Get Value

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Description

Returns the text value from Textboxes, Textareas, Dateinputs, RadioButtons, Dropdowns etc.

2 Supported Widgets

  • TextBox
  • TextArea
  • DatePicker
  • Dropdown
  • RadioButton
  • ReferenceSelector
  • SearchInput Text
  • SearchInput Dropdown
  • Label
  • OnChangeInputbox

3 Usage

Pass the name of the widget you want to get the value from. Optionally you can provide a WebElement as search context, to narrow down the search for the widget, if there are two or more widgets with the same name.

4 Input Parameters

Name Datatype Required Description
Widget Name String yes The name of the widget
Search Context WebElement no Limit the search to the given WebElement

5 Return Value

Name Datatype Description
Value String The displayed value of the widget.