Language Operations

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

When creating an app in multiple languages, there are a number of tasks which you may want to carry out on all the texts in the app, or in a specific module.

Language Operations enable you to perform the following operations for a language dictionary. You can decide which modules the operation applies to:

  • Move texts from one language dictionary to another
  • Copy texts from one language dictionary to another
  • Swap texts between two language dictionaries
  • Delete texts from one language dictionary

2 Selecting Modules

In the Selection section of the dialog box, you can select the modules that you want to manage.

For each module, you can see the number of translatable texts which have been entered in each language which contains items. The gray columns indicate languages which are not selected in the app, but which contain translated texts. This enables you to remove a language from the app but still have access to the existing texts.

3 Performing Operations

Select an Operation to carry out on the selected module(s).

There are four language operation options, described below. These can be carried out for any language which has been selected in the app, plus any other languages which have translated texts.

Click Apply to apply the selected language operation.

3.1 Move

Move moves the source language to the destination language, which overwrites all the texts in the destination language with those in the source language and removes the texts in the source.

Select the Source language and the Destination language from the drop-down menus.

3.2 Copy

Copy copies the source language to the destination language, which overwrites all the texts in the destination language with those in the source language. Texts are not deleted from the source language.

Select the Source language and the Destination language from the drop-down menus.

3.3 Swap

Swap replaces the source language with the destination language, and the destination language with the source language.

Select the Source language and the Destination language from the drop-down menus.

3.4 Delete

Delete deletes all the texts in a selected language.

Select the language from the Language drop-down menu.