Studio Pro Overview

Last modified: July 24, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix Studio Pro is a tool for creating, viewing, and editing your Mendix applications.

One Studio Pro instance can have only one app open at a time, but you can open two Studio Pro instances when necessary.

This document describes the user interface of Mendix Studio Pro:

Studio Pro Diagram

2 Top Bar

The Studio Pro top bar contains the following items:

In the Studio Pro top bar, you can see several menus, such as Switch-to menu, Edit, View, and Version Control. Each menu contains menu items that allow you to perform various actions, such as to create a deployment package, set preferences, or view the Errors pane.

For more information on menus, see Menus.

2.2 Run and View App

Deploy your app by clicking the Publish or Run Locally ( ) buttons. To view your deployed app, click View App.

View and Publish buttons

For more information on deployment in Mendix, see Deployment.

For more information on deploying and versioning your app, see the Versioning an App Deployed to the Cloud section in Using Version Control in Studio Pro.

You can find links to the Mendix Portal and Marketplace in the upper-right corner of Studio Pro.

Your profile picture is displayed next to them if you are signed in. When you click the profile picture, the drop-down menu is displayed with your full name and email, as well as links to your user profile, My Apps screen, and the Sign Out option.

3 App Structure (App Explorer)

An app consists of individual files (documents) and settings that are grouped in folders and modules. The complete structure of your app can be viewed in the App Explorer.

4 Working Area

A working area is a current document tab that you work in. The working area and its settings differs depending on the editor (for example, pages, microflows, domain model editors) and the type of document.

4.1 Document Tabs

The documents you view and edit are shown in tabs.

You can have a number of tabs open, just like in a modern web browser. They can be closed, reordered, and shown side by side.

Each document has its own save state, history, and future, so undo and redo actions are unlimited.

5 Dockable Panes

Dockable panes can be positioned around the working area and contain various elements and settings:

Properties Pane Example

For example, you can view list of errors, run Best Practice Recommender, configure properties of a specific document or an element, or view toolbox. For more information on panes and their layout, see View Menu.

6 Status Bar

At the bottom of the Studio Pro main window pane is a status bar. On the left is the current status of Studio Pro:

Status Bar Example

On the right is the currently selected language. If you have set up multiple languages in your app, you can change the currently selected language by clicking here. For more information, see Language Menu.

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