Migrate Your Mendix Database

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

This document explains how to migrate the data in an existing Mendix database to another Mendix database. This can be useful if you want to migrate from one type of database to another—for example, from MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL.

After completing this how-to, you will know how to do the following:

  • Migrate a non-PostgreSQL database to a PostgreSQL database
  • Export a PostgreSQL database
  • Upload an exported PostgreSQL database to Mendix Cloud
  • Export a Mendix Cloud database
  • Import into an on-premise PostgreSQL database
  • Migrate a PostgreSQL database to a non-PostgreSQL database, including migrating a PostgreSQL database to SAP HANA

2 Overview

You can copy all the data from any Mendix-supported database management system to any other Mendix-supported database management system. For example, you can copy demo, test, and production databases from built-in to PostgreSQL, and from PostgreSQL to built-in. You can also migrate production data from SQL Server or Oracle (on-premises) to PostgreSQL in our cloud.

To do this, start your app on the database you want to copy the data to. This database should already exist and should be empty. To indicate which database the data should be copied from, you have to set some custom configuration settings. These custom settings identify the source database and give Mendix the authentication required to access the database.

These are the most commonly used custom settings for database migration:

  • SourceDatabaseHost
  • SourceDatabaseName
  • SourceDatabaseUserName
  • SourceDatabasePassword

For more information and the full list of available settings, see Runtime Customization.

These settings can be configured as follows:

  • Studio Pro – in App Explorer, expand App, double-click Settings, edit a configuration, and go to the Custom tab:

  • Service Console – click an app in the left pane, click Configuration, click Advanced, then see Custom Mendix settings:

  • m2ee-tools – add the custom settings to the mxruntime section (for more information, see Full Documented m2ee)

You can migrate databases using Studio Pro, the Service Console, or m2ee-tools. The Service Console gives you the advantage of seeing a progress bar during the copy process, which is handy if you copy a lot of data which takes a long time to execute.

3 Using your PostgreSQL Database in Studio Pro

You can configure Studio Pro to use a PostgreSQL database instead of the built-in (HSQLDB) database.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your app and go to Settings.

  2. Click New to add a new configuration from the Configurations tab.

  3. Give your configuration a new Name.

  4. On the Database tab, set the following values:

    • TypePostgreSQL
    • Database namedefault
    • URL – the URL for your local PostgreSQL server
    • User name – the user name of a database administrator in your local PostgreSQL
    • Password – the password for the user specified above

    Your new configuration will be set as the active configuration.

  5. Ensure that PostgreSQL is running locally on the correct port.

  6. Run your app locally. Provided your PostgreSQL database is empty, your app will configure the database to support the domain model of your app.

4 Migrating a Non-PostgreSQL Database to a PostgreSQL Database

The Mendix Cloud environment only uses PostgreSQL as a database server. It is recommend to migrate your existing on-premises non-PostgreSQL source database to a new on-premises PostgreSQL target database.

The source database is the database with the data that you want to migrate to the cloud. The target PostgreSQL database should be completely empty; it should not contain any tables. In the Mendix app, the active configuration in Settings should point to the target database, and you should add the Custom configuration settings for the source database as explained above in the overview.

Once you have configured the Mendix app, run the application locally—it will automatically migrate the database schema and all the data from the source database to the target database. Before exporting the target database, you should always validate it by viewing the application in a browser.

4.1 Exporting a PostgreSQL Database

To export a PostgreSQL database, use pg_dump or pgAdmin. For pg_dump, use the command pg_dump -O -x -Fc; for more information about pg_dump methods, see SQL Dump.

4.2 Uploading an Exported PostgreSQL Database to a Mendix Cloud Database

Use the Mendix Portal to upload the migrated, exported database backup to Mendix Cloud. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your app from the Mendix Portal.
  2. Click Backups in the navigation pane.
  3. Click Upload Backup to upload your database.
  4. In the Upload Archive dialog box, select the exported database file from your local file system.
  5. After the upload is done, stop the application.
  6. On the uploaded backup, click More Options > Restore to restore the new backup.
  7. Start the application.

5 Exporting a Mendix Cloud Database

You can use the same procedure to export an existing Mendix Cloud database, import it into an on-premises PostgreSQL source database, and migrate that to an on-premises non-PostgreSQL target database.

Export the Mendix Cloud database via the Mendix Portal. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your app from the Mendix Portal.
  2. Click Backups in the navigation pane.
  3. Select your desired environment.
  4. Optionally, click Create Backup to create a fresh backup with recent data.
  5. Click More Options > Download on the backup you want to download. This downloads the database to your local file system using the database URL shown in the dialog box.

5.1 Importing into an On-Premises PostgreSQL Database

To import a PostgreSQL database using the downloaded database file, refer to either the pg_dump command-line tool or the pgAdmin visual tool documentation to understand how to restore your downloaded database file.

5.2 Migrating a PostgreSQL Database To a Non-PostgreSQL Database

Below is general guidance on how to migrate a PostgreSQL database to a different database. There is a special section for the case of migrating a PostgreSQL database being used by a Mendix application running on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).

5.2.1 General Guidance

The source database is a PostgreSQL database with the downloaded database from Mendix Cloud. The target non-PostgreSQL database should be completely empty; it should not contain any tables. In the Mendix app, the active configuration in Settings should point to the target database, and you should add the Custom configuration settings for the source PostgreSQL database as explained above in the overview.

Once you have configured the Mendix app, run the application locally—it will automatically migrate the database schema and all the data from the source database to the target database. Before exporting the target database, you should always validate it by viewing the application in a browser.

5.2.2 Migrating to SAP HANA by using the SAP BTP CLI

If you have a Mendix application running on SAP BTP with PostgreSQL as the database service, and you want to migrate the database to SAP HANA, you will need to take some extra steps to migrate the existing data:

  1. Sign in to the SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment (containing the PostgreSQL service) using the Cloud Foundry command line.

  2. Get the PostgreSQL service instance details from the environment variables of the application using the following command:

    cf env {application-name}

  3. Inspect the VCAP_SERVICES list and note down the values of the following properties in the postgresql service:

    • dbname{dbname}
    • hostname{hostname}
    • password{password}
    • port{port}
    • username{username}

    as shown in the highlighted image below:

  4. Create an environment using the SAP HANA database service using Mendix Portal.

  5. Deploy the MDA, but do not start the application.

  6. Sign in to the SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment (containing the SAP HANA service) using the Cloud Foundry command line.

  7. Set the following runtime properties in the SAP HANA environment using the command line. Use the values from the PostgreSQL instance values you noted above.

    cf set-env {application-name} MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseType POSTGRESQL
    cf set-env {application-name}  MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseHost {hostname}:{port}
    cf set-env {application-name} MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseName {dbname}
    cf set-env {application-name}  MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseUserName {username}
    cf set-env {application-name}  MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabasePassword {password}
  8. Start the application either from the Mendix Portal or the command line.

  9. Once the application is started, verify the data in the application.

5.2.3 Migrating to SAP HANA on SAP BTP by using the SAP BTP Cockpit

If you have a Mendix application running on SAP BTP with PostgreSQL as the database service, and you want to migrate the database to SAP HANA, you need to perform some additional steps to migrate the existing data.

  1. Sign in to the SAP BTP Cockpit.

  2. Navigate to the subaccount containing the application from which you want to migrate the database.

  3. In the service bindings of the application, find the postgreSQL DB or the shared postgreSQL DB.

  4. Click Show sensitive data.

  5. Write down the values of the following properties in the postgresql service:

    • dbname{dbname}
    • hostname{hostname}
    • password{password}
    • port{port}
    • username{username}

    Example shared database:

        "uri": "postgres://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{databasename}"

    Example database:

        "dbname": "",
        "hostname": "",
        "password": "",
        "port": "",
        "uri": "",
        "read_url": "",
        "write_url": "",
        "username": ""
  6. Create an environment using the SAP HANA database service and the Mendix Portal.

  7. Deploy the MDA without starting the application.

  8. Sign in to the SAP BTP Cockpit.

  9. Navigate to the new application and go to User-Provided Variables.

  10. Set the following runtime properties by clicking Add Variable. Use the values from the PostgreSQL instance values that you noted above.

    Key Value
    MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseHost {hostname}:{port}
    MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseName {dbname}
    MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabaseUserName {username}
    MXRUNTIME_SourceDatabasePassword {password}
  11. Start the application either from the Mendix Portal or from the SAP BTP Cockpit.

  12. Once the application is started, verify the data in the application.