Create a Microflow and Add Activities

Last modified: August 19, 2024


The IMicroflowService is the service used to perform actions related to microflows. This how-to describes how you can create a new microflow and add some activities to it.


The Initialize method initializes a microflow that was previously created. It is part of a series of steps required for adding a microflow to the model:

  1. Start a transaction (IModel.StartTransaction).
  2. Create a microflow and add it to the module (IModel.Create<IMicroflow>).
  3. Call IMicroflowService.Initialize.

Internally, the Initialize method sets up the start and end flows, and adds any parameters that might be passed in (in the example below, you are passing a single parameter boolParameter of DataType.Boolean).

In the example below, you also add activities to the microflow, with IMicroflowService.TryInsertAfterStart (adding an activity as the first) or IMicroflowService.TryInsertBeforeActivity (adding an activity before another).

public void Initialize(IModel currentApp, params IActionActivity[] actionActivities)
    var module = currentApp.Root.GetModules().Single(m => m.Name == "MyFirstModule");

    using var transaction = currentApp.StartTransaction("Create and initialize microflow");
    var microflow = currentApp.Create<IMicroflow>();
    microflow.Name = "Microflow";

    _microflowService.Initialize(microflow, ("boolParameter", DataType.Boolean));

    for (int i = 0; i < activities.Length; i++)
        var activity = activities[i];
        if (i == 0)
            _microflowService.TryInsertAfterStart(microflow, activity);
            _microflowService.TryInsertBeforeActivity(activity, activities[i-1]);


As you can see, this IMicroflowService.Initialize method can be cumbersome to use, since it is only part of the whole process of creating a new microflow. To have an easier method of creating microflows, use the MicroflowService.CreateMicroflow method. This method is described in the next section.


The CreateMicroflow method is the more advanced and comprehensive method to create microflows. It is a good alternative to the IMicroflowService.Initialize method. The CreateMicroflow takes care of initialization and adding everything to the model in one single step. It requires the current IModel, the IFolderBase (module or folder) in which to save the microflow, a name, an optional MicroflowReturnValue, and an optional list of parameters. See the code below for a few examples.

Creating a Simple Microflow

As shown in the code below, all that is required to create a microflow and add it to the model is the IModel, the IFolderBase in which to add the microflow, and its name.

public void CreateMicroflow(IModel currentApp)
    var module = currentApp.Root.GetModules().Single(m => m.Name == "MyFirstModule");

    using var transaction = currentApp.StartTransaction("Create microflows");
    var microflow = _microflowService.CreateMicroflow(currentApp, module, "Microflow");


Creating Microflow with Return Type and Parameters

In this more advanced example, you will see the IMicroflowExpressionService.CreateFromString method, which allows you to create expressions that can be then used as the MicroflowReturnValue of the microflow. Here, the expression is a simple addition of two values, and the return type is of DataType.Integer.

 void CreateMicroflow(IModel currentApp)
    var module = currentApp.Root.GetModules().Single(m => m.Name == "MyFirstModule");    
    string returnValueExpression = "1 + 2";

    var microflow = microflowService.CreateMicroflow(currentApp, module, "Microflow",
         new MicroflowReturnValue(DataType.Integer, microflowExpressionService.CreateFromString(returnValueExpression)));


The IMicroflowService.CreateMicroflow method is a bit easier to use than the IMicroflowService.Initialize method because it doesn’t require manually creating the microflow with IModel.Create<IMicroflow> and then manually adding it to the IFolderBase container. It can do everything behind the scenes as long as everything is supplied to it. For a comprehensive example on how to create microflows, see Create Microflows for Calculations

TryInsertAfterStart and TryInsertBeforeActivity

The TryInsertAfterStart and TryInsertBeforeActivity methods enable inserting an activity in the flow. It can be added right after the start event of the microflow, or be inserted before another specific activity.

microflowService.TryInsertAfterStart(microflow, newActivity);
microflowService.TryInsertBeforeActivity(newAactivity, existingActivity);


The GetParameters method enables retrieving all the parameters that are inputs into a microflow. It returns a list of IMicroflowParameterObject, which is composed of its name, its IQualifiedName identifier, a description, and its DataType. Any parameters passed into the microflow will be returned here together with their type.

IReadOnlyList<IMicroflowParameterObject> parameters = _microflowService.GetParameters(microflow);


The GetAllMicroflowActivities method enables retrieving all the activities in the flow of a microflow. It returns a list of IActivity.

IReadOnlyList<IActivity> activities = _microflowService.GetAllMicroflowActivities(microflow);


The IsVariableNameInUse method can check if the microflow already contains a variable with the name provided. This can be called before adding a new activity to the flow whose output variable name can overlap with existing variables. An example is as follows:

public void AddNewActivity(IModel currentApp, IMicroflow microflow, string activityName)
    using var transaction = currentApp.StartTransaction("Create microflows");

    var microflowCallActivity = currentApp.Create<IActionActivity>();
    var microflowCallAction = currentApp.Create<IMicroflowCallAction>();
    microflowCallAction.MicroflowCall = currentApp.Create<IMicroflowCall>();
    microflowCallAction.MicroflowCall.Microflow = microflow.QualifiedName;
    microflowCallActivity!.Action = microflowCallAction;

    if (!_microflowService.IsVariableNameInUse(microflow, activityName))
        microflowCallAction.OutputVariableName = activityName;
        _messageBoxService.ShowError("That variable name is already in use.");

    _microflowService.TryInsertAfterStart(microflow, microflowCallActivity);
