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Configure the Mendix Feedback Widget for iOS

Last modified: June 5, 2024

1 Introduction

When you first start a Mendix hybrid mobile app for iOS, the feedback button from the Mendix Feedback widget will not work. This is due to an iOS security policy whereby the application is only allowed to make requests and load content from file:/// URLs. Because the content in the feedback widget is hosted at https://sprintr.home.mendix.com, the widget will not work

This how-to teaches you how to do the following:

  • Configure your iOS hybrid mobile app to allow access to th feedback management functionality in Apps.

2 Prerequisites

  • Ensure that you have access to the Mendix Portal and the Custom Cordova configuration section on the Mobile App page (accessible via DEPLOY)
  • Alternatively, you can make this change directly in the config.xml file, if you have that available

3 Extending the config.xml File

To make the feedback button work as it should, you need only to add two lines to your config.xml file inside the <widget> element:

<!-- Don't block any requests -->
<access origin="*" />
<!-- Allow links to sprintr.home.mendix.com -->
<allow-navigation href="https://sprintr.home.mendix.com/*" />

Now build your app and you will see a correctly rendered feedback widget!

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