AWS IoT SiteWise

Last modified: July 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The AWS IoT Sitewise connector provides a way for you to optimize the data collection and processing for your Mendix app by implementing AWS IoT SiteWise.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that simplifies collecting, organizing, and analyzing industrial equipment data. It enables you to collect, manage, and visualize data, identify and resolve issues through performance monitoring, and optimize processes with improved data insights.

1.2 Prerequisites

The AWS IoT SiteWise connector requires Mendix Studio Pro 9.18.0 or above.

To authenticate with Amazon Web Service (AWS), you must also install and configure the AWS Authentication connector version 2.3.0 or higher. If you are using the Amazon Iot SiteWise connector version 2.0 or higher, it requires the AWS Authentication connector version 3.0 or higher. It is crucial for the Amazon Iot SiteWise connector to function correctly. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS Authentication connector, see AWS Authentication.

1.3 Licensing and Cost

This connector is available as a free download from the Mendix Marketplace, but the AWS service to which is connects may incur a usage cost. For more information, refer to AWS documentation.

Depending on your use case, your deployment environment, and the type of app that you want to build, you may also need a license for your Mendix app. For more information, refer to Licensing Apps.

2 Installation

Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the AWS IoT SiteWise connector into your app.

3 Configuration

After you install the connector, you can find it in the App Explorer, in the AWSIoTSiteWiseConnector section. The connector provides a domain model and several activities that you can use to connect your app to AWS IoT SiteWise. Each activity can be implemented by using it in a microflow. To ensure that your app can connect to the AWS service, you must also configure AWS authentication for the connector.

3.1 Configuring AWS Authentication

In order to use the Amazon IoT SiteWise service, you must authenticate with AWS. To do so, you must set up a configuration profile in your Mendix app. After you set up the configuration profile, the connector module handles the authentication internally.

As of version 3.0.0 of the AWS Authentication Connector, all the resources and logic required to set up authentication are centralized inside the AWS Authentication Connector module.

The AWS Authentication Connector supports both static credentials and temporary credentials. For more information and detailed instructions please refer to the AWS Authentication Connector documentation page.

3.2 Configuring a Microflow for an AWS Service

After you configure the authentication profile for AWS IoT SiteWise, you can implement the functions of the connector by using the provided activities in microflows. For example, to retrieve a list of asset models, implement the ListAssetModels activity by doing the following steps:

  1. In the App Explorer, right-click on the name of your module, and then click Add microflow.
  2. Enter a name for your microflow, for example, ACT_ListAssetModels, and then click OK.
  3. In the App Explorer, in the AWSIoTSiteWiseConnector > Operations section, find the ListAssetModels activity.
  4. In your Toolbox, find the Create Object activity and drag it onto the work area of your microflow.
  5. In the Entity field, select ListAssetModelsRequest.
  6. Double-click the ListAssetModels microflow activity to configure the required parameters.
  7. In the Edit parameters section, edit the ENUM_Region parameter, and provide a value by using a variable or an expression.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Toolbox pane, search for the Retrieve activity and drag it onto the microflow area.
  10. Position the Retrieve activity between the ListAssetModels activity and the microflow end event.
  11. Double-click the Retrieve activity.
  12. In the Select Association dialog box, in the Association section, click Select, and then select ListAssetModels as the association.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Configure a method for triggering the ACT_ListAssetModels microflow. For example, you can trigger a microflow by associating it with a custom button on a page in your app. For an example of how this can be implemented, see Creating a Custom Save Button with a Microflow.

4 Technical Reference

To help you work with the AWS IoT SiteWise connector, the following sections of this document list the available entities, enumerations, and activities that you can use in your application.

4.1 Domain Model

The domain model is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more information, see Domain Model.

4.1.1 ListAssetModelsRequest

Attribute Description
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of asset models returned in the response. By default it is set to 50 and can return a maximum of 250 asset models.
NextToken Describes to the Amazon IoT SiteWise service that the list is being continued on with a token.

4.1.2 ListAssetModelsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes whether there are more asset models in the region that can be listed. The next list requests to Amazon IoT SiteWise can be continued with this NextToken.

4.1.3 AssetModelSummary

Attribute Description
ARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the asset model
CreationDate The creation date of the asset model
Description The description of the asset model
AssetModelID The asset model ID of the asset model
LastUpdateDate The last update date of the asset model
Name The name of the asset model

4.1.4 AssetModelStatus

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the AbstractAssetModelStatus entity.

4.1.5 AbstractAssetModelStatus

Attribute Description
State The current status state of the asset model

4.1.6 ErrorDetails

Attribute Description
Code The error code
Message The error message

4.1.7 DetailedError

Attribute Description
Code The error code
Message The error message

4.1.8 ListProjectsRequest

Attribute Description
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of projects returned in the response. By default it is set to 50 and can return a maximum of 250 asset models.
NextToken Describes to the Amazon IoT SiteWise service that the list is being continued on with a token.
PortalID Describes the portal ID from which the projects will be retrieved.

4.1.9 ListProjectsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes whether there are more projects in the portal that can be listed. The next list requests to Amazon IoT SiteWise can be continued with this NextToken.

4.1.10 ProjectSummary

Attribute Description
CreationDate The creation date of the project
Description The description of the project
ProjectID The asset model ID of the project
LastUpdateDate The last update date of the project
Name The name of the project

4.1.11 DescribeProjectRequest

Attribute Description
PortalID The ID of the portal the project is in
ProjectARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project
CreationDate The creation date of the project
Description The description of the project
ProjectID The asset model ID of the project
LastUpdateDate The last update date of the project
Name The name of the project

4.1.12 DescribeProjectResponse

Attribute Description
ProjectID Describes the project ID.

4.1.13 ListPortalsRequest

Attribute Description
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of portal summaries returned in the response. By default it is set to 50 and can return a maximum of 250 portals.
NextToken Describes to the Amazon IoT SiteWise service that the list is being continued on with a token.

4.1.14 ListPortalsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes whether there are more portals in the region that can be listed. The next list requests to Amazon IoT SiteWise can be continued with this NextToken.

4.1.15 PortalSummary

Attribute Description
CreationDate The creation date of the portal
Description The description of the portal
PortalID The ID of the portal
LastUpdateDate The last update date of the portal
Name The name of the portal
RoleARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the service role that allows the portal’s users to access the AWS IoT SiteWise resources
StartURL The URL for the AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor portal

4.1.16 PortalStatus

Attribute Description
State The current status state of the portal

4.1.17 MonitorErrorDetails

Attribute Description
Code The error code
Message The error message

4.1.18 ListAssetsRequest

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of results to return for each request. The default value is 50.
AssetModelID Describes the ID of the asset model by which to filter the list of assets. This attribute is required if you choose ALLor (empty) for Filter attribute.
Filter The Filter attribute describes the filter for the requested list of assets. Choose one of the following options: ALL – The list includes all assets for a given asset model ID. The assetModelID attribute is required if you filter by ALL. TOP_LEVEL – The list includes only top-level assets in the asset hierarchy tree.

The default value for this attribute is ALL, not selecting either option will result in the ALL filter to be applied to your request.

4.1.19 ListAssetsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or (empty) if there are no additional results.

4.1.20 AssetSummary

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the AbstractAssetSummary entity.

4.1.21 AbstractAssetSummary

Attribute Description
ARN The ARN of the asset
AssetModelID The ID of the asset model used to create this asset
CreationDate The creation date of the asset
Description The description of the asset
_ID The ID of the asset
LastUpdateDate The last update date of the asset
Name The name of the asset

4.1.22 DescribeAssetModelRequest

Attribute Description
AssetModelID Describes the ID of the asset model and is a required parameter.

4.1.23 DescribeAssetModelResponse

Attribute Description
AssetModelArn Describes the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the asset model.
AssetModelCreationDate Describes the date that the asset model resource was created.
AssetModelDescription Describes the asset model’s description.
AssetModelID Describes the ID of the asset model.
AssetModelLastUpdateDate Describes the date the asset model was last updated.
AssetModelName Describes the name of the asset model.

4.1.24 _Type

Attribute Description
N/A The generalized entity does not contain any attributes, it is a wrapper entity holding references to property entities (Measurement, Transform, Attribute and Metric).

4.1.25 ProcessingConfig

Attribute Description
N/A The generalized entity does not contain any attributes, it is a configuration profile for where information is processed and forwarded.

4.1.26 Variable

Attribute Description
Name Describes the friendly name of the variable to be used in the expression.

4.1.27 AbstractAssetStatus

Attribute Description
State The current status state of the asset.

4.1.28 ListProjectAssetsRequest

Attribute Description
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of project assets returned in the response. By default it is set to 50 and can return a maximum of 250 asset models.
NextToken Describes to the Amazon IoT SiteWise service that the list is being continued on with a token.
ProjectID Describes the project ID from which the assets will be retrieved.

4.1.29 ListProjectAssetsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes whether there are more assets in the project that can be listed. The next list requests to Amazon IoT SiteWise can be continued with this NextToken.

4.1.30 AssetID

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset.

4.1.31 DescribeAssetRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset and is a required parameter.

4.1.32 DescribeAssetResponse

Attribute Description
AssetARN Describes the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the asset.
AssetCreationDate Describes the date the asset was created.
AssetDescription Describes a description for the asset.
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset.
AssetLastUpdateDate Describes the date the asset was last updated.
AssetModelID Describes the ID of the asset model that was used to create the asset.
AssetName Describes the name of the asset.

4.1.33 AssetProperty

Attribute Description
DataType Describes the data type of the asset property.
_ID Describes the ID of the asset property.
Name Describes the name of the property.
Alias Describes the alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path, for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature.
DataTypeSpec Describes the data type of the structure for this property. This parameter exists on properties that have the STRUCT data type.
Unit Describes the unit (such as Newtons or RPM) of the asset property.

4.1.34 ListAssetRelationshipsRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the asset ID from whose relationships will be received.
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of project assets returned in the response. By default it is set to 50 and can return a maximum of 250 asset models.
NextToken Describes to the Amazon IoT SiteWise service that the list is being continued on with a token.

4.1.35 ListAssetRelationshipsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes whether there are more assets in the project that can be listed. The next list requests to Amazon IoT SiteWise can be continued with this NextToken.

4.1.36 AssetRelationshipSummary

Attribute Description
RelationshipType Describes the relationship type of the assets in this relationship.

4.1.37 AssetHierarchyInfo

Attribute Description
ChildAssetID Describes the ID of the child asset in this asset relationship.
ParentAssetID Describes the ID of the parent asset in this asset relationship.

4.1.38 ListAssociatedAssetsRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset.
HierarchyID Describes the ID of the hierarchy by which child assets are associated to the asset.
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of results to return for each request. The default value is 50.
TraversalDirection Describes the direction to list associated assets. Choose one of the following options: CHILD – The list includes all child assets associated to the asset. The HierarchyId parameter is required if you choose CHILD. PARENT – The list includes the asset’s parent asset.

The default value for this attribute is CHILD, not selecting either option will result in the CHILD traversal direction to be applied to your request.

4.1.39 ListAssociatedAssetsResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or (empty) if there are no additional results.

4.1.40 AssociatedAssetsSummary

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the AbstractAssetSummary entity.

4.1.41 DescribeAssetPropertyRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset and is a required parameter.
PropertyID Describes the ID of the asset property and is a required parameter.

4.1.42 DescribeAssetPropertyResponse

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset.
AssetModelID Describes the ID of the asset model.
AssetName Describes the name of the asset.

4.1.43 GetAssetPropertyValueRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset
PropertyAlias Describes alias that identifies the property
PropertyID Describes ID of the asset property

4.1.44 GetAssetPropertyValueResponse

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes

4.1.45 PropertyValue

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the AbstractAssetPropertyValue entity

4.1.46 AbstractAssetPropertyValue

Attribute Description
Quality Describes the quality of the asset property value

4.1.47 AbstractTimeInNanos

Attribute Description
TimeInSeconds Describes the timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format
OffsetInNanos Describes the nanosecond offset from TimeInSeconds

4.1.48 Variant

Attribute Description
hasBooleanValue Describes if the asset property has a BooleanValue
BooleanValue Describes asset property data of type Boolean (true or false)
DoubleValue Describes asset property data of type double (floating point number)
IntegerValue Describes asset property data of type integer (whole number)
StringValue Describes asset property data of type string (sequence of characters).

4.1.49 GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset and is a required parameter coupled with PropertyID. Alternatively, the PropertyAlias attribute can be used instead.
EndDate Describes the inclusive end of the range from which to query historical data.
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of results to return for each paginated request.
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.
PropertyAlias Describes the alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature) and is a required parameter when AssetID and PropertyID are not specified.
PropertyID Describes the ID of the asset property and is a required parameter coupled with AssetID. Alternatively, the PropertyAlias attribute can be used instead.
Quality Describes the quality by which to filter asset data.
`StartDatev Describes the exclusive start of the range from which to query historical data.
TimeOrdering Describes the chronological sorting order of the requested information.

4.1.50 GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.

4.1.51 GetAssetPropertyAggregatesRequest

Attribute Description
AggregateType Describes the data aggregating function and is a required parameter.
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset.
EndDate Describes the inclusive end of the range from which to query historical data and is a required parameter.
MaxResults Describes the maximum number of results to return for each paginated request.
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.
PropertyAlias Describes the alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature).
PropertyID Describes the ID of the asset property.
Quality Describes the quality by which to filter asset data.
Resolution Describes the time interval over which to aggregate data and is a required parameter.
StartDate Describes the exclusive start of the range from which to query historical data and is a required parameter.
TimeOrdering Describes the chronological sorting order of the requested information.

4.1.52 GetAssetPropertyAggregatesResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.

4.1.53 AggregatedValue

Attribute Description
Quality Describes the quality of the aggregated data.
Timestamp Describes the date the aggregating computations occurred.

4.1.54 AbstractEntry

Attribute Description
AssetID Describes the ID of the asset in which the asset property was created.
EntryID Describes the ID of the entry and is a required parameter.
PropertyAlias Describes the alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature).
PropertyID Describes the ID of the asset property.

4.1.55 AbstractErrorEntry

Attribute Description
EntryID Describes the ID of the entry.
ErrorCode Describes the error code.
ErrorMessage Describes the associated error message.

4.1.56 AbstractSkippedEntry

Attribute Description
CompletionStatus Describes the completion status of each entry that is associated with a batch retrieval API.
EntryID Describes the ID of the entry.

4.1.57 AbstractSuccessEntry

Attribute Description
EntryID Describes the ID of the entry.

4.1.58 ErrorInfo

Attribute Description
ErrorCode Describes the error code.
ErrorTimestamp Describes the date the error occurred.

4.1.59 BatchGetAssetPropertyValueRequest

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.

4.1.60 BatchGetAssetPropertyValueResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.

4.1.61 BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest

Attribute Description
MaxResults The maximum number of results to return for each paginated request. The maximum value of MaxResults can be set to 20000.
NextToken Describes the token to be used for the next set of paginated results.

4.1.62 BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse

Attribute Description
NextToken Describes the token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.

4.1.63 BatchPutAssetPropertyValueRequest

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes.

4.1.64 PutAssetPropertyValueEntry

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes since it inherits from the AbstractEntry entity.

4.1.65 PutAssetPropertyValue

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes since it inherits from the AbstractAssetPropertyValue entity.

4.1.66 TimeInNanos_Response

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes since it inherits from the AbstractTimeInNanos entity.

4.1.67 TimeInNanos

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes since it inherits from the AbstractTimeInNanos entity.

4.1.68 BatchPutAssetPropertyValueResponse

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes.

4.1.69 BatchPutAssetPropertyErrorEntry

Attribute Description
EntrID The user specified ID for the entry. You can use this ID to identify which entries failed.

4.1.70 BatchPutAssetPropertyError

Attribute Description
ErrorCode Holds the returned error code.
ErrorMessage The associated error message.

4.2 Enumerations

An enumeration is a predefined list of values that can be used as an attribute type. For the AWS IoT SiteWise connector, enumerations list values such as the list of available AWS regions, the asset model state, error details code and the detailed error codes.

4.2.1 ENUM_AssetModelStatus_State

Name Caption Description
CREATING CREATING The asset model is being created.
ACTIVE ACTIVE The asset model is active.
UPDATING UPDATING The asset model is being updated.
PROPAGATING PROPAGATING The asset model’s changes are propagating to its assets.
DELETING DELETING The asset model is being deleted.
FAILED FAILED The asset model failed to validate during a create or update operation.

4.2.2 ENUM_ErrorDetails_Code

Name Caption Description

4.2.3 ENUM_DetailedError_Code

Name Caption Description
INCOMPATIBLE_COMPUTE_LOCATION The provided compute location is incompatible.
INCOMPATIBLE_FORWARDING_CONFIGURATION The provided forwarding configuration is incompatible.

4.2.4 ENUM_PortalStatus_State

Name Caption Description
CREATING CREATING The portal is being created.
UPDATING UPDATING The portal is being updated.
DELETING DELETING The portal is being deleted.
ACTIVE ACTIVE The portal is active.
FAILED FAILED The portal failed to validate during a create or update operation.

4.2.5 ENUM_MonitorErrorDetails_Code

Name Caption Description
INTERNAL_FAILURE An internal error has occurred.
VALIDATION_ERROR A validation error was returned.
LIMIT_EXCEEDED The monitoring limit has been exceeded.

4.2.6 ENUM_AssetModelCompositeModelType

Name Caption Description
AWS INTERNAL_FAILURE The type of the composite model.
ALARM VALIDATION_ERROR The type of the composite model.

4.2.7 ENUM_ComputeLocation

Name Caption Description
EDGE EDGE The variable is being computed on the Edge device.
CLOUD CLOUD The variable is being computed in the cloud.

4.2.8 ENUM_DataType

Name Caption Description
_STRING STRING The variable is of type string.
INTEGER INTEGER The variable is of type integer.
_DOUBLE DOUBLE The variable is of type double.
_BOOLEAN BOOLEAN The variable is of type Boolean.
STRUCT STRUCT The variable is of type struct.

4.2.9 ENUM_ForwardingConfigState

Name Caption Description
DISABLED DISABLED The forwarding config state is disabled.
ENABLED ENABLED The forwarding config state is enabled.

4.2.10 ENUM_ListAssetsFilter

Name Caption Description
ALL ALL The filter to retrieve all assets associated with a specified asset model.
TOP_LEVEL TOP_LEVEL The filter to retrieve only top-level assets.

4.2.11 ENUM_PropertyNotificationState

Name Caption Description
ENABLED ENABLED Describes a property’s notification state.
DISABLED DISABLED Describes a property’s notification state.

4.2.12 ENUM_AssociatedAsset_TraversalDirection

Name Caption Description
CHILD CHILD Lists all child assets associated to the asset.
PARENT PARENT The list includes the asset’s parent asset.

4.2.13 ENUM_AssetPropertyValue_Quality

Name Caption Description
GOOD GOOD The data isn’t affected by any issues.
BAD BAD The data is affected by an issue such as sensor failure.
UNCERTAIN UNCERTAIN The data is affected by an issue such as sensor inaccuracy.

4.2.14 ENUM_TimeOrdering

Name Caption Description
ASCENDING ASCENDING Chronological sorting order of the requested information is ascending.
DESCENDING DESCENDING Chronological sorting order of the requested information is descending.

4.2.15 ENUM_Resolution

Name Caption Description
_1m 1m Time interval of one minute over which data is aggregated.
_15m 15m Time interval of fifteen minutes over which data is aggregated.
_1h 1h Time interval of one hour over which data is aggregated.
_1d 1d Time interval of one day over which data is aggregated.

4.2.16 ENUM_AggregateType

Name Caption Description
AVERAGE AVERAGE Data aggregating function being the mean value in the specified period.
COUNT COUNT Data aggregating function being the count of data points.
MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Data aggregating function being the maximum value in the specified period.
MINIMUM MINIMUM Data aggregating function being the minimum value in the specified period.
SUM SUM Data aggregating function being the summed up value in the specified period.
STANDARD_DEVIATION STANDARD_DEVIATION Data aggregating function being the standard deviation in the specified period.

4.2.17 ENUM_ErrorCode

Name Caption Description
ResourceNotFoundException ResourceNotFoundException Retrieving the property value returned an error because the resource was not found.
InvalidRequestException InvalidRequestException Retrieving the property value returned an error because the request was invalid.
AccessDeniedException AccessDeniedException Retrieving the property value returned and error because access was denied.

4.2.18 ENUM_CompletionStatus

Name Caption Description
SUCCESS SUCCESS The entry was skipped because it was included in a prior batch retrieval call.
ERROR ERROR The entry was skipped because it returned an error.

4.2.19 ENUM_BatchPutAssetPropertyError_ErrorCode

Name Caption Description
ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION The property value returned and error because access was denied.
CONFLICTING_OPERATION_EXCEPTION CONFLICTING_OPERATION_EXCEPTION Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you’re trying to perform more than one operation on the same resource at the same time.
INTERNAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION INTERNAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION AWS IoT SiteWise cannot process your request right now. Try again later.
INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION The property value returned an error because the request was invalid.
LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION You have reached the limit for a resource. For example, this can occur if you are trying to associate more than the allowed number of child properties for an asset.
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION The property value you are trying to change was not found.
THROTTLING_EXCEPTION THROTTLING_EXCEPTION Your request exceeded a rate limit. For example, you might have exceeded the number of AWS IoT SiteWise assets that can be created per second.
UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION Returned when the enumeration value is unknown in the SDK.

4.2.20 ENUM_FindNearestSecond_Type

Name Caption Description
ROUND ROUND To round to the nearest unit.
CEILING CEILING To round up to the nearest second.
TRUNCATE TRUNCATE To round down to the nearest second.

4.3 Activities

Activities define the actions that are executed in a microflow or a nanoflow.

4.3.1 ListAssetModels

The ListAssetModels Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of all asset model summaries for the given region. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListAssetModelsRequest object and returns a ListAssetModelsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListAssetModelsRequest ListAssetModelsResponse

The ListAssetModels method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListAssetModels method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.2 DescribeAssetModel

The DescribeAssetModel Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve information about an asset model. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a DescribeAssetModelRequest object and returns a DescribeAssetModelResponse object. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
DescribeAssetModelRequest DescribeAssetModelResponse

4.3.3 ListProjects

The ListProjects Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of all project summaries for an AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor portal. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListProjectsRequest object with a valid PortalID and returns a ListProjectsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListProjectsRequest ListProjectsResponse

The ListProjects method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListProjects method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.4 DescribeProject

The DescribeProject Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to get details on a specific project that exists within your AWS environment. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a DescribeProjectRequest object with a valid ProjectID and returns a DescribeProjectResponse object. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
DescribeProjectRequest DescribeProjectResponse

4.3.5 ListPortals

The ListPortals Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of all portal summaries for the given region. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListPortalsRequest object and returns a ListPortalsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListPortalsRequest ListPortalsResponse

The ListPortals method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListPortals method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.6 ListAssets

The ListAssets Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of all asset summaries for the given region. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListAssetsRequest object and returns a ListAssetsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListAssetsRequest ListAssetsResponse

The ListAssets method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListAssets method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.7 ListProjectAssets

The ListProjectAssets Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of assets belonging to a project. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListProjectAssetsRequest object with a valid ProjectID and returns a ListProjectAssetsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListProjectAssetsRequest ListProjectAssetsResponse

The ListProjectAssets method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListProjectAssets method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.8 DescribeAsset

The DescribeAsset Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve information for a given asset. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a DescribeAssetRequest object with a valid AssetID and returns a DescribeAssetResponse object. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
DescribeAssetRequest DescribeAssetResponse

4.3.9 ListAssociatedAssets

The ListAssociatedAssets Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of all associated assets for the given asset. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListAssociatedAssetsRequest object wit a valid AssetID and returns a ListAssociatedAssetsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListAssociatedAssetsRequest ListAssociatedAssetsResponse

The ListAssociatedAssets method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListAssociatedAssets method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.10 ListAssetRelationships

The ListAssetRelationships Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a list of asset relationships for an asset. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a ListAssetRelationshipsRequest object with a valid AssetID and returns a ListAssetRelationshipsResponse object, which can include a maximum of 250 results. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ListAssetRelationshipsRequest ListAssetRelationshipsResponse

The ListAssetRelationships method supports pagination. The MaxResults in the request can be set to specify the maximum number of results to be returned in the response object. If you do not set MaxResults, the response includes 50 results by default. If you set MaxResults and there are additional results to display, the response includes a value for NextToken. Use NextToken as a parameter in your next request to the ListAssetRelationships method to receive the next page of results.

4.3.11 DescribeAssetProperty

The DescribeAssetProperty Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve information about an asset property. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a DescribeAssetPropertyRequest object with a valid AssetID & PropertyID, and returns a DescribeAssetPropertyResponse object.

Input Output
DescribeAssetPropertyRequest DescribeAssetPropertyResponse

4.3.12 GetAssetPropertyValue

The GetAssetPropertyValue Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve an asset property’s current value. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a GetAssetPropertyValueRequest object and returns a GetAssetPropertyValueResponse object.

Input Output
GetAssetPropertyValueRequest GetAssetPropertyValueResponse

4.3.13 GetAssetPropertyValueHistory

The GetAssetPropertyValueHistory Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve a set of an asset property’s historic values. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest object and returns a GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse object.

Input Output
GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest GetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse

4.3.14 GetAssetPropertyAggregates

The GetAssetPropertyAggregates Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to retrieve aggregated values for an asset property. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a GetAssetPropertyAggregatesRequest object and returns a GetAssetPropertyAggregatesResponse object.

Input Output
GetAssetPropertyAggregatesRequest GetAssetPropertyAggregatesResponse

4.3.15 BatchGetAssetPropertyValue

The BatchGetAssetPropertyValue Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to get the current value for one or more asset properties. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a BatchGetAssetPropertyValueRequest object and returns a BatchGetAssetPropertyValueResponse object.

Input Output
BatchGetAssetPropertyValueRequest BatchGetAssetPropertyValueResponse

4.3.16 BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory

The BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to get the historical values for one or more asset properties. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest object and returns a BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse object.

Input Output
BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryRequest BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryResponse

4.3.17 BatchPutAssetPropertyValue

The BatchPutAssetPropertyValue Amazon Iot SiteWise activity allows you to put values for one or more asset properties. It requires a valid ENUM_Region parameter and a BatchPutAssetPropertyValueRequest object and returns a BatchPutAssetPropertyValueResponse object.

Input Output
BatchPutAssetPropertyValueRequest BatchPutAssetPropertyValueResponse

4.3.18 JA_FindNearestSecond

The GetAssetPropertyValueHistory, GetAssetPropertyAggregates and BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory Amazon Iot SiteWise activities have two attributes call StartDate and EndDate that can be given to describe the range from which to query historical data. The date and time variable given to these two attributes must be expressed in seconds (millisecond must be 000). For our users to be able to find the nearest second to their chosen time if need be, we have created the JA_FindNearestSecond Java action with three different enum variables for the FindType parameter. It requires a date and time DateTime parameter and a FindType enum parameter and returns a date and time value.

Input Output
DateTime , FindType Date and time value