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Anonymous Users

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

You can use anonymous users to allow end-users access your application without having to sign in. You can restrict the data that anonymous users can view and access by assigning a specific user role to them.

2 Anonymous Users Properties

Open Project Security > the Anonymous users tab to access the properties:

The properties of anonymous users are described in the table below:

Property Description
Allow anonymous users When Yes is selected, anonymous users are allowed. End-users do not have to sign in to access the application.
When No is selected, anonymous users are not allowed. End-users have to sign in to access the application.
Anonymous user role The user role that end-users of your application have when they are not signed in. This tells the application which role should be automatically applied to anonymous users who access the app. The Allow anonymous users property should be set to Yes to select an anonymous user role.

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