
Last modified: July 12, 2024

1 Introduction

MxBuild is a Windows and Linux command-line tool that can be used to build a Mendix Deployment Package from a Mendix app.

The version of MxBuild you need depends on the version of the Mendix model you would like to build, as well as the host operating system you would like to use.

The table below can help you find the correct MxBuild. Copy a URL from the corresponding row into your browser and replace mxversion with your full Mendix version number:

Operating System Mendix Version URL
Linux (x64) All versions{mxversion}.tar.gz
Windows (x64) Below 9.20{mxversion}.tar.gz
Windows (x64) 9.20 – 9.22{mxversion}.tar.gz
Windows (x64) 9.23 and above{mxversion}.tar.gz

You can extract the files using your favorite archival tool, such as 7-Zip.

For details on the system requirements for MxBuild, see System Requirements.

2 Command Line

To build your package, you specify the Mendix app file (.mpr) for which you want to build the deployment package (.mda) on the command-line. The file name may be preceded by a relative or absolute path. The app file should be located inside a Mendix app directory.

MxBuild takes a number of command-line options which control how the Mendix app is processed. These options precede the name of the app file.

In Windows, use the following format for the command line:

MxBuild --java-home="JDKDirectory" --java-exe-path="javaExecutable" [options] projectFile

You can also run MxBuild under Linux using the following command line format:

mono mxbuild.exe --java-home="JDKDirectory" --java-exe-path="javaExecutable" [options] projectFile

After creating the deployment package, the MxBuild process quits.

2.1 General Command-Line Options

Command-line options are described in the table below:

Option Description
-h, --help Prints a short description of the MxBuild and a list of all available options.
--java-home=DIRECTORY (Required). The directory in which the JDK is installed.
For example, --java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle.
For Windows the DIRECTORY should be enclosed in double-quotes ".
--java-exe-path=FILENAME (Required). The full path to the Java executable.
For example, --java-exe-path=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java.
For Windows the DIRECTORY should be enclosed in double-quotes ", and must contain the complete file name ...\java.exe.
––target=[package|deploy] package: default if option is omitted. Creates a deployment package (.mda file)
deploy: deploys the app without making a deployment package.
--loose-version-check Creates a deployment package from an app which was created with a lower Mendix version.
The app will be upgraded to the MxBuild version before the deployment package is created.
Any changes included as a result of this upgrade will not be stored in your app.
--write-errors=FILENAME Writes all errors, warnings, and deprecations encountered during deployment of the app to the specified file in JSON format.
This file is only written when the app contains errors.
If the file already exists, it will be overwritten without a warning.
For a description of the format of this file, see the App Errors section below.

2.2 Options When Creating a Package

Options when creating a package are described in the table below:

Option                      Description
The name (with optional relative or absolute path) of the .mda file that is created by MxBuild.
If this option is omitted, the file will be saved in the current directory under a name out.mda.
--project-name=NAME Changes the name of the application to the one used by the Mendix Runtime.
When this option is not specified, the name of the app is used.
--model-version=VERSION Applies a specific version number to the model in the package.
--model-description=DESCRIPTION Embeds a description of the model in the package.

For example, to create a deployment package out.mda in the current directory using the app MyApp using the Windows version of MxBuild, you can use the following command:

mxbuild --target=package --java-home="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144" --java-exe-path="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin\java.exe" "C:\Users\username\Documents\Mendix\MyApp\MyApp.mpr"

3 Return Code

When MxBuild exits, one of the following codes will be returned:

Exit Code Description
0 MxBuild finished successfully.
1 An internal error occurred.
2 There is something wrong with the command-line options.
3 Deployment of the Mendix app failed.

If the exit code is larger than 0, MxBuild will show you the message describing the error.

4 App Errors

When your Mendix app contains errors, deployment will fail and MxBuild will report these errors. You can use the --write-errors=FILENAME command-line option to tell MxBuild to write the errors to a file.

The errors are output as a JSON object that has one property: problems. The value of this property is an array of objects that each describe one error, warning, or deprecation in your app. For example:

  "problems": [
      "name": null,
      "severity": "Error",
      "message": "Start event cannot be the last object of a flow.",
      "locations": [
          "elementId": "252e1008-d795-4e49-b3e3-2ba38eb0a56d",
          "unitId": "1a8a3593-6f01-43a3-bc22-bd22f9244983",
          "element": "Start event",
          "document": "Microflow 'MyMicroflow'",
          "module": "MyModule"

The following table describes the various properties of the problems JSON object:

Property Description
name A unique identifier of the problem or null when the consistency check is not yet defined in the Mendix Metamodel.
severity Describes the type of problem: Warning, Error, or Deprecation.
message The description of the problem. This is the same as the message in the Errors pane of Mendix Studio Pro.
locations Contains zero or more objects that describe the location in the Mendix app where the problem occurs (see the following table).

The location(s) associated with the problem have the following properties:

Property Description
elementId The unique id of the model element in which the problem occurs.
unitId The unique id of the document in which the problem occurs.
element A description of the model element in which the problem occurs.
document A description of the document in which the problem occurs.
module A description of the module in which the problem occurs.