User Identifiers API

Last modified: July 3, 2024

1 Introduction

The User Identifiers API allows Mendix admins to perform operations related to user identifiers within their company, such as obtaining the user UUIDs of specific email addresses.

2 Authentication

Authentication for the User Identifiers API uses a personal access token (PAT).

2.1 Generating a PAT

To generate a PAT, see the Personal Access Tokens section of User Settings.

Select the following as User Identifiers API scopes:

mx:mxid3:user-identifiers:uuid:read – to obtain the user’s UUIDs

Store the generated value {GENERATED_PAT} somewhere safe so you can use it to authorize your User Identifiers API calls.

2.2 Using the PAT

Each request must contain an Authorization header with the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}. Here is an example:

GET /api/user-identifiers/v1/uuids HTTP/1.1
Authorization: MxToken 7LJE…vk

To authenticate calls when using the Open API specification below, click Authorize and use the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}.

3 Examples

3.1 Using the API to retrieve user’s UUIDs

The following steps lead to retrieval of user’s UUIDs of the email addresses provided in {emailAddresses}.

  1. Set up your authentication PAT. You must be a Mendix Admin.

  2. Create a request body containing the email addresses under emailAddresses. For example, to get user UUIDs of jane.doe@domain.tld and john.doe@domain.tld, provide a body like this:

          { "emailAddress":"jane.doe@domain.tld" },
          { "emailAddress":"john.doe@domain.tld" }
  3. Call GET /api/user-identifiers/v1/uuids to get the UUIDs of the provided email addresses.

4 API Reference