Task Queue

Last modified: July 23, 2024

1 Introduction

Using a Task Queue allows you to run microflows or Java actions asynchronously while controlling the number of tasks that are executed simultaneously by assigning them to a task queue. You can configure the task queue to control the maximum load put on your application by these tasks during peak usage while still ensuring all microflows and Java actions are eventually executed.

2 Configuration

Microflows or Java actions can be scheduled to run in the background when they are initiated using a Call Microflow or Call Java Action action in Studio Pro, or through the Mendix Runtime Java API.

2.1 Tasks Running in Task Queues

2.1.1 Process Flow When Adding a Task to a Task Queue

Scheduling a microflow or Java action to be executed returns immediately. The task will be executed somewhere in the cluster, as soon as possible after the transaction in which it was called completes.

Because the task is executed in the background, there is no return value. You can only find out if the task ran successfully. For information on how to do that, see Interfacing the Queue, below.

2.1.2 Where Do the Tasks Run?

In a single node scenario, the tasks in a task queue will simply be executed on the single node.

In a clustered setting, the Mendix runtime distributes these tasks transparently throughout the cluster. Should a cluster node be shutdown or fail halfway during executing a task, then the remaining cluster nodes will pick it up (eventually, when the node is detected to be down) and re-execute it. This happens automatically and does not need to be managed.

You can control how many tasks can run in parallel on each node or in the whole cluster when you create your task queue. See Creating Task Queues, below, for more information.

2.1.3 Context in Task Queues

For microflows and Java actions which are running in a task queue, the conditions in which the task runs changes slightly in the following ways:

  • Only committed persistable entities can be passed as parameters to the task. Passing a persistable New or Changed entity produces a runtime error. Basically, this means an entity must have been committed previously or is committed in the same transaction in which the task is created.
  • The task is not executed immediately. The task is added only to a task queue when (and if) the transaction from which it has been scheduled ends successfully. At that point any cluster node may pick it up.
  • If the execution fails with an exception, the failure is logged in the System.ProcessedQueueTask table.

2.2 Creating Task Queues

Background execution is done in so called Task Queues. They can be created in Studio Pro as follows:

  1. Right click on a module or folder.
  2. Select Add other.
  3. Click Task Queue.
  4. Enter the value for Threads for the Task Queue.
  5. Select the Scope for the threads:
    • with “Per Node” the maximum thread count will be limited per node. When this option is selected, adding new nodes to the cluster will also increase the total thread count in overall cluster.
    • with “Cluster-wide” the maximum thread count will be limited cluster-wide. When this option is selected, total thread count in the cluster will be fixed and adding/removing new nodes will not have any impact on the thread count.

Task Queues have a number of threads. Each of these threads can process one task at a time. That is, a queue will pick up as many concurrent tasks as it has threads. Whenever a task is finished, the next one will be picked up.

2.2.1 Thread Count Recommendation

In general, one or two threads should be enough, unless there is a large number of tasks or tasks take a long time and need to execute in parallel. Having many threads will put additional load on the database and should not be done if not needed.

When choosing the number of threads for a task queue, use the following guidelines:

  • If there are only a few tasks use a single thread.
  • If the tasks perform only calculations and perform no blocking calls, use no more threads than the available number of cores.
  • Only use more threads than the available number of cores if there are a lot of tasks and they perform blocking calls.
  • Keep in mind that using more threads than the number of cores will require additional scheduling and will not necessarily improve the queued task throughput.

2.3 Queueing Microflow Executions

2.3.1 In Studio Pro

In Studio Pro, a Call Microflow activity can start a microflow in a Task Queue.

  1. Edit the Call Microflow activity.
  2. Check the box Execute this Microflow in a Task Queue.
  3. Set Select Task Queue to the task queue in which the microflow should be executed.
  4. (optionally) Select an automatic retry strategy:
    • with “Fixed retry” the retries will be performed after the given delay, up to the given number of attempts.
    • with “Exponential retry” the length of the delay between the retries is doubled for each retry, up to the given maximum interval.

2.3.2 Through the API

The Core class in com.mendix.core contains a method microflowCall. It can be used to schedule a microflow for background execution as in the following example:

  .withParam("Param1", "Value1")
  .withParam("Param2", "Value2")
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName");

The method executeInBackground takes two parameters: a context and a queue name. The context is only used for creating the task; executing the task will be done with a new, but equivalent context. See the API documentation for more information.

2.4 Queueing Java Action Executions

2.4.1 In Studio Pro

In Studio Pro, a Call Java action activity can start a Java action in a Task Queue.

  1. Edit the Call Java Action activity.
  2. Check the box Execute this Java action in a Task Queue.
  3. Set Select Task Queue to the task queue in which the Java action should be executed.

2.4.2 Through the API

The Core class in com.mendix.core contains a method userActionCall. It can be used to schedule a Java action for background execution as in the following example:

  .withParams(context, "Value1", "Value2")
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName");

The method executeInBackground takes two parameters: a context and a queue name. The context is only used for creating the task; executing the task will be done with a new, but equivalent context. See the API documentation for more information.

2.5 Task scheduling

It is possible to schedule a task to be executed at a specified date/time. This can be done through the API, for instance:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); // add 1 day to the current date
Date date = calendar.getTime();
  .withParam("Param1", "Value1")
  .withParam("Param2", "Value2")
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName", date);
  .withParams(context, "Value1", "Value2")
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName", date);
// the tasks will be executed 1 day from this point in time

2.6 Retry on Failure

It is possible to automatically retry a task when it fails. The following options are available:

  1. Retry with a fixed delay – specify the maximum number of attempts and the wait time between each attempt.
  2. Retry with an exponentially increasing delay – specify the maximum number of attempts and the wait time before the first retry. The wait time will double after each failed retry up to a maximum. You can specify this maximum, if you don’t specify a maximum the default is 1 day.

Each attempt will produce its own System.ProcessedQueueTask entry. These entries will all have the same sequence number because they refer to the same task.

The retry mechanism can be activated through the API, for instance:

  .withRetry(10, Duration.ofSeconds(3))
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName");
  .withExponentialRetry(8, Duration.ofSeconds(3), Duration.ofMinutes(1))
  .executeInBackground(context, "AModule.SomeQueueName");

Retries can also be combined with scheduling using the API.

2.7 Configuration Options

The period for a graceful shutdown of queues can be configured as a custom runtime setting in Studio Pro.

Configuration option Example value Explanation
TaskQueue.ShutdownGracePeriod 10000 Time in ms to wait for task to finish when shutting down.
com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupAge 86400000 Time in ms after which ProcessedQueueTask are deleted automatically (by default this is 365 days for projects migrated from Mendix 9 and 7 days for new projects or projects with an empty database.).
com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupBatchSize 10000 Specifies how many System.ProcessedQueueTask objects will be removed from the database each time the ProcessedTask cleanup action runs.
This setting was introduced in Mendix version 10.9.0

2.8 Interfacing the Queue

Besides scheduling and executing tasks, the Mendix Platform keeps track of tasks that have been executed in the background: for example, which completed and which failed.

Internally, a scheduled or running task is represented by the Mendix entity System.QueuedTask. In a high performance setting, this entity should not be used directly by user code, because the underlying database table is heavily used. For example counting how many System.QueuedTask objects exist at the moment will perform a table scan and might cause a serious slowdown in task processing. You should also not Write directly to System.QueuedTask. Instead, mark a task for background execution in the Call Microflow or Call Java Action activity or using the Mendix Runtime Java API.

Tasks that have been processed, that is have completed or failed, are saved as objects of entity type System.ProcessedQueueTask. These objects are at the user’s disposal. They might be used, for example, to do the following:

  1. Verify that tasks have run successfully, or
  2. Debug the application in case of errors.

See Cleaning Up Old Processed Tasks for details about the cleanup of System.ProcessedQueueTask objects in the database.

2.9 Execution Context

Tasks now run in an equivalent context to the one in which they were scheduled. This has the following effect:

In case where Apply entity access is set to true, the following rules apply:

  • When a user is logged in, the task will be executed in a new context for the same named user. This context will be the same as if the user is logged in.
  • When no user is logged in, the task will be executed in a new anonymous context. This context will be for a new anonymous user with the same language and time zone as the original user.

There is one exception to the above rules:

  • When a system context is used to schedule the task using the Mendix Runtime Java API, the task will be executed in a new system context, regardless of the Apply entity access setting.

2.10 Task Status

The Status attribute of System.QueuedTask and System.ProcessedQueueTask reflects the state that a background task is in. The values are:

  • Idle: The task was created and is waiting to be executed.
  • Running: The task is being executed.
  • Completed: The task executed successfully. A System.ProcessedQueueTask is added to reflect this.
  • Failed: The task is no longer executing, because an exception occurred. A System.ProcessedQueueTask containing the exception is added to reflect the failure. The task will not be retried.
  • Retrying: Same as Failed but the task will be retried.
  • Aborted: The task is no longer executing, because the cluster node that was executing it went down. A System.ProcessedQueueTask is added to reflect this. The task will be retried on another cluster node.
  • Incompatible: The task never executed, because the model changed in such a way that it cannot be executed anymore. This could be because the microflow was removed/renamed, the arguments were changed or the Task Queue was removed.

2.11 Model Changes

During the startup of the Mendix runtime, there is a check to ensure that scheduled tasks in the database fit the current model. The following conditions are checked:

  • that the microflows exist
  • that the parameters match
  • that the queue exists

If any of these condition checks fail, tasks are moved to System.ProcessedQueueTask with Status Incompatible. The Runtime will only start after all scheduled tasks have been checked. This should in general not take very long, even if there are thousands of tasks.

2.12 Shutdown

During shutdown, the TaskQueueExecutors will stop accepting new tasks. Running tasks are allowed a grace period to finish. After this period, the runtime will send an interrupt to all task threads that are still running and again allow a grace period for them to finish. After the second grace period the runtime just continues shutting down, eventually aborting the execution of the tasks. The aborted tasks will be reset, so that they are re-executed later or on another cluster node. In development mode, the first grace period is shortened to 1 second.

2.13 Cleaning Up Old Processed Tasks

The execution of a task produces a System.ProcessedQueueTask object in the database. Over time these accumulate and the table can grow large.

The System.ProcessedQueueTask can be cleaned up automatically by specifying the com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupAge runtime setting. This setting specifies (in milliseconds) how old objects in the table have to be before they are automatically cleaned up. Only objects with the “Completed” status are cleaned up. The cleanup action will be run every ClusterManagerActionInterval, and does not produce any log messages. The cleanup action will remove 10000 objects each time it runs. In Mendix 10.9.0 and later, this can be configured with the com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupBatchSize runtime setting.

3 Monitoring

3.1 Logging

A Log Node named Queue exists specifically for all actions related to Task Queues.

4 Other

Executing Find usages on a task queue only finds the occurrences of that queue in microflows.

4.1 Tasks Queue Helper

You can use the Task Queue Helpers module in the Mendix Marketplace to help you to implement Task Queues. It contains the following:

  • Pages that can be used to monitor task queues
  • Microflows that can do basic maintenance tasks

4.2 Limitations

Task queues have the following limitations:

  • Microflows or Java actions that are executed in the background execute as soon as possible in the order they were created, but possibly in parallel. They are consumed in FIFO order, but then executed in parallel in case of multiple threads. If you want to ensure that only a single microflow or action is executed at any point in time, you can do this by creating a Tasks Queue with a cluster wide scope and a single thread.
  • Microflows or Java actions that are executed in the background can only use the following types of parameters: Boolean, Integer/Long, Decimal, String, Date and time, Enumeration, committed Persistent Entity.
  • Background microflows or Java actions will start execution as soon as the transaction in which they are created is completed. This ensures that any data that is needed by the background microflow or Java action is committed as well. It is not possible to start a background microflow or Java action immediately, halfway during a transaction. Note that if the transaction is rolled back, the task is not executed at all.

4.3 Behavior If App Stops Unexpectedly

If your app stops unexpectedly, a task can be left in a running state. This means that the retry on failure mechanism will not be triggered as the task does not appear to have failed.

However, within 30 minutes of your app being restarted, the Mendix runtime will see that the task is no longer owned (see High-Level Implementation Overview, below) and will reschedule the tasks. This means that you will not see your tasks immediately restarted after an unexpected stop, but they will be restarted a few minutes later.

4.4 High-Level Implementation Overview

Tasks are stored in the database in a System.QueuedTask table. For each background task a new object is inserted with a Sequence number, Status = Idle, QueueName, QueueId, MicroflowName or UserActionName, Arguments, ContextType, ContextData, and System.owner of the task. This happens as part of the transaction which calls the microflow or Java action and places it in the task queue, which means that the task will not be visible in the database until that transaction completes successfully.

The tasks are then consumed by executors that perform a SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKS SQL statement, that will try to claim the next free task. The SKIP LOCKS clause will skip over any tasks that are already locked for update by other executors. The corresponding UPDATE changes the Status to Running and sets the owner of the task in the XASId and ThreadId attributes.

After the task has been executed, it is moved to be an object of the System.ProcessedQueueTask entity with Status Completed or Failed. If the task failed with an exception, this is included in the ErrorMessage attribute.

Arguments are stored in the Arguments attribute as JSON values. Arguments can be any primitive type (variable)or a committed persistent object, which is included in the Arguments field by its Mendix identifier. Upon execution of the task, the corresponding object is retrieved from the database using the Mendix identifier. For this reason the persistent object must be committed before the task executes, because otherwise a runtime exception will occur.

When a node crashes, this is eventually detected by another cluster node, because it no longer updates its heartbeat timestamp. At this point the other node will reset all tasks that were running on the crashed node. The reset performs the following actions:

  • create a copy of the task as a System.ProcessedQueueTask object with Status = Aborted
  • set the Status back to Idle
  • increment the Retried field
  • clear the XASId and ThreadId fields

The task will then automatically be consumed again by one of the remaining nodes in the cluster. Effectively, this means that a task is guaranteed to be executed at least once.