Amazon Textract

Last modified: July 9, 2024

1 Introduction

The Amazon Textract connector provides a way for you to enrich your Mendix app with the capability to extract text, handwriting and data from documents by implementing Amazon Textract.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

Amazon Textract helps improve your app by giving you the tools to extract data from documents in a structured manner. For example, you can use it to extract business data from handwritten documents, or patient data from intake forms.

1.2 Prerequisites

The Amazon Textract connector requires Mendix Studio Pro 9.18.0 or above.

To authenticate with Amazon Web Service (AWS), you must also install and configure the AWS authentication connector. From Amazon Textract Connector version 2.0.0 on, AWS Authentication 3.0.0 or newer is required. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS Authentication connector, see AWS Authentication.

1.3 Licensing and Cost

This connector is available as a free download from the Mendix Marketplace, but the AWS service to which is connects may incur a usage cost. For more information, refer to AWS documentation.

Depending on your use case, your deployment environment, and the type of app that you want to build, you may also need a license for your Mendix app. For more information, refer to Licensing Apps.

2 Installation

Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the Amazon Textract connector into your app.

3 Configuration

After you install the connector, you can find it in the App Explorer, in the AmazonTextractConnector section. The connector provides a domain model and several activities that you can use to connect your app to Amazon Textract. Each activity can be implemented by using it in a microflow. To ensure that your app can connect to the AWS service, you must also configure AWS authentication for the connector.

3.1 Configuring AWS Authentication

In order to use the Amazon Textract service, you must authenticate with AWS. To do so, you must set up a configuration profile in your Mendix app. After you set up the configuration profile, the connector module handles the authentication internally.

As of version 3.0.0 of the AWS Authentication Connector, all the resources and logic required to set up authentication are centralized inside the AWS Authentication Connector module.

The AWS Authentication Connector supports both static credentials and temporary credentials. For more information and detailed instructions please refer to the AWS Authentication Connector documentation page.

3.2 Configuring a Microflow for an AWS Service

After setting up the authentication, to analyze a document, implement the AnalyzeDocument activity by doing the following steps:

  1. In the Domain Model, right-click on the work area, and then click Add entity.

  2. Enter a name for your entity, for example, Document, and then click OK.

  3. Double-click the Document entity, select the generalization FileDocument, and then click OK.

  4. In the Document entity, find the Access rules tab.

  5. Create new access rules by doing the following steps:

    1. Click New.
    2. Select a user role, and then select the checkboxes Allow creating new objects and Allow deleting existing objects.
    3. Set the access rights for Name, DeleteAfterDownload and Contents to Read/write
    4. Set the remaining access rights to Read.
  6. In the App Explorer, right-click on the name of your module, click Add page, and then select the Grid template.

  7. Enter a name for your page, for example, Document_Overview, and then click OK.

  8. In the Properties pane of Document_Overview, in the Navigation section, select Visible for for a user role (see the Properties section of Page Properties).

  9. Configure your page by doing the following steps:

    1. Open the page.
    2. Double-click on the data grid.
    3. In the Data source tab, select the Document entity.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Confirm that you want to automatically fill the contents of the data grid.
  10. Create a page where your users can enter data for the app by doing the following steps:

    1. Right-click the New button in the data grid.
    2. Click Generate page.
    3. Enter a name for your page, for example, Document_NewEdit.
    4. Click OK.
  11. In the Properties pane of Document_NewEdit, in the Navigation section, select Visible for for a user role (see the Properties section of Page Properties).

  12. In the App Explorer, right-click on the name of your module, and then click Add microflow.

  13. Enter a name for your microflow, for example, ACT_AnalyzeDocument, and then click OK.

  14. Add an input parameter of the Document entity to the ACT_AnalyzeDocument microflow.

  15. In the properties pane of ACT_AnalyzeDocument, under Security, assign a user role to Allow roles.

  16. In the App Explorer, in the AWSAuthentication section, find the GetStaticCredentials and GetTemporaryCredentials microflows.

  17. Drag the one you would like to use to your microflow.

  18. In the Toolbox pane, search for the Create object activity and drag it onto the microflow area.

  19. Configure the Create object activity by doing the following steps:

    1. Double-click the activity.
    2. Select the AnalyzeDocumentRequest entity.
  20. Add another Create object activity, and select the AnalyzeDocFeatureType entity.

  21. Set its Value attribute to ENUM_FeatureType.FORMS and the AnalyzeDocFeatureType_AnalyzeDocumentRequest association to the AnalyzeDocumentRequest object created in step 2.

  22. In the Toolbox pane, in the AmazonTextractConnector section, find the AnalyzeDocument activity.

  23. Drag the AnalyzeDocument activity onto the work area of your microflow between the Create object activities and the microflow end event.

  24. Configure the AnalyzeDocument activity by doing the following steps:

    1. Double-click the activity.
    2. Set the values for AWS_Region, AnalyzeDocumentRequest, and the FileDocument parameter.
    3. Click OK.
  25. In the Toolbox pane, search for the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow and drag it onto the microflow area.

  26. Position the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow between the AnalyzeDocument activity and the microflow end event.

  27. Configure the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow by doing the following steps:

    1. Double-click the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow.
    2. Set the AnalyzeDocumentResponse parameter.
    3. Click OK.
  28. In the Toolbox pane, find the List operation activity.

  29. Drag the activity onto the microflow area between the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow and the end event.

  30. Configure the List operation activity by doing the following steps:

    1. Double-click the activity.
    2. Select Head as the operation.
    3. Select the list that the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow returns.
  31. Create a page with a data view of the Page entity, and configure the page to display the specialized BlockItem model.

  32. In the Toolbox pane, find the Show page activity.

  33. Drag the activity onto the microflow area between the List operation* activity and the end event.

  34. Configure the Show page activity by doing the following steps:

    1. Double-click the activity
    2. Select the page with a data view of the Page entity.
    3. Set the Page parameter
    4. Click OK.
  35. On the Document_Overview page, right-click the Delete button and add an Action button.

  36. Right-click the Action button, and select the ACT_AnalyzeDocument microflow as the on-click action.

4 Technical Reference

To help you work with the Amazon Textract connector, the following sections of this document list the available entities, enumerations, and activities that you can use in your application.

4.1 Domain Model

The domain model is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more information, see Domain Model.

Name Description
Block This generalization entity holds information for items that are recognized in a document within a group of pixels close to each other. The attribute it contains are BlockType, ColumnIndex, ColumnSpan, Confidence, EntityTypes, _Id, Page, RowIndex, RowSpan, SelectionStatus, Text and TextType. The BlockType describes the type of text item that’s recognized, the ColumnIndex describes the column in which a table appears the first column position is 1, the second column position is 2 and so on), the ColumnSpan describes the number of columns that a table cell spans, the Confidence describes the score that Amazon Textract has in the accuracy of the recognized text, the EntityTypes describes the type of entity, the Page describes the page on which a block was detected, the RowIndex describes the row in which a table cell is located (the first row position is 1, the second row position is 2, and so on), the RowSpan describes the number of rows that a table cell spans, the SelectionStatus describes the selection status of a selection element (such as an option, radio or checkbox), the Text describes the word or line of text that is recognized by Amazon Textract and TextType describes the kind of text that Amazon Textract has detected (handwritten/printed). Additionally, this entity contains a list of Relationship objects, a specialized Geometry object (BlockGeometry) and if the action involved a query a QueryBlock object.
Geometry This generalization entity holds information for the location of identified information on a document page: detected page, text, key-value pairs, tables, table cells and selection elements. Additionally, it contains a list of Point objects and a BoundingBox object.
Point This entity holds information of the location of a fine-grained polygon of a recognized item. The attribute it contains are X and Y. The X describes the X-coordinate for a point on a polygon and the Y describes the Y-coordinate for a point on a polygon.
BoundingBox This entity holds information for an axis-aligned coarse representation of the location of the recognized item on the document page. The attribute it contains are Height, Left, Top and Width. The Height describes height of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall document page height, the Left describes the left coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall document page width, the Top describes the top coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall document page height and Width describes the width of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall document page width.
Relationship Contains the relationship type of a block entity to another block entity This entity holds information about how blocks are related to each other. The attribute it contains is RelationshipType which describes the type of relationships for all blocks in the BlockId’s array. This is represented as a list of BlockId objects.
BlockId This entity holds information for blocks that are related by each other. The attribute it contains is _Id which reflects the identification of the block.
QueryBlock This entity holds information for the results of the search query. The attribute it contains is Text which describes the value matched to the search query. Additionally, it contains a list of PagesSearched objects.
PagesSearched This entity holds information for identifying which pages have been searched.
ExpenseField This generalization entity holds information for the detected information, separated into categories Type, LabelDetection and ValueDetection. The attribute it contains is PageNumber which describes the page number on which the value was detected. Additionally, it contains a list of GroupProperty objects, a specialized ExpenseDetection object (both ExpenseDetectionLabel and ExpenseDetectionValue), an ExpenseType object and a Currency object.
Currency This entity holds information for the detected currency. The attribute it contains are Code and Confidence. The Code describes the currency code for the detected currency (USD for dollars, EUR for euro, and so on) and the Confidence describes the percentual confidence of the detected currency.
ExpenseType This entity holds information about the detected expense type. The attribute it contains are Text and Confidence. The Text describes the detected word or line and the Confidence describes the percentual confidence in the detection.
GroupProperty This entity holds information for showing the group that a certain key belongs to. The attribute it contains is _id which describes the group identification number which will be the same for each member of the group. Additionally, it contains a list of ExpenseGroupPropertyType objects.
ExpenseGroupPropertyType This entity holds information for distinguishing whether the expense group is a name or an address. The attribute it contains is _Type.
ExpenseDetection This generalization entity holds information for describing the detected expenses. The attribute it contains are Text and Confidence. The Text describes the word or line of text that is detected and the Confidence describes the percentual confidence in the text’s detection. Additionally, it contains a specialized Geometry object (AnalyzeExpenseGeometry).
FeatureType This entity holds information about the type of analysis that should be executed. It contains the attribute Value which specifies the feature type value of type enumeration.
Warning This entity holds information about the warnings that have been sent along with a GetDocumentAnalysisResponse or a GetExpenseAnalysisResponse. It contains an ErrorCode attribute which specifies the error code of the warning. It has a list of PageNumber objects associated.
PageNumber This entity holds information about the PageNumber to which the associated Warning object refers.
RequestQuery This entity holds information about the question which Textract should apply to the document. The Text attribute holds the question. It has a list of PagesToSearch objects associated.
PagesToSearch This entity holds information about the StartPage and EndPage to which the associated Query will be applied.
AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse This entity is the generalization of the response entities of the AnalyzeDocument and GetDocumentAnalysis actions. It contains the part of the responses that are shared between those actions. Most importantly, it has a list of type DocumentAnalysisBlock associated. A specialization of this object should be used as an input parameter of the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults microflow. This way, the responses from both the AnalyzeDocument and the GetDocumentAnalysis actions can be used by as input parameters.
DocumentAnalysisBlock This entity is a specialization of the Block entity and holds the blocks returned by AnalyzeDocument and the GetDocumentAnalysis actions.
NotificationChannel This entity holds information about the Amazon SNS topic ARN that you want Amazon Textract to publish the completion status of the operation to.
DocumentLocation This entity holds information about the S3 location of the document to be processed.
OutputConfig This entity holds information about if the output will go to a customer defined bucket. By default, Amazon Textract will save the results internally to be accessed by the GetDocumentAnalysis operation.

4.2 Enumerations

An enumeration is a predefined list of values that can be used as an attribute type. For more information, see Enumerations.

4.2.1 RelationshipType

This enumeration indicates the relationship between the current block and the other blocks in the array. For more information about the enumeration members, see RelationshipType in the AWS API documentation.

Name Caption

4.2.2 TextType

This enumeration indicates the type of text that is scanned. For more information about the enumeration members, see TextType in the AWS API documentation.

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4.2.3 EntityTypes

For more information about the enumeration members, see EntityType in the AWS API documentation.

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4.2.4 BlockType

This enumeration describes the current block. For more information about the enumeration members, see BlockType in the AWS API documentation.

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4.2.5 SelectionStatus

This enumeration indicates the selection status of the block. For more information about the enumeration members, see SelectionStatus in the AWS API documentation.

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4.2.6 FeatureTypes

This enumeration holds the available types of analysis to perform. For more information, see Feature Types in the AWS API documentation.

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4.2.7 JobStatus

This enumeration indicates the status of the document analysis job as part of the GetDocumentAnalysisResponse. For more information, see Job Status in the AWS API documentation.

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4.3 Activities

Activities define the actions that are executed in a microflow or a nanoflow. For the Amazon Textract connector, they represent actions such as analyzing a document or expense. For more information, see Activities.

To help you work with multi-page PDF files, you can use the JA_SplitPdfPages helper action to split a PDF File with multiple pages into a list of single-page PDFs. The action also supports extracting only a subset of the pages.

You can use the action for use cases such as the following:

  • Splitting a two-pager PDF into two one-pagers and using the synchronous AnalyzeDocument action on both.
  • Removing a cover page that does not contain information of interest from a document.
  • When working with a large PDF file, extracting a small subset of pages (for example, only pages 10-12), which contain the information to analyze.

4.3.1 AnalyzeDocument

The AnalyzeDocument Amazon Textract action allows you to analyze documents and extract information from them. It requires a valid AWS region, a AnalyzeDocumentRequest object and a specialized System.FileDocument object in PNG, JPEG, PDF, or TIFF format. It additionally requires at least one AnalyzeDocFeatureType object. If the Feature Type QUERIES is part of the request, it additionally requires a AnalyzeDocRequestQuery object.

The current version of the Amazon Textract Connector support the following Feature Types: TABLES, FORMS, QUERIES and SIGNATURES. Adding the Feature Type LAYOUT to the request is currently not supported and can cause errors.

Additionally, you can use the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults sub-flow. This will process the response from Amazon Textract into the specialized BlockItem model.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
AnalyzeDocumentRequest (Object) AnalyzeDocumentResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
FileDocument (Object)

This activity returns a AnalyzeDocumentResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
AnalyzeDocumentResponse AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument action. It contains a list of specialized Block objects (AnalyzeDocumentBlock).
DocumentAnalysisBlock AmazonTextractConnector.Block This entity holds information for items that are recognized in a document within a group of pixels close to each other. The attribute it contains are BlockType, ColumnIndex, ColumnSpan, Confidence, EntityTypes, _Id, Page, RowIndex, RowSpan, SelectionStatus, Text and TextType. The BlockType describes the type of text item that’s recognized, the ColumnIndex describes the column in which a table appears the first column position is 1, the second column position is 2 and so on), the ColumnSpan describes the number of columns that a table cell spans, the Confidence describes the score that Amazon Textract has in the accuracy of the recognized text, the EntityTypes describes the type of entity, the Page describes the page on which a block was detected, the RowIndex describes the row in which a table cell is located (the first row position is 1, the second row position is 2, and so on), the RowSpan describes the number of rows that a table cell spans, the SelectionStatus describes the selection status of a selection element (such as an option, radio or checkbox), the Text describes the word or line of text that’s recognized by Amazon Textract and TextType describes the kind of text that Amazon Textract has detected (handwritten/printed). Additionally, this entity contains a list of Relationship objects, a QueryBlock object and a specialized Geometry object (BlockGeometry).

4.3.2 AnalyzeExpense

The AnalyzeExpense Amazon Textract action allows you to analyze expense documents and extract information from them. It requires a valid AWS region, a AnalyzeExpenseRequest object and a specialized System.FileDocument object in PNG, JPEG, PDF, or TIFF format.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
AnalyzeExpenseRequest (Object) AnalyzeDocumentResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
FileDocument (Object)

This activity returns an AnalyzeExpenseResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
AnalyzeExpenseResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract AnalyzeExpense action. The attribute it contains is PageCount which describes the number of pages that are detected in the document. Additionally, it contains a list of ExpenseDocument, each of which contains a list of SummaryFields, LineItemGroups and AnalyzeExpenseBlocks.
ExpenseDocument This entity holds information for regarding the document. The attribute it contains is ExpenseIndex, which describes which invoice or receipt in the document the information is coming from (1 refers to the first document, 2 refers to the second document, and so on).
SummaryField AmazonTextractConnector.ExpenseField This specialized entity holds information for the detected non-expense related information, separated into categories Type, LabelDetection and ValueDetection. The attribute it contains is PageNumber which describes the page number on which the value was detected. Additionally, it contains a list of GroupProperty objects, a specialized ExpenseDetection object (both ExpenseDetectionLabel and ExpenseDetectionValue), an ExpenseType object and a Currency object.
LineItemGroup This entity holds information for a grouping of tables which contain LineItems. The attribute it contains is LineItemGroupIndex which describes which table was detected (1 represents the first encountered table, 2 represent the second encountered table, and so on).
LineItemField This entity holds information for a line within the given document’s table.
LineItemExpenseField AmazonTextractConnector.ExpenseField This specialized entity holds information for the detected expense-related information, separated into categories Type, LabelDetection and ValueDetection. The attribute it contains is PageNumber, which describes the page number on which the value was detected. Additionally, it contains a list of GroupProperty objects, a specialized ExpenseDetection object (both ExpenseDetectionLabel and ExpenseDetectionValue), an ExpenseType object, and a Currency object.
AnalyzeExpenseBlock AmazonTextractConnector.Block This entity holds information for items that are recognized in a document within a group of pixels close to each other. The attributes it contains are BlockType, ColumnIndex, ColumnSpan, Confidence, EntityTypes, _Id, Page, RowIndex, RowSpan, SelectionStatus, Text and TextType. The BlockType describes the type of text item that’s recognized, the ColumnIndex describes the column in which a table appears the first column position is 1, the second column position is 2 and so on), the ColumnSpan describes the number of columns that a table cell spans, the Confidence describes the score that Amazon Textract has in the accuracy of the recognized text, the EntityTypes describes the type of entity, the Page describes the page on which a block was detected, the RowIndex describes the row in which a table cell is located (the first row position is 1, the second row position is 2, and so on), the RowSpan describes the number of rows that a table cell spans, the SelectionStatus describes the selection status of a selection element (such as an option, radio or checkbox), the Text describes the word or line of text that’s recognized by Amazon Textract and TextType describes the kind of text that Amazon Textract has detected (handwritten or printed). Additionally, this entity contains a list of Relationship objects and a specialized Geometry object (BlockGeometry).

4.3.3 StartDocumentAnalysis

The StartDocumentAnalysis Amazon Textract action allows you to analyze multi-page documents asynchronously and extract information from them. It requires a valid AWS region, a Credentials object, a StartDocumentAnalysisRequest object, and a S3DocumentLocation object. It additionally requires at least one AsynchronousFeatureType object. If the Feature Type QUERIES is part of the request, it additionally requires a AsnychronousRequestQuery object to specify the query.

The current version of the Amazon Textract Connector support the following Feature Types: TABLES, FORMS, QUERIES and SIGNATURES. Adding the Feature Type LAYOUT to the request is currently not supported and can cause errors.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
StartDocumentAnalysisRequest (Object) StartDocumentAnalysisResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
Credentials (Object)

This activity returns a AnalyzeDocumentResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
StartDocumentAnalysisResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract StartDocumentAnalyis action. It contains a JobId attribute, which can be used by the GetDocumentAnalysis action to retrieve the results once they have been processed by the Textract service

4.3.4 GetDocumentAnalysis

The GetDocumentAnalysis Amazon Textract action allows you to retrieve the analysis results that have been invoked by the StartDocumentAnalysis action. It requires a valid AWS region, a Credentials object, and a GetDocumentAnalysisRequest object.

Additionally, you can use the AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse_ProcessResults sub-flow. This will process the response from Amazon Textract into the specialized BlockItem model.

Input Output
GetDocumentAnalysisRequest (Object) GetDocumentAnalysisResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
Credentials (object)

This activity returns a GetDocumentAnalysisResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
GetDocumentAnalysisResponse AbstractDocumentAnalysisResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract GetDocumentAnalyis action. It holds information about the JobStatus. If too many Blocks were found, it contains a NextToken that can be used to retrieve the next batch of results.
GetDocumentAnalysisWarning Warning This entity holds information about the warnings that were sent as part of the response, and the pages to which they apply.

4.3.5 StartExpenseAnalysis

The StartExpenseAnalysis Amazon Textract action allows you to analyze multi-page documents asynchronously and extract expense information from them. It requires a valid AWS region, a Credentials object, a StartExpenseAnalysisRequest object, and a S3DocumentLocation object.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
StartExpenseAnalysisRequest (Object) StartExpenseAnalysisResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
Credentials (object)

This activity returns a StartExpenseAnalysisResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
StartExpenseAnalysisResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract StartExpenseAnalyis action. It contains a JobId attribute, which can be used by the GetExpenseAnalysis action to retrieve the results once they have been processed by the Textract service

4.3.6 GetExpenseAnalysis

The GetExpenseAnalysis Amazon Textract action allows you to retrieve the expense analysis results that have been invoked by the StartExpenseAnalysis action. It requires a valid AWS region, a Credentials object, and a GetExpenseAnalysisRequest object.

Input Output
GetExpenseAnalysisRequest (Object) GetExpenseAnalysisResponse (Object)
AWS_Region (Enumeration)
Credentials (object)

This activity returns a GetExpenseAnalysisResponse object with objects from the following entities, as shown in the table below:

Name Generalization Documentation
GetExpenseAnalysisResponse This entity is the response for the Amazon Textract GetExpenseAnalyis action. It holds information about the JobStatus. If too many Blocks were found, it contains a NextToken that can be used to retrieve the next batch of results.
AsyncExpenseDocument ExpenseDocument This entity (and its associated entities) hold information about the extracted Expense data per page.
ExpenseAnalysisWarning Warning This entity holds information about the warnings that were sent as part of the response, and the pages to which they apply.