value should be interpreted.
Value String mandatory This is the value of the metadata that provides additional information about the chunk in the context of the given key.
MetadataCollection MetadataCollection mandatory The MetadataCollection to which the new Metadata object will be added.
Return Value

This microflow does not have a return value.

Knowledge Bases and Embeddings: Embeddings Interface

To make use of embeddings in a Mendix app, GenAI Commons defines interfaces for embedding operations that connectors can adhere to. We recommend that you adapt to the same interface when developing custom embedding operations, such as integration with different AI providers. The generic interfaces are described below. For more detailed information, refer to the documentation of the connector that you want to use, since it may expect specializations of the generic GenAI common entities as an input.

Embeddings (String)

The Embeddings (String) operation interface allows the invocation of the embeddings API with a String input and returns an EmbeddingsResponse object with token usage statistics, if applicable. The EmbeddingsResponse_GetFirstVector microflow from GenAI Commons can be used to retrieve the corresponding embedding vector in a String representation. This operation supports scenarios where the vector embedding of a single string must be generated, e.g. to perform a nearest neighbor search across an existing knowledge base.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
InputText String mandatory Input text to create the embedding vector for.
Connection Connection mandatory Connection object that contains the required endpoint details and API credentials. Depending on the connector module, a specific specialization must be passed.
EmbeddingOptions EmbeddingsOptions optional Can be used to pass optional request attributes.
Return Value
Name Type Description
EmbeddingsResponse EmbeddingsResponse A response object that contains the token usage statistics and the corresponding embedding vector as part of a ChunkCollection
Embeddings (ChunkCollection)

The Embeddings (ChunkCollection) operation interface allows the invocation of an embeddings API with a ChunkCollection and returns an EmbeddingsResponse object with token usage statistics, if applicable. The response object is associated with the original ChunkCollection used as an input, and the Chunk (or KnowledgeBaseChunk) objects will be updated with their corresponding embedding vector retrieved from the Embeddings API within this microflow.

Input Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Description
ChunkCollection ChunkCollection mandatory A ChunkCollection with Chunks for which an embedding vector should be generated. Use operations from GenAI commons to create a ChunkCollection and add Chunks or KnowledgeBaseChunks to it.
Connection Connection mandatory A Connection object that contains the required endpoint details and API credentials. Depending on the connector module, a specific specialization must be passed.
EmbeddingOptions EmbeddingsOptions optional Can be used to pass optional request attributes.
Return Value
Name Type Description
EmbeddingsResponse EmbeddingsResponse An response object that contains the token usage statistics and the corresponding embedding vector as part of a ChunkCollection.