MxAssist Performance Bot

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

MxAssist Performance Bot is an intelligent virtual co-developer bot that helps you improve the performance of your app by inspecting your app model against Mendix development best practice in Mendix Studio Pro. It detects anti-patterns during the design and development, pinpoints you to these anti-patterns, suggests you how to resolve it, and in many cases can automatically fix these issues.

MxAssist Performance Bot is built using statistical analysis of thousands of anonymized Mendix app to learn common anti-patterns as well as using Mendix Expert Services best practices in the development of microflows, domain models, pages, security, etc.

It consists of a three-level assistance:

  1. Detection – The bot inspects the model, identifies issue, and pinpoints you to the document/element causing the issue.
  2. Recommendation – The bot explains the identified issue, the potential impact, and how to fix it. There is also a detailed best practice guide with a dedicated step-by-step guideline of how to fix the issue.
  3. Auto-fixing – The bot can automatically implement the best practice and fix the issue.

2 MxAssist Performance Bot Pane

To access settings of MxAssist Performance Bot, open Edit > Preferences >the General tab >the MxAssist Performance Bot tab. For more information, see Preferences.

MxAssist Performance Bot is enabled by default and is designed as a pane. To access the MxAssist Performance Bot pane, click View > MxAssist Performance Bot.

The pane gives you information on each anti-pattern and contains MxAssist Performance Bot settings and configurations:

Performance Bot Pane

2.1 Options and Configuration

At the top of the MxAssist Performance Bot pane you can see the following options:

  • Inspect now – Inspects your app model on performance issues.

  • Limit to current tab – Limits the messages displayed in the pane to the current document.

  • Export – Exports the recommendations to a CSV file. Suppressed recommendations are excluded.

  • Configuration – Defines the modules and documents that the MxAssist Performance Bot will analyze. Click the Configuration button to open the MxAssist Performance Bot Configuration dialog box that contains the App Model and Best Practice tabs.

    • The App Model tab lists all relevant documents in your app. You can choose which specific modules or documents to inspect or leave out.

      App Model
    • The Best Practice tab lists the available best practice. You can choose your preferred best practices and inspect your model against it:

      Best Practice

You can use both app model and best practice configuration together.

2.2 Anti-Pattern Overview

Each anti-pattern line in the pane provides you with the following information:

  • Icon – indicates if the anti-pattern can be automatically fixed; if the icon has the “A” letter, the issue can be auto-fixed

  • Code – a unique code that is specific to the anti-pattern type

  • Blue circle – indicates a new detected anti-pattern

  • Message – description/explanation of the anti-pattern

  • Element – the element causing the issue

  • Document – the document containing the element

  • Module – the module containing the document

    Anti-Pattern Overview

Right-clicking the message line of an anti-pattern in the pane opens the drop-down menu:

Drop-Down Menu

The following actions are available in the drop-down menu:

  • Go to Cause – takes you to the element causing the issue
  • Go to Usage – opens the corresponding locations where the anti-pattern is used
  • View MxAssist Performance recommendation – opens the pop-up window with recommendations (similar to double-clicking the message)
  • Mark as read – marks the issue as read (this will make the blue circle to disappear)
  • Suppress this recommendation – suppresses the issue (this will gray out the issue and send it to the bottom of the list, and the related indicator in the editor will disappear)

3 Using MxAssist Performance Bot in App Development

3.1 Detecting an Anti-Pattern

The first level of assistance is detection that includes inspecting the app model, identifying anti-patterns, and pinpointing you to the document causing the issue.

To inspect your app model, click Inspect now in the MxAssist Performance Bot pane.

The bot will detect performance anti-patterns and list them in the pane under the associated anti-pattern type. To learn more about each anti-pattern type, click the anti-pattern code link. Click the plus icon next to the anti-pattern type to see the detected cases of this type:

Viewing Anti-Pattern

To view the element or the document where the anti-pattern is located, double-click the message line or right-click the message line and choose Go to Cause or Go to Usage in the drop-down menu.

3.2 Recommending a Fix

The second level of assistance is recommendation – giving you an overview of the issue and recommending how to fix it.

There are two ways to view the recommendations:

  1. Right-click an anti-pattern message on the pane and select View MxAssist Performance Recommendation in the drop-down menu.

  2. Click an indicator in the visual editor to view the detected issue:

    Indicator in the Editor

The recommendation contains the description of the identified issue, potential impact from it, the way to fix it, and a link to a more detailed guidance on fixing the issue:

Performance Recommendation

3.3. Auto-Fixing the Anti-Pattern

The third level of assistance is auto-fixing where the bot can automatically implement the best practice and fix the issue in just one click. To avoid undesirable changes, auto-fixing is only available when the bot can safely refactor the code without creating an error or making other undesirable change in the model. Each performance issue has an icon in the pane that indicates whether it is auto-fixable. If the icon has the “A” letter, the issue can be auto-fixed:

Auto-Fixable Icon

To auto-fix the issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the message line in the pane and select View MxAssist Performance Recommendation in the drop-down menu or click the corresponding indicator in the editor to open the recommendation.

  2. In the MxAssist Performance Recommendation pop-up window, click the available action button, for example, Fix the Commit:

    Fix Performance Issue

After the issue is auto-fixed, a pop-up window listing the changes appears. You can click Show the fix to view the changed document and element.

4 Performance Bot from the Command Line

Performance Bot may also be executed from the command line, via the mx Command-Line Tool.

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