Deployed Apps

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

The Deployed Apps Overview page is a self-service tool that enables you to provision and offboard environments.

The Deployed Apps Overview page shows a list of all the apps within your company. You can use it to view an app’s name, ID, Technical Contact, status, number of environments, and how many cloud credits are used. The page has separate tabs for Mendix Cloud Apps and Free Apps.

Deployed Apps - apps overview

You can click the name of an app to see a list of environments available for the app.

cloud provisioning page for an app

Click the icon in the top right corner to access the following pages that allow you to make requests to Mendix Support:

2 Adding a New Environment

To add a new environment for your app, click the name of an app, and then click the Add Environment button. You must specify the following information:

  • Environment Name – Enter a name for your new environment. The name must be unique (that is, your app cannot have more than one environment with the same name).
  • Resource Pack – Select the resources required for the new environment. The page displays the resources included in each resource pack, and their cost in cloud credits.
  • Production Environment – Indicate whether the environment will be used for production.
adding a new environment

3 Offboarding an Environment

To offboard an environment, click Offboard, which is available for stopped environments. After that, confirm that you have made any necessary backups, and type Offboard to confirm.

confirming the offboarding

4 Changing the Technical Contact of an App

To quickly change the Technical Contact for your app, click Edit by the name of the contact, and then select the new contact from the list.

changing the technical contact