OQL Operators

Last modified: July 4, 2024

The following operators can be used in OQL expressions:

Operator Description Example
+ Addition 6 + 4 returns 10.
- Subtraction 6 - 4 returns 2.
* Multiplication 6 * 4 returns 24.
: Division 8 : 4 returns 2.
% Modulo 8 % 3 returns 2.
= Equal to Price = 9.80 returns true if price is 9.80, false if price is 9.90.
!= Not equal to Price != 9.80 returns true if price is 9.90, false if price is 9.80.
< Less than Price < 9.80 returns true if price is 9.70, false if price is 9.80.
<= Less than or equal to Price <= 9.80 returns true if price is 9.80, false if price is 9.90.
> Greater than Price > 9.80 returns true if price is 9.90, false if price is 9.80.
>= Greater than or equal to Price >= 9.80 returns true if price is 9.80, false if price is 9.70.
LIKE Matches the pattern after the operator. The wildcard character ‘%’ can be used to define any string of zero or more characters. In order to search for special characters like %, _, and \, they should be escaped with the \ escape character. City LIKE '%dun' returns all the cities with names that end with ‘dun’, like ‘dun’ and ‘Losdun’.
Symbol LIKE '%\%' returns all the symbols that end with the % special character.
IN Matches any value in a subquery or a list of expression values. City IN (SELECT Name FROM City WHERE Country = 'Gelre') City IN ('Losdun', 'Die Haghe', 'Haagambacht')
EXISTS Test for the existence of any rows when executing the subquery. EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM City WHERE City = 'Losdun') Returns true if object exists
NOT Reverses the value of the expression following this keyword. NOT City = 'Rotterdam' returns all objects not in Rotterdam.
CASE Evaluates one or more conditions and returns a possible expression. See OQL Case Expressions.
OR Returns true if one or both expressions around this operator return true. price = 9.80 OR price = 9.70 returns true if price is 9.80, false if price is 9.60.
AND Returns true if expressions on both sides return true. price = 9.80 AND amount = 1 returns true if price is 9.80 and amount is 1, false if price is 9.70 and amount is 1, false if price is 9.80 and amount is 2.