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Range Search Field

Last modified: August 2, 2022

Given an entity that contains a range, this search field is used to find all entities whose range overlaps with the specified value.

Example: given an entity ‘Festival’ that has a ‘Start’ and an ‘End’ date, which Festivals take place at day X?

Datatypes supported by this search field are: Integer, Currency, Decimal, DateTime, Float, AutoNumber, Long.

You can specify whether the range boundaries are inclusive or exclusive using the Lower- and Upper bound operator.

Common Properties


The caption is the text that is shown in front of the actual search field. This is a translatable text. See Translatable Texts.


Value Description
Normal The search field is visible and editable by the end user.
Hidden The search field is hidden and is only there to selectively display objects in the grid.
Read-only The search field is visible but not editable by the end user.

A hidden search field is an easy way to selectively display the contents of a grid. For example, a grid showing cars and their colors can be limited to only showing red cars by adding a hidden search field on color with default value ‘red’.

Default value

The default value is the initial value for the search field. In the case of a normal search field, this value can then be edited by the end user. In the case of a hidden or read-only search field the value is fixed.

Custom Date Format

Available only for attributes of the date and time type.

This property determines how the entered value is formatted. The custom date format is a string that allows for any combination of symbols found in the table below. Any punctuation will be rendered literally.

Symbol No. Example Description
G 1 AD The era
y 1, 3..n 2010 Year
y 2 10 Year
Y 1, 3..n 2009 Week year, use in combination with w for week number formatting
Y 2 09 Week year, use in combination with w for week number formatting
M 1..2 09 Month
M 3 Sept Month
M 4 September Month
w 1..2 27 Week of year, use for week number formatting
d 1..2 12 Day of month
D 1..3 93 Day of year
a 1 AM AM or PM
h 1..2 11 Hour (1-12)
H 1..2 13 Hour (0-23)
k 1..2 10 Hour (1-24)
K 1..2 0 Hour (0-11)
m 1..2 59 Minute, use one or two for zero padding
s 1..2 12 Second, use one or two for zero padding
S 1..3 153 Milliseconds
E 1..2 05 Day of week
E 3 Thu Day of week
E 4 Thursday Day of week
z 1..4 Pacific Standard Time Time zone
Z 1..3 -04:00 Time zone offset
Z 4 GMT-04:00 Time zone offset

These are some examples:

Format Example Output
EEEE d MMMM yyy G, h:mm a ss's Tuesday 29 March 2011 AD, 1:37 PM 48s
h:mm a 1:37 PM
yyy D KK:mm 2011 88 01:26
EEEE MMMM d yyy Tuesday March 29 2011
EEE, MMM dd, ''yy Wed, Jul 04, ‘01

Placeholder Text

Available only for attributes of the date and time type.

The placeholder text is shown if the search input is empty. It can be used to give the end-user a hint as to the expected format. Note: placeholder texts will not work if a native date picker is available (for example, on iOS and Android versions 4.0 and above).

General Properties

Lower Bound

This attribute (path) determines the lower bound of the range.

Lower Bound Operator

The lower bound operator determines whether the comparison with the lower bound is inclusive (>=) or not (>). It can be either ‘Greater’ or ‘Greater or equal’.

Default value: Greater.

Upper Bound

This attribute (path) determines the upper bound of the range.

Upper Bound Operator

The upper bound operator determines whether the comparison with the upper bound is inclusive (<=) or not (<). It can be either ‘Smaller’ or ‘Smaller or equal’.

Default value: Smaller