Enabling End-Users to Attach Images

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

This how-to explains how you can enable your end-users to attach images. They will be able to attach images from different devices: phone, tablet, or desktop; or they can take a new image on their phone camera.

This how-to teaches you how to do the following:

  • Create a specialization of the System.Image entity
  • Create a page with a form that allows your end-users to attach images
  • Display attached images in a list

The how-to describes the following use case:

You have the New Report page with a form (a data view) where employees submit a trip report for reimbursement. They fill in their name, department, purpose and date of their trip, and total amount to be reimbursed.

You would like to add a new functionality: when creating a reimbursement report, employees need to attach receipts – screenshots or scanned images of what they paid for.

You also would like to display attached images in a list below the report and to enable your end-users delete images from the list if needed.

2 Prerequisites

Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Familiarize yourself with page terms and how to perform basic functions on pages. For more information, see Page.

  • Familiarize yourself with the domain model terms and learn how to perform basic functions. For more information, see Domain Model.

  • Make sure your domain model is configured the following way:

  • You have the New Report page with a form (a data view) where employees submit a trip report for reimbursement:

3 Creating a Specialization of System.Image

First of all, to be able to attach and upload images you need to add an entity that is a specialization of the System.Image entity. For more information, see the Generalization section in Entities.

Do the following:

  1. Open your domain model > Toolbox and drag a new entity in a working area.

  2. Double-click the new entity to open its properties.

  3. Set the Name property to Receipt.

  4. In the Generalization property, click Select, choose the Image entity under System, and confirm your choice:

  5. Now you need to create an association from the Receipt entity to the Report entity. In the Properties dialog box, open the Associations tab and click New.

  6. In the Select Entity dialog box, select Report and confirm your choice:

  7. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

Good job! You have created the Receipt entity, which is a specialization of System.Image entity, and an association from it to the Report entity:

4 Adding an Image Uploader

An Image Uploader is a widget that allows your end-users to attach images. However, it can only function inside a data container (a list view or data view) and can only have an entity that is a specialization of System.Image or that is connected to it as its data source. If you just drag the image uploader into your report form, it will not work correctly, because your current data view has the Report entity as its data source:

To solve this, you can add a button which will open a new pop-up page where your end-users can attach images. This page will be connected to your current report form over the Receipt_Report association and will upload images associated to this specific report.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the New Report page where employees submit a new report.

  2. Open the Toolbox and search for the Create button.

  3. Drag the button above Save and Cancel buttons:

  4. In the Select Entity dialog box, choose the Receipt entity:

  5. Open the Properties pane for the button and do the following:

    1. Select the Caption property and rename it to Attach Images.

    2. Click the Icon property.

    3. In the Select icon dialog box, search for the picture glyph icon, and click Select.

    4. Click the Button style property and change it from Default to Success.

    5. Click the On click page property and in the Select web page dialog box, click New.

    6. In the Create Page dialog box, do the following:

      1. Set the Title to Receipt_NewEdit.

      2. Set the Layout to PopupLayout.

      3. Since this button creates the Receipt object, the contents of the page will be configured automatically for you and the suggested page template is narrowed down to Forms. Choose Form Vertical and click Create.

  6. A new pop-up page with a preconfigured form (a data view) is created:

  7. As you only need your end-users to attach images on this page, delete the Dynamic image widget, Name and Size text boxes and Report reference selector from the data view.

You have created a pop-up page that will allow employees to attach images to their reimbursement reports:

5 Displaying Attached Images

After users attach the images, it would be nice to display their attachments and give them an opportunity to delete the ones they do not need. To do so, you need to add a list with dynamic images:

  1. Open the New Report page.

  2. Open Toolbox, search for list view and drag it under the Attach Images button (inside the data view).

  3. Open the Properties pane of the list view and do the following:

    1. Click the Entity (path) property.

    2. In the Select Entity dialog box, choose the Receipt entity over Receipt_Report association, and click Select:

  4. Choose Yes for the question to fill in the contents of the widget.

  5. Open Toolbox, search for Layout grid and drag it to the list view.

  6. Choose 4,4,4 for the layout grid:

  7. In the list view, drag the dynamic image widget into the first column and Name into the second.

  8. Delete other widgets that were added automatically.

  9. Open Toolbox, search for Delete button and drag it into the third column:

  10. Open Properties pane of the button and in the Button style property, change Default to Danger.

Great job! Now you have the image list that shows attached images and your users will be able to delete images from the list if necessary:

Congratulations! You have configured the report that allows your users to attach images and displays these images in the list.

Preview your app to test how the image uploading works.