MS Windows: Update a Mendix App

Last modified: June 19, 2024

1 Introduction

A Mendix application on a Windows server can be updated using the Mendix Service Console. Before beginning the server update, you need to make sure that you have a versioned deployment archive (.mda file) accessible on your server and that the same version of the server distribution is either installed or else is available as an installation package on the server.

The service console creates a backup of the project files, this allows you to restore a previous deployment.

2 Using the Update App Button

  1. If the app is currently running, make sure you stop it first, otherwise you will be unable to update.

    Step 1, Stop the app
  2. You can update the application by clicking on the button Update app.

    Step 2, Start the update process
  3. The Update App popup that appears shows you information about the current active app. The App version shows the release number of the deployment package that is currently running on this server. The Mendix server version shows the version of the server distribution being used by the app — this is the same as the Studio Pro version which which the deployment package was created.

    Step 3, Release details and overview of all server versions
  4. To update the application click Update app. Select the new deployment archive (.mda) and click Open. The update process will start immediately.

    Step 4, Choose the latest .mda package

This process will copy the new version of the project software into the configured location. All models will be extracted, and a symbolic link to the mxclientsystem folder is automatically created so the JavaScript libraries can be easily included without any additional configuration in IIS.

3 Update the Mendix Runtime Version

  1. After updating the Mendix application version, the Service Console may show the message (missing). This means that the required server distribution is not installed on the server.

    Step 5, a missing Runtime version
  2. There are two ways to install the required server distribution:

    1. If you are online and have access to the Mendix Marketplace, click Download server and the correct server distribution will be fetched and installed. You will then see the following

    2. If you are offline or automatic downloading fails, click Add Server and select the required server distribution (.tar.gz). The server distribution can be found under the Related Downloads from the specific Mendix Studio Pro version in the Mendix Marketplace. The server distribution is a tar.gz file. The Service Console will extract the server distribution to the same folder as the other server distributions.

    After the server distribution has been updated you will be able to start the Service using the new project and Mendix Runtime version.

    Step 6, Choose the correct server distribution (.tar.gz)

3.1 Location of the Mendix Server Distributions

In the Preferences of the Mendix Service Console you can configure the main directory for all applications and server distributions. You can find the installed platform version in the folder /Servers. This folder is located directly in the configured base path from the service console.

This should be something like:


4 Start Application

After updating, don’t forget to start your app service again!

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