Find Element by ID

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Description

Find a web element by ID. Occurrence lets you specify which element to fetch from the result-list, starting at 1 for the first element (defaults to the first element).

2 Usage

Provide the ID of the element you want to find. This action will find all elements from the DOM with that ID and save them as a result-list. If you want, to get another element instead of the first element of the result-list, provide an index as input for the Occurrence.
Optionally restrict the search to a specified SearchContext element.

3 Input Parameters

Name Datatype Required Description
ID String yes The ID of the element you want to get
Search Context WebElement no Limit the search to the given WebElement
Occurrence Integer no Index of the result-list value you want to get (defaults to the first element)

4 Return Value

Name Datatype Description
Element WebElement The wanted WebElement