Solving Git Issues

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

This document describes known issues with Git version control and the ways to fix them.

2 Troubleshooting

2.1 Getting an The project contains changes that have not been committed yet. Please commit first before attempting to merge again. While you have not changes any files. Error

You may get The project contains changes that have not been committed yet. Please commit first before attempting to merge again. While you have not changes any files. error when you feel there are no uncommitted changes.

This happens due to line endings in CSS files not being handled properly. Thus, sometimes after reverting all changes or applying other version control operations the files show up in the Changes on Disk dialog box. To prevent the be flagged as changed you can perform the following workaround:

  1. Create .gitattributes file in \theme-cache folder of your application (if you have a Windows machine, make sure that a .txt extension is not applied by default).
  2. Add the following content to the file: * text eol=lf
  3. Save the file, and commit and push your changes.

From now, on Git will restore the files with the correct line endings and this will not be seen as a change.

2.2 Proxy Servers Are Not Supported

Studio Pro communicates to Git repositories by two means: LibGit2 library or Git command line interface (Git CLI). LibGit2 provides a nice and clean repository object model that is in intensive use during local repository operations. However, it is not performant enough when it comes to communication with remote Git servers. This is when Git CLI is used and Studio Pro switches to the client while performing fetch, pull and push operations (that is why the Git for Windows package, which ships Git CLI to your computer, is an integral part of Studio Pro installation). Therefore, any operation that requires transferring data to/from remote Git repositories, uses GitCLI client.

Unfortunately, Git for Windows is not synchronized with the system proxy settings by default, which means it may be tricky to integrate them into Studio Pro seamlessly. We are trying our best to provide integration as soon as possible, but as a workaround you can configure the proxy settings directly by either overriding http_proxy, https_proxy and all_proxy (for more information, see [Git documentation] ( or by setting the proxy URL in your local .git/config via the following commands:

  • Configure the proxy settings:

    git config --local http.proxy [protocol://][user[:password]@]proxyhost[:port]

  • Check that the setting has changed:

    git config --local http.proxy

You can also use --global modifier for applying the changes system-wise, but it is not recommended if you are using Git not only for Mendix development.

2.3 Getting an “Oops” Pop-Up Menu

You may get an “Oops” pop-up menu when setting a name and an email for Git in the Preferences dialog box or while committing. The problem might occur if there is no global Git config file on the PC yet. To fix this issue, you can use the Git command line client and do the following:

  • Specify the user name: git config --global "<Name>"
  • Specify the email: git config --global "<Email>"

Any of these commands will create a global Git config. Subsequent interactions via the Studio Pro interface will succeed from now on.

2.4 Merging Branches Results in No Changes Being Applied

When two branches are merged, changes sometimes do not come through. To fix this issue, take the following steps:

  1. Ensure and exist in your git config:
    • Specify the user name: git config --global "<Name>"
    • Specify the email: git config --global "<Email>"
  2. Ensure the git version on you machine is 2.43.x or above:
    • Check your installed git version by running the following command: git version.
    • If needed install the correct version from the git website.

2.5 Connection Problems When Cloning the Git Repository

If you face connection problems when cloning the Git repository using the Open App or Download App dialog box, the first thing to check is whether the URL of the remote Git repository is correct. It should not be copied from the browser address bar. Most Git services have a noticeable colored Clone button which provides the correct URL in a pop-up window. You should use this URL with Studio Pro.

2.6 Customer-Facing Issues

For Studio Pro developers to be able to troubleshoot issues that the customers face with beta Git support, Studio Pro provides a logging mechanism.

When filing a Git support issue with Mendix Support, attach the log files doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the Help menu > Open Log File Directory:

    Download from Version Control Server dialog
  2. Copy the file called log.txt into your ticket. You can also attach additional log.X.txt files if they exist.

2.7 Git Properties Useful for Troubleshooting

There are properties of the Git repository that provide you with the information useful for troubleshooting different issues. Execute the following in the command line in the app’s folder:

git status -b — provides information on the current state of the repository

git remote -v — lists the remotes specified for the repository

git config --list --show-origin --show-scope — provides information on user’s Git config