Mendix Profile

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

Your Mendix Profile is your main point of contact with members of the Mendix community. It displays your activities on the Mendix Platform and details about your background. To get more involved in the Mendix community, your profile is the best place to start.

You can access your Mendix profile by clicking your picture in the upper-right corner of any page in the Mendix Portal (for example, Apps, the Mendix Marketplace,Control Center) and then selecting See Your Profile.

Your profile header displays a quick overview of information about you. Your Mendix experience in level and points, your number of credits, and your number of connections are all found here. You can also select up to four featured badges to display your progress on the Mendix Platform. If you have a certificate from the Mendix Academy, this will also be displayed. The Personal Info card presents other information.

You can edit your Mendix profile by clicking the settings ( ) icon on the upper-right corner.

3 Overview and Stats

Your profile opens to the Overview tab, which shows you at a quick glance how you are doing on the platform. You can see the following:

  • Stats
  • Badges in progress and the next badges to work towards
  • Assigned challenge
  • Personal information
  • Invitations
  • Position on the leaderboard
  • Portfolio

The first profile card below the header presents your Stats, which are your points divided between Mendix products and activities:

4 Badges

In addition to the Stats chart, on the Overview tab you gain an overview of your Badges. These badges represent your achievements and progress on the Mendix Platform. You can see your Badges in Progress as well as Next Badges. The badges are color-coded based from green (least rare), to blue, purple, and orange (most rare).

To see all your badges as well as the badges you can work towards, click View all to go to the Badges tab of your profile. On that tab, you can select up to four badges from the Earned badges section to make visible in your profile header by clicking Select as featured.

The percentage on the card of the Badges in progress shows how far you have come to earn that particular badge. If the badge is a multi-level badge, only the highest completed badge is shown, so don’t get distracted while earning it!

5 Challenges

The Challenge card presents a featured challenge you can complete to gain credits. You can use the credits in the Mendix Shop to order low-code t-shirts or other Mendix swag. Some challenges are going to be easy for you, whilst others might be harder to complete!

Click View All to go to the Challenges tab of your profile. This tab presents more details on the challenge steps, the time left, and how many credits you can earn with them. You can complete these activities in any order you like.

When you complete a challenge, click Claim Credits to claim the Mendix credits. You can then spend your credits on cool items in the Mendix Shop.

6 Connections

One of the greatest strengths of Mendix is our awesome developers community, and the Connections card is the perfect place to start connecting to other Mendix developers. When you get an invitation to connect, you can check out their profile and decide whether to accept or ignore it.

You can also see a list of people you may know so that you can add further connections to your profile. To connect with someone, click the plus icon to send an invitation.

Clicking View All on the card will bring you to the Connections tab of your profile. On this tab, you can invite friends and colleagues to Mendix in two ways:

  • Share URL – copy the personalized invite link and share it directly
  • Send Invite – send someone a Mendix invite by entering their email address

7 Leaderboard

This card on your profile presents your points and ranking for the last 30 days:

Leaderboard example

Clicking View All takes you to the Leaderboards page, where you can view leaders per category, for the whole Mendix Platform, or for your company only.

You can climb the leaderboard by earning points through various activities on the Mendix Platform. For example, let’s say you have some time to spare while your app is deploying. You get a cup of coffee and check out the Mendix Community. One questions pops out because you came across a similar problem a few weeks back. You decide to help the community member and post an answer to their question. Not long after, the author marks your answer as accepted. Boom! 15 points right there.

Check out the tables below for all the ways to earn points.

7.1 Community Points

These are points you can gain through activity in the Mendix Community.

Activity Points Max. Points per Day
Have your answer marked as accepted 15 N/A
Receive an upvote 10 50
Mark an answer on your question as accepted 2 N/A
Downvote someone -1 N/A
Receive a downvote -2 N/A

7.2 Marketplace Points

These are points you can gain through activity in the Mendix Marketplace.

Activity Points Max. Points per Day
Publish an app 50 N/A
Publish a new app version 25 N/A
Add an app review 5 25
Download Mendix Studio Pro 5 5
Download an app from the Marketplace 1 5

7.3 Platform Points

Activity Points Max. Points per Day
Be the first member of your company to sign up for Mendix 25 N/A
Send an app invite 10 50
Send a Mendix Platform invite 5 50
Create an app 5 5
Submit a feedback item 2 10
Have your feedback item marked as accepted 2 10
Commit to the Team Server 2 10
Send a project invite 2 20
Create a user story 1 20
Post a message on the Buzz 1 10
Deploy to a licensed node 1 5
Deploy a Free App 1 N/A

7.4 Community Points

Activity Points Max. per Day
Win a Mendix Hackathon! 300 N/A
Reach the Mendix MVP status 300 N/A
Be the runner-up in a Mendix Hackathon 150 N/A
Complete your Mendix Profile 50 N/A
Make your Mendix Profile public 50 N/A
Attend a Mendix Hackathon 50 N/A
Successfully refer a friend to Mendix 25 N/A
Invite a friend to Mendix 5 50
Have a user sign up via your referral URL 5 50

7.5 Learning Points

Activity Points Max. per Day
Pass the Expert Developer Certification exam 100 N/A
Pass the Advanced Developer Certification exam 50 N/A
Pass the Intermediate Developer Certification exam 35 N/A
Pass the Rapid Developer Certification exam 25 N/A
Attend the Advanced Developer Course 10 N/A
Attend the Rapid Developer Course 10 N/A
Give a presentation on Mendix 25 N/A
Write a blog post that is featured on the Mendix Community Blog 25 N/A
Complete a lecture in the Mendix Academy 1 N/A
Complete a learning path in the Mendix Academy 25 N/A

7.6 Point Levels

When you earn enough points, you gain a level:

Level Points Needed
1 100
2 500
3 1000
4 2500
5 5000
6 8500
7 13000
8 18500
9 25000
10 32500
11 50000

8 Portfolio

The Portfolio card presents a selection of Mendix apps you have worked on. Clicking an app name presents details about the customer, business need, solution, and results. You can also view other developers and their apps to get inspired. You can also click View All Projects to go to the Portfolio tab, which presents all of your apps.

Portfolio example

To add an app to your portfolio, click Add Project, which will open the editor. There are tips in the editor for what you should put in each field. All the fields in the editor are required before submission.

If you cannot finish your portfolio entry or do not want to publish yet, click Save as Draft to finish it later. The draft will be visible only to you in the Portfolio tab for further editing.

9 Activity

On the Activity tab, you can see a list of the last 20 public events for your badges, the Marketplace, and the Mendix Community activity.

10 Point Penalties

Abusing the Mendix Community, point system, or other community tools is not allowed. Any such action can result in a point penalty. Mendix reserves the right to penalize a user who bypasses or games the system without informing them.