Execute JavaScript Integer

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Description

Executes the provided JavaScript snippet.

Runs asynchronous when Timeout is set.

Returns an Integer.

2 Usage

Pass the script you want to execute as parameter for the action. You have to set an integer as return value, otherwise the action will fail. The optional arguments are stored in an array and can be used in your script. For example type “arguments[0]” to get the value of the Argument 0 parameter.

3 Input Parameters

Name Datatype Required Description
Script String yes The JavaScript source code you want to Execute
Timeout(ms) Integer no The time in milliseconds for the script to finish
Argument 0 any no Argument to use in the JavaScript code
Argument 1 any no Argument to use in the JavaScript code
Argument 2 any no Argument to use in the JavaScript code
Argument 3 any no Argument to use in the JavaScript code

4 Return Value

Name Datatype Description
Script Result Integer The return value set in the script.