XPath seconds-from-dateTime

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Overview

The seconds-from-dateTime() function extracts the seconds part of a Date and time attribute so it can be used to compare to a value.

2 Syntax

The syntax is as follows:

seconds-from-dateTime ( attribute [, timezone ] )

2.1 attribute

attribute specifies the attribute to extract the day from. Attribute must be of the Date and time type.

2.2 timezone

timezone specifies the time zone to use for the extraction. This parameter is optional and defaults to the local time zone. It should be a string literal containing an IANA time zone or 'UTC'. GMT offset time zones are not supported.

3 Examples

This query returns all the logs where the seconds part of DateAttribute is 30 in the local time zone (for example, “2011-12-30 08:08:30”):

//Logging.Log[seconds-from-dateTime(DateAttribute) = 30]

This query returns all the logs where the seconds part of DateAttribute is 30 in the New York time zone (for example, “2011-12-30 08:08:30”):

//Logging.Log[seconds-from-dateTime(DateAttribute, 'America/New_York') = 30]