Quick Starts

Last modified: June 4, 2024

Welcome to the Mendix quick starts for building an app! These tutorials cover the essentials of Mendix development:

The Creating and Deploying a Hello World App video quick start takes about two minutes to complete. The Building a Responsive Web App and Adding a Native Mobile App quick starts take about 25 minutes each to complete.

While you can jump straight into Adding a Native Mobile App, Mendix recommends going through Building a Responsive Web App first to understand the basics of Mendix.

When you are done, you will have mastered the basics of building and hosting apps with Mendix, and you will have your first app.

Let’s get started with Creating and Deploying a Hello World App or Building a Responsive Web App!

More Ways to Learn with Mendix

For a more in-depth introduction to building low-code apps with Mendix, check out these learning paths:

  • Become a Rapid Developer is designed for everyone, regardless of their previous coding experience
  • Crash Course is designed for experienced developers who want to get oriented to low-code app development