Performance Tips

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

This document presents suggestions that can help improve Studio Pro performance.

2 Basic

These are simple actions you can take to improve your experience with Studio Pro.

2.1 LTS or MTS Version

Update your Studio Pro to the latest LTS or MTS version, as Mendix is constantly releasing improvements in all supported major versions.

2.2 Software

Use a Microsoft Windows version that is currently listed in the System Requirements.

Keep your Microsoft Windows updated.

2.3 Hardware

Ensure your hardware meets the System Requirements.

Consider installing the operating system (OS) and Studio Pro and storing your Mendix apps in a solid-state drive (SSD).

Additionally, do not run your solution from a USB drive. Copy it to your hard-disk drive (HDD) or SSD.

2.3.1 Software Rendering Mode

In some exceptional cases, hardware acceleration can cause errors when rendering desktop applications. When this occurs, Mendix recommends enabling software rendering.

To do this, navigate to Preferences > Work Environment and select Enable software rendering mode. Then, restart Studio Pro. After restarting, check if you notice improvements. If you do not notice improvements, it is preferable to turn this setting off.

2.4 Parallels

For tips on using Parallels, see the Improving Performance section of Configuring Parallels.

3 Advanced

These tips are recommended if you are an advanced user with admin privileges to make these changes in your configuration.

3.1 Windows Defender

Add studiopro.exe to the ignored processes list.

In addition, add the apps folders and the installation folder to the ignored list of folders of Windows Defender (and other anti-virus software).

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