
Last modified: June 26, 2024


Release date: February 27, 2020

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New Features

We added a new event type for the text box widget. You can now connect an action that is triggered when the end-user presses Enter. This is useful for triggering searches.

Pluggable Widget Capability

Do you still remember the excitement you felt when we introduced containment for pluggable widgets? Well buckle your seatbelts, as we have now introduced repeating containment, which allows you to build widgets that can contain other widgets and have a data source to load the (list of) data. For example, you can now build your own variation of a list view or carousel.

To accomplish this, link the widgets property type to the new datasource property. This will enable selecting a list data source. You can then add widgets to the drop-zone defined by the widgets property type in the context of the data source.

Suppress Warnings

Even though model warnings are useful, you now have the option to suppress them in Studio Pro. You can decide which warnings will not be shown. This could be a specific warning, all the warnings in a module, or even all the warnings from Marketplace content.


  • We improved the performance of the new version of the Project Explorer for expanding and collapsing a folder or module as well as scrolling and filtering the documents. If you previously switched this new version off, you can give it another try by enabling Edit > Preferences > New features > New version of the Project Explorer.
  • We improved the performance of export mappings that export persistable associated objects. Mendix Runtime now retrieves batches of associated objects instead of individual associated objects, which reduces the number of calls to the database. (Ticket 89189)
  • We greatly improved the performance of the last step of committing and updating. (Ticket 93773)
  • We cleaned up the buttons that are available in the Changes pane when zooming in on a change or conflict.
  • We upgraded the commons-codec .jar file from 1.13 to 1.14.
  • We added a runtime setting for Azure storage called com.mendix.storage.azure.CreateContainerIfNotExists. This allows you to configure whether an app should check whether a configured Azure storage container exists and create it if it does not.
  • In published REST services, when you choose a microflow parameter as an operation parameter, the name and type are now filled in automatically.
  • We introduced highlighting for template parameters in the show message, validation feedback, and Java action call actions.
  • We introduced a new style property for the native tab container widget for styling the active tab caption.
  • We added quick access to pluggable widget properties from the context menu of a widget.
  • In the data grid search, we added support for searching enumeration attributes which have an (empty) value. This will also find objects that are associated with an object that has an empty text or empty number attribute. (Ticket 92176)
  • We have improved how we handle the expired sessions of anonymous users in offline applications. When the session of an anonymous user expires, it is now restored in the background, which allows the anonymous user to continue using the app. (Ticket 94834)
  • We introduced the Core.microflowCall(..) and Core.userActionCall(..) methods to easily build a microflow call or Java action call. We deprecated the Core.execute(..) methods where you have to pass parameters as an array.
  • We upgraded the following JDBC drivers:
    • PostgreSQL to version 42.2.9
    • Microsoft SQL Server to version 8.2.0
    • Oracle to version 19.3
    • MariaDB to version 2.5.4
  • We added support for Oracle 18 and 19.
  • We added support for Postgres 12.x.
  • We added Mendix Assist recommendations for create list actions.
  • We added the validation feedback and log message actions to the list of activities recommended by Mendix Assist.


  • We fixed an issue where export mappings that use XML choice or XML inheritance threw exceptions during runtime. (Ticket 93998)
  • We fixed an issue in JSON import mappings, where using a JSON structure that defines an array of objects and using a microflow in the mapping resulted in no data being imported. (Ticket 95390)
  • We now support the default authentication plugin (caching_sha2_password) of MySQL 8.0.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when selecting attributes and associations for published OData resources. You can now edit the exposed association name.
  • We fixed an issue where problems with the appearance of elements were not correctly reported on page templates and building blocks. If this happens, please follow the steps below to update Atlas.
  • We fixed an issue where problems with missing or outdated custom widgets were not reported on page templates and building blocks. In rare cases, this can trigger consistency errors for existing projects. If this happens, please follow these steps to update Atlas:
    1. Reinstall Atlas UI Resources from the Marketplace.
    2. Show the app directory in Explorer.
    3. If you made any change in your theme folder previously, make the same change in the new theme folder. Alternatively, move the customized files from your theme_old folder to the new theme folder.
  • If a date picker widget has a custom date pattern without year tokens, it will now use the year of its current value when parsing a new value. This ensures that, for example, February 29 is recognized as a valid date if the current value falls within a leap year. The Pluggable Widgets API has been enhanced to cover this use case as well. (Ticket 92181)
  • Conditional visibility on pluggable widgets is now checked for consistency errors.
  • When the object of a list view template was used as an input parameter for a microflow or nanoflow, an exception was thrown when accessing the parameters. This is now fixed. (Ticket 94472)
  • When you open the Update Widgets tool and your app contains a widget downloaded from the Marketplace that has since been removed from the Marketplace, this no longer results in an exception.
  • We fixed the resize behavior for pop-up windows that contain an image. When the parent window is resized, it now has the correct height.
  • We fixed an issue in the date picker widget so that the calendar opens on the correct position and scrolls over the page next to the date input. (Ticket 94197)
  • We fixed an issue where generating documents that contained “surrogate pair” characters crashed Mendix Runtime. (Ticket 84813)
  • We fixed an issue where entering two-digit years in date fields resulted in a wrong date. (Tickets 91806, 92456)
  • We fixed an error that occurred where a change action that changed the User.Password attribute had validation errors. (Ticket 93893)

Known Issues

  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.
  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • When you add a second language in your Mendix application and try to switch between languages using the shortcut keys, an error might occur.
  • SQL Server integrated security does not work and causes the following error: “This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.”