OQL Group by Clause

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Description

The GROUP BY clause will condense all returned rows into a single row that shares the same values for the expressions defined in this clause. The expressions in this clause must exist in the SELECT clause of the query. All expressions in the SELECT clause which do not exist in the GROUP BY clause must be either an aggregation or the result an aggregate function.

2 Syntax

The syntax is as follows:

	expression [ ,...n ]

[HAVING <constraint>]

2.1 expression

expression specifies the expressions by which values of the rows are grouped.

2.2 HAVING <constraint>

HAVING <constraint> specifies a constraint that must be defined in a HAVING clause, when a GROUP BY expression is used.

3 Examples

This query returns the count of all customers per city:

SELECT COUNT(Sales.Customer/*)
FROM Sales.Customer
INNER JOIN Sales.Customer/Sales.Customer_Address/Sales.Address
GROUP BY Sales.Address/City

This query returns the sum of the total prices of all orders per city:

SELECT SUM(Sales."Order"/TotalPrice)
FROM Sales."Order"
INNER JOIN Sales."Order"/Sales.Customer_Order/Sales.Customer/Sales.Customer_Address/Sales.Address
GROUP BY Sales.Address/City

This query returns the sum of the total prices of all orders per city for which the sum is greater than 1000.00 or the City is Losdun:

SELECT SUM(Sales."Order"/TotalPrice)
FROM Sales."Order"
INNER JOIN Sales."Order"/Sales.Customer_Order/Sales.Customer/Sales.Customer_Address/Sales.Address
GROUP BY Sales.Address/City
HAVING SUM(Sales."Order"/TotalPrice) > 1000.0 OR Sales.Address/City = 'Losdun'