Portfolio Settings

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

On the Portfolio Settings page, you can manage the portfolio settings, such as editing portfolio details and changing privacy settings, and you can also delete portfolios.

2 Changing Portfolio Settings

On the Portfolio Settings page, Portfolio Managers can change the following settings:

  • Portfolio Name – Click Edit Portfolio Details to change the portfolio name.

  • Portfolio Description – Click Edit Portfolio Details to change the portfolio description.

  • Privacy Settings – You can set the settings to Private, Restricted, or Open. For details on privacy settings, see the Different Privacy Settings of a Portfolio section.

  • Stages – Click Move Up ( ) or Move Down ( ) to move a stage upwards or downwards.

  • Prioritization Model

  • Currency

  • Departments

  • Locations

  • Countries

  • Scope Estimation - Use Cases

  • Expected Value - Types

To delete or edit an existing option for a setting, hover over the option to show the Delete button ( ) or the Edit button ( ) at the end of the row, and then click the corresponding button.

To add an option for a setting, click Add Department, Add Country, Add Stage, Add Use Case, or Add Value Type below the corresponding list.

3 Deleting a Portfolio

  1. On the Portfolio Settings page, click Delete at the bottom of the page. The Delete Portfolio Dialog box opens.
  2. Read the warning carefully. Deleting a portfolio means that you permanently delete the portfolio, including all the data in it. This change cannot be reverted.
  3. If you decide to continue, type DELETE in the text box.
  4. Click Delete. The portfolio is permanently deleted.