
Last modified: July 23, 2024

These release notes cover changes made to the Private Mendix Platform in version 1.9.


Release date: May 10th, 2024

Version 1.9.0 of Private Mendix Platform introduces a number of new features, engineering improvements, and functional extensions that improve the Platform and developer experience.

New Features

Better Error Handling

Errors are now graded on severity and given more appropriate UX. Error messages are also more verbose and descriptive, and contain a unique error code that can be used to trace back log messages for easier troubleshooting.

Container Images Support

The Kubernetes CI-option now also supports outputting Docker container images (OCIs) as the result of the build process. In this way, enterprise customers who standardize on container images for their deployment orchestration can now seamlessly integrate Private Mendix Platform projects into that workflow.

SCIM for User Pre-provisioning

You can now pre-provision users onto the Platform using the SCIM standard. Instead of waiting for the first-time SSO login, admins can choose to pre-populate the Private Mendix Platform with selected users from their IdP. This follows the SCIM standard.


Expanded Notifications

Version 1.9.0 of Private Mendix Platform sees a wide extension of notifications across the Platform. More events now trigger notifications, providing developers with a richer, more interactive experience.

Build Image Simplification

In previous versions, the build image required sourcing container images from various sources that would ultimately be combined during the build process. In air-gapped instances all external images needed to be individually mirrored locally. Moving forward, these images will be simplified and combined into one, hosted on the Mendix’ image registry, and easily migrated to a local repository.

Engineering Improvements
Upgrade Private Mendix Platform to Mendix Version 10.6

The primary Mendix application used by the Private Mendix Platform portal has been upgraded to Mendix Runtime version 10.6 (MTS), enhancing the security, as well as allowing the product to continue improving with new Mendix 10 capabilities.

Emails Are Now Unique

Admins can no longer create multiple users with the same email - one email can only be used for one user. Unique emails help better identify users on the Platform.

Other Improvements
General Improvements
  • GitLab service credentials only require an API token.
  • The Kubernetes CI pipeline supports self-signed certificates for git curl aws and oci.
  • Svix has been upgraded to version 1.21.0.
  • Mendix Operator has been upgraded to version 2.15.1.
Studio Pro Updates
  • Studio Pro 9.24 LTS latest patch version updated to 9.24.20
  • Studio Pro 10.6 MTS latest patch version updated to 10.6.7


We have provided the following fixes:

  • (Admin) Fixed a display issue with Platform statistics charts in Runtime version 10.6.3.
  • (Developer) Fixed an issue where sharing an app with a group caused a placeholder text to appear in an empty description field.
  • (Marketplace) Fixed an issue where the Save and get notified option continued to generate notifications even when the user removed the component from the list of saved items by clicking the same button again.
  • (Marketplace) Fixed an issue where the Details page of privately shared components with no group assigned could not be viewed. Specifying a group is now mandatory for privately shared components.
  • (Marketplace) Fixed an issue where a user could assign a privately shared component to a group they were already removed from during the content upload flow.
  • (Marketplace) Fixed an issue where users uploading new Marketplace components got an error message that prevented them from uploading the .mpk file.
  • (Marketplace) Fixed an issue where the Blank Web App template versions were not displayed when creating a new app.