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Change Object

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

The change object activity can be used to change the members of an object. This can be done with or without committing and with or without events.

2 Properties

An example of change object properties is represented in the image below:

change object properties

There are two sets of properties for this activity, those in the dialog box on the left, and those in the properties pane on the right.

The change object properties pane consists of the following sections:

3 Action Section

The Action section of the properties pane shows the action associated with this activity.

You can open a dialog box to configure this action by clicking the ellipsis () next to the action.

You can also open the dialog box by double-clicking the activity in the microflow or right-clicking the activity and selecting Properties.

3.1 Object

Object defines the object that is changed.

3.2 Commit

Commit defines the way the object is committed. See the section How Commits Work in Commit Object(s) for more information on committing.

Option Description
Yes with event handlers The object is saved in the database and the event handlers are triggered
Yes without event handlers The object is saved in the database, but the event handlers are not triggered
No (default) The object is changed without being saved in the database

3.2.1 Use Cases for Setting Commit

If a flow is triggered from a data view (for example by the ‘on change’ of an text field) you often do not want to commit the changes you make to the data view object yet. The end-user can press the Save or Cancel button to commit or rollback the changes.

However, if the flow is triggered from a data grid button that just performs an operation on a selection you will want to commit the changes to avoid losing them.

3.2.2 Commits in Nanoflows

Nanoflows do not support committing changes without events. Committing while running in an online app sends a commit request to the Mendix Runtime and runs the events. If a change object action is used in an offline app, the changes are committed to the offline database.

3.3 Refresh in Client

This setting defines whether data sources are rerun after data is committed to the database.

Default: No

3.3.1 Microflow is Called from the Client in an Online App

If Refresh in client is set to No, the change is not reflected in the client.

If set to Yes, the object is refreshed across the client, which includes reloading the relevant data sources.

3.3.2 Microflow is Called in an Offline, Native, or Hybrid App

When inside a microflow that is called from an offline, native, or hybrid app, the Refresh in client option is ignored and functions as if it was set to No.

For more information, see the Microflows section of the Offline-First Reference Guide.

3.3.3 Action is in a Nanoflow

The Refresh in client option is not available when change object is used in a nanoflow. In this case, the refresh behavior depends on the Commit type option. It always reflects the changed attribute values in the client, including visibility.

If Commit type is set to Yes, the object is refreshed across the client as if Refresh in client was set to Yes.

3.4 Change Members

You can specify a list of changes that to apply to the object. Values for members are specified with expressions and must be of the same type as the member.

For a reference set association, it is also possible to add and remove an association (instead of only setting the member). For add, an object or a list of objects can be added to the currently associated objects. For remove, an object or a list of objects can be removed from the currently associated objects.

4 Common Section

For more information on properties in this section, see Common Properties.