Quality and Security Management

Last modified: July 23, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix Quality and Security Management (QSM) is a cloud service developed by Mendix and the Software Improvement Group (SIG). Mendix QSM performs a static analysis of Mendix application models according the ISO 25010 standard for maintainability. Dashboards provide instant insight into the quality of the application models as they’re built, including quality ratings based on benchmarks of thousands of projects.

By proactively monitoring quality on a daily basis customers can improve maintainability and reduce lifecycle costs.

2 Maintainability

The Mendix QSM maintainability model is based on the SIG/TÜViT Evaluation Criteria. These criteria provide standardized evaluation and certification of the technical quality of the source code of software products. By ensuring that an application is highly maintainable, the maintenance load can be reduced, reducing cost and freeing up capacity to focus on innovation. QSM provides actionable insights to structurally and iteratively improve the maintainability of any application and leverages AI to provide explanations and methods to determine what to do with individual findings.

The general notion of software quality embraces a variety of quality aspects, of which a taxonomy is available in the ISO/IEC 25010 international standard on software product quality. The scope of the SIG/TÜViT Evaluation Criteria is limited to the internal quality characteristic of maintainability and its sub-characteristics of analyzability, modifiability, testability, modularity and reusability. The evaluation concerns the source code of a software product, not the behavior of the product in a test or production environment.

As mentioned above, QSM checks whether your Mendix application adheres to the ISO 25010 standard for writing maintainable software. The model that is used for this partially overlaps with the Mendix Development Best Practices, specifically with regard to microflow development best practices. For more Information on the exact model used, see QSM Model Documentation. For broader documentation on QSM as a platform and all of its features, see QSM Documentation. Note that Sigrid is the technology agnostic name for QSM, where QSM is specific to Mendix.

3 Architecture

While maintainability concerns itself with the quality of specific flows, documents and modules architecture takes a more holistic view of the application and its internal structure. It provides measurable and objective metrics to track quality in otherwise intangible concepts like component coupling and cohesion.

Additionally, the architecture model, fully automatically, generates architecture diagrams at any required level of detail, allowing you to dive in to the large scale relations between different modules, as well as analyze the different ways in which an individual flow can be accessed. This is invaluable when analyzing or re-designing the architecture of an application, but can also support otherwise tedious tasks like security attack surface, or error analysis.

4 Security

The security of your application is only as strong as the weakest link. Unfortunately, this means that a data leak or ransomware attack can be the result of a single oversight. QSM’s security model is tailor-made in close collaboration between Mendix and SIG to catch as many potential issues as possible. The focus here is to catch issues that cause actual security incidents in practice, like entity access misconfiguration.

Because QSM can provide these findings out of the box and in early stages of development, developers can catch issues during development, instead of waiting for a security team or penetration test to reveal potential issues. This, in turn, speeds up time to market and improves predictability of delivery.

5 Open-source Health

In addition to the security of your own code, it is essential to also consider the security of third-party code within your system. Open-source health allows you to automatically generate an exhaustive list of all open-source software present in your system. Both Mendix modules or widgets, and Java or JavaScript libraries are caught and analyzed by this model. QSM will inform you whenever there is a known vulnerability in such a library, or which ones have new updates available. This way, QSM can support you pro-actively, keeping your dependencies up-to-date and avoiding security incidents before they even have a chance to appear.

6 Additional Information

  • Mendix QSM is available for projects based on Mendix 6.0 and above.
  • Mendix QSM supports self-service onboarding of new QSM apps for existing customers via Mendix Support.
  • Mendix QSM is part of our Mendix pricelist. For more information or activation, please contact your Mendix Customer Success Manager or Sales.
  • Detailed documentation is available via the complementary Sigrid Academy.
  • Mendix QSM dashboard reports are generated every night based on the latest version in your Project Team Server.
    • By default, the Mendix QSM reports are based on the main line in your app’s Team Server.
    • We are building CI support for Mendix that will allow you to run QSM in your Mendix CI pipeline (for more information, see SigridCI).

7 Release Notes


Quality Monitor tool update

It is now possible to compare snapshots with each other. This functionality is similar to the metrics table. The Compare snapshot functionality shows the differences between two snapshots.

We have enhanced dependency graph with some nice new features so you can see more information about the dependencies:

  • You can see details of dependencies between two components by clicking on the edges.
  • You can also see the dependency graph of the previous snapshot.
  • The Graph can be filtered by dependency types, so you see only relevant information
  • If you want to analyze the dependencies a bit further, you now can download the information in the DOT format. This can be used in tools like Graphviz.
  • Large graphs are now correctly rendered again.

Analysis tool update – Pseudocode generator

The Analysis tool has been enhanced a lot, this will mitigate the occurrence of commonly seen false positive duplicates in the microflows and pages:

  • Render references similar to attributes in CreateObject action
  • Render variable name and show-in-browser value for DownloadFile action
  • Render name and called operation for WebserviceCall action
  • Render new values for attributes that get modified by ChangeObject action
  • Render template name and parameters for GenerateDocument action
  • Don’t render canvas size for pages and snippets
  • AllowedRoles are now all rendered on a single line in the pseudo code of a Page

System Analysis Toolkit

We have upgraded the Model to the latest version 8.0 of SIG/TÜVIT Maintainability Model (Feb. 2016 calibrated version).