If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.

Add Module Dependencies

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

This how-to will help you add module dependencies for the Push Notifications Connector module. You only need to install the modules your use case requires. Once your app has the modules it needs, you may move on to Implement the Push Notifications Module.

2 Implement the Encryption Module

Skip this section if the Encryption module is already implemented in your app. Implement this module by doing the following:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Encryption.
  3. Open the Encryption module.
  4. Click Download.
  5. Follow the instructions on the Encryption marketplace guide to set up this module.

3 Implement the Community Commons Module

Skip this section if the Community Commons module is already implemented in your app. Implement this module by doing the following:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Community Commons.
  3. Open the Community Commons module.
  4. Click Download.
  5. No further installation is required. If you want to know more about the module visit the Community Commons marketplace guide.

4 Implement the Nanoflow Commons Module

Skip this section if the Nanoflow Commons module is already implemented in your app, or if you do not plan on using using local or native push notifications. Implement this module by doing the following:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Nanoflow commons.
  3. Open the Nanoflow commons module.
  4. Click Download.
  5. No further installation is required. If you want to know more about the module visit the Nanoflow Commons marketplace guide.

5 Implement the Native Mobile Resources Module

Skip this section if the Native Mobile Resources module is already implemented in your app, or if you do not plan on using using local or native push notifications. Implement this module by doing the following:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Native mobile resources.
  3. Open the Native mobile resources module.
  4. Click Download.
  5. Add the NativeMobileResources.User module role to any user role that needs to interact with notifications.
  6. No further installation is required. If you want to know more about the module visit the Native mobile resources marketplace guide.

6 Implement the Atlas Core Module

Implement the Atlas Core module for apps in Mendix Studio Pro 9.0 and above. Skip this section if the Atlas Core module is already implemented in your app. Implement this module by doing the following:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Atlas Core.
  3. Open the Atlas Core module.
  4. Click Download.
  5. No further installation is required. If you want to know more about the module visit the Atlas UI marketplace guide.

Now that you have installed the dependencies you need, you can move on to Implement the Push Notifications Module.