Mendix 7 is no longer supported unless you have Extended Support (for details, please contact Mendix Support). Mendix 7 documentation will remain available for customers with Extended Support until July, 2024.

Third-Party Licenses

Last modified: April 5, 2024

Mendix uses various third-party libraries that have their own licenses. All the licenses are available when you download the freely available Mendix Desktop Modeler installation. They can be found in various sub-folders of your Mendix installation folder:

  • Runtime Server libraries can be found in the folder runtime\lib
  • Modeler libraries can be found in the folder modeler\Licenses
  • Client licenses can be found in the following locations:
    • modeler\deployment.mxz – this is a zip file where you can navigate to web\lib\bootstrap\css\bootstrap.css and to web\lib\rbootstrap\css\rbootstrap.css for bootstrap licenses (when you deploy an app, you can also find all these files in your deployment folder)
    • runtime\mxclientsystem\mxui.mxui.js for the dojo license