Private Mendix Platform API Documentation

Last modified: April 22, 2024

1 Introduction

The documents in this category present an overview of the Private Mendix Platform API documentation, such as Group, User, Marketplace, and Project.

The API documentation is divided into the sections described below.

For more information, see API (Application Programming Interface) in the Technology Glossary.

2 Prerequisites

Authentication for the API uses a personal access token (PAT). You can generate a PAT in the Personal Access Tokens section of your Private Mendix Platform Profile.

Each available API has its own set of scopes that define the access level for the token. As a best practice, consider restricting the token’s scope to the lowest access level required to perform the necessary operations.

Copy the {GENERATED_PAT} and store it in a safe location, so you can use it to authorize your Private Mendix Platform API calls.

3 Documents in this Category