New Database Setup on SQL Server

Last modified: June 19, 2024

1 Introduction

This how-to explains how to manually set up a new SQL Server database.

2 Setting Up a New Database

When setting up a new database for Mendix, you can leave most of the settings to the default configuration. When looking at the general settings, you only need to set up the database name. Set up the database files according to the Microsoft SQL Server best practices.

In the database options, the default properties need to be evaluated. When choosing a collation, pay attention to the type of collation you are going to use. Mendix uses UTF-8 for all data evaluation. Depending on your exact locale, you will most likely want to choose one of the SQL_Latin1_General_ collations. The exact encoding depends on your OS. For an en_US installation, for example, the encoding is CP1.

The last two collation arguments identify how sorting and uniqueness are interpreted. For example, the collation argument CS indicates that the collation sorting style is case sensitive. For more information on collations and case sensitivity, see Case-Sensitive Database Behavior and the Microsoft documentation Windows Collation Name.

Mendix recommends using the Simple recovery model option. Mendix does not use the full functionality offered in the Full recovery model option; although you can successfully use the Full recovery model, it could increase the data usage of all the transactions and might slow down any rollbacks in case of an error.

After the database is created, the Mendix Runtime can initiate the initial setup and prepare all the tables and functions for usage by the platform. Some of these queries require sysadmin privileges. The sysadmin role can be temporarily assigned to the user, or these queries can be executed by the administrator. Other queries need privileges that are implicitly assigned to the db_owner role. If the user used by the Mendix Runtime does not have enough permissions for any of these queries, you can run them manually – see below for more information.

3 Enabling Read Committed Snapshot Isolation Level and Snapshot Isolation

Mendix apps using SQL Server use both Read Committed Snapshot and Snapshot Isolation features for their database. This allows read operations to continue even if the record has been updated by a concurrent transaction, improving concurrency. For more information, see the Transaction Locking and Row Versioning Guide.

The database schema needs to be configured so that the Read Committed Snapshot and Snapshot Isolation features are enabled. To enable them, run the following commands on the database:



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