Make It Native 10 App

Last modified: July 17, 2024

Depending on the Mendix version your app is developed in and the device you want to run on, you need a different Make It Native app. For more information on how to download the correct version, see the Getting the Make It Native App section in Native App Prerequisites and Troubleshooting.

Android 2.0.1

Release date: April 4, 2024


  • We fixed a bug which caused an incorrect interpretation of the link generated by the QR code.

iOS 2.0.0 / Android 2.0.0

Release date: December 21, 2023


  • We have upgraded our React Native to 0.72.7. This significant update improves performance and increases compatibility with React Native’s latest features.

Compatibility Notice

  • Compatible with 10.6 to 10.10 – This version of the MIN app is designed to work exclusively with Mendix Studio Pro 10.6 to 10.10. Users on Mendix Studio Pro versions below 10.6 should continue to use Make It Native 9 for app development and testing purposes. See Getting the Make It Native App for a precise list of which MIN versions work with with Studio Pro versions.
  • Critical Update – With the upgrade to React Native 0.72.7, it is essential for all users to update their app to this latest version. Please note that older versions of the MIN app will no longer function after this update. We strongly advise all users to install this update immediately to continue using the app without interruption.

Known Issues

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Feature - We are currently aware of an issue where the AR functionality is not operating as expected in the MIN app. We are actively working on a solution and we aim to fix this issue in a subsequent update.

iOS 1.2.1 / Android 1.2.1

Release date: November 24, 2023


  • We added new apps to Showcase:
    • Citrus Grove Retail: a grocery store online shopping app
    • New Garden County Inspection: an inspection and task assignment app

iOS 1.2.0 / Android 1.2.0

Release date: October 16, 2023


  • We fixed an issue related to Firebase integration. This fix ensures improved stability and a smoother experience while using the Make It Native app.

iOS 1.1.0 / Android 1.1.0

Release date: September 15th, 2023

New Features

  • We added a new history integration feature for Android. Now you can easily see your most recent successful network connections.


  • We introduced fresh visual designs for Make It Native 10.


  • We upgraded react-native-device-info to version 8.7.1 to enhance device compatibility and performance.
  • We updated the Showcase Banking App.

iOS 1.0.3

iOS Release date: July 22nd, 2023


  • We made the Launch App screen consistently remember your previously used URL.
  • The History tab now automatically opens the launch screen to quickly launch your app.


  • We fixed the History tab so it no longer saves duplicate entries.
  • We fixed rendering the onboarding screens on all devices.
  • We fixed several design and usability issues throughout the app.

Android 1.0.0

Android Release date: July 7th, 2023

This is the official release of the Android version of the Make It Native 10 app, with support for Mendix Studio Pro 10.0.

Both Android and iOS versions allow you to preview and debug your locally running native app on any supported mobile platform.


  • We made the default language - en-US.
  • We refreshed the app’s design with a cleaner and more intuitive layout.
  • We improved visual elements and icons for a more polished and modern look.

iOS 1.0.0

iOS Release date: June 27th , 2023

This is the official release of the iOS version of the Make It Native 10 app, with support for Mendix Studio Pro 10.0.

Both Android and iOS versions allow you to preview and debug your locally running native app on any supported mobile platform.

New Features

  • We introduced the History tab, allowing you to access frequently visited URLs without retyping them.