Private Mendix Platform Marketplace API

Last modified: May 7, 2024

1 Introduction

The Private Mendix Platform Marketplace API allows you to manage the Marketplace in Private Mendix Platform. You can use the API to do the following:

  • Retrieve all Marketplace content items
  • Create a new Marketplace content item
  • Get versions of an existing Marketplace content item
  • Create a new version of an existing content item
  • Get a single Marketplace content item by ID
  • Update a content item
  • Delete a Marketplace content that is not published
  • Download a specific published content item
  • Get a specific version of a Marketplace content item
  • Change the owning user and group of a content item
  • Get, add, delete, or input the groups of a content item
  • Update, publish, retire, activate, or delete a specific version of a Marketplace content item
  • Get all Marketplace categories
  • Get a single subcategory by ID
  • Create, update, or delete a subcategory

2 API Reference