Using Mobile Capabilities

Last modified: May 7, 2024

1 Introduction

Guides in this section will help you implement key features of native apps and/or progressive web apps (PWAs).

  • Authenticating Users: this guide explains how to authenticate users in a mobile app.
  • Deep Links: native apps can define a custom URL scheme (for instance, my-app://) that allows other apps to access pages and functionalities of the app
  • Internationalize Mobile Apps: this guide allows your end-user to change the interface language on their mobile device within a Mendix mobile app
  • Location and Maps: native apps can access the user location and display native maps inside the application
  • Push Notifications: native apps can present a notification to the user that is triggered by the runtime even if the app is not running
  • Local Notifications: in addition to push notifications, native apps can schedule notifications to be shown at a specific time even if the app is not running
  • Augmented Reality: native apps can render 3D objects in the physical environments via the camera stream of a mobile device
  • App Permissions: this guide allows native apps to request permissions from iOS and Android device users
  • Mobile Accessibility: this guide allows you to customize accessibility options for native mobile applications