Insights Hub

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix offers powerful integration options to incorporate IIoT data provided by Siemens Insights Hub into your Mendix Applications. There are two ways to leverage these integrations.

  1. If you would like to have a standalone Mendix application and just want to incorporate IIoT Data coming from Insights Hub into your business logic, please see Siemens Insights Hub – API calls only.

  2. If you would like to have full integration within Insights Hub displaying your application on the Insights Hub Launchpad, manage the user access via the Insights Hub Settings app, achieve OEM based use cases via subtenancy, or offer your Mendix application within the Insights Hub eco system to other Insights Hub customers (multitenancy), then see the documentation described below.

Within the Mendix Academy two learning paths are provided to show how to develop a full integrated Insights Hub application:

Once your app is registered in Insights Hub, there are a number of things you need to consider as you develop your Mendix app. These are covered in the following two documents:

If you want to work with an example application, look at the following document: