SDK FAQ and Troubleshooting

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 General Questions

1.1 Which Mendix Versions Are Supported?

Mendix 6.0.0 and above.

1.2 Where Does the Model API Run?

The Model API service is hosted in the European Union.

1.3 How Long Do Online Working Copies Exist?

Online working copies are automatically removed 24 hours after they have been created. It is not possible to extend their lifetime - you need to create a new online working copy.

1.4 What Are the Limits on App Size?

The initial app .mpk file that is uploaded is not allowed to exceed 250 Mb (with the app .mpk file and other files combined).

1.5 What Are the Limits on Working Copy Size?

The maximum number of files allowed in a working copy is 10,000.

1.6 What Apps Can I Access With the Model API?

You can access all apps stored on Mendix Team Server. Apps stored elsewhere, for example in your on-premises Git server, cannot be accessed with the model API.

2 Common Error Messages

2.1 Delta Rejected, Delta Queue Connection Has Closed

This error message is shown when making changes on a model, but the connection to the Online Working Copy on the Model Server has already been closed. This sometimes happens if your script executes a commit too quickly, without waiting until all model updates have been run.

2.2 JS Allocation Failed, Process Out of Memory

This can happen when you open a huge model and then load a lot of documents (for example, pages, microflows). You can increase the memory available to your script by running it using the max-old-space-size flag and an appropriate memory size in MB:

node --max-old-space-size=4096 script.js