SAP Fiori UI Resources

Last modified: July 5, 2024

1 Introduction

The SAP Fiori user experience creates a consistent UI across SAP products. SAP Fiori is SAP’s new target design system for all SAP products in the Intelligent Suite. The Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme module in the Mendix Marketplace allows you to create the same user experience in your Mendix apps.

The Mendix module gives you access to designing your pages with SAP Fiori-styled widgets and building blocks as part of your layout. Your Mendix app can be build with the following themes:

  • SAP Horizon Evening
  • SAP Horizon Morning
  • SAP Quartz Light
  • SAP Quartz Dark

You can experience the SAP Fiori design by using the SAP Fiori Web Starter App as the basis for a new app.

Alternatively, you can include the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme module in your existing app. See Add Fiori to Your App, below, for instructions on how to do this.

More information on using SAP Fiori design in your Mendix app is available in the following sections:

  • Widgets – Mendix core widgets having SAP Fiori styling
  • Building Blocks – groups of widgets which can be used to quickly create SAP Fiori styled pages
  • Layouts – different styles of page which can be used in your app — for example, Master/detail or Pop-Up
  • Page Templates – readily-available page templates which are already styled ready for you to use in your Mendix app
  • Theme Selector – switch between different theme — for example light and dark

2 Widgets

The majority of Mendix widgets have been styled to match SAP Fiori styles by default. Examples are shown below.

There are a couple of cases where you will need to apply some extra CSS classes manually to achieve the correct SAP Fiori look and feel. These are described in Applying CSS Classes Manually.

Some SAP Fiori components are not yet supported by Mendix core widgets. These are listed in Unsupported SAP Fiori Components, below.

2.1 Examples of Mendix Core Widget Styling

You can see examples of the SAP Fiori styling of the Mendix Core Widgets by going to the Mendix_Core_Elements page of the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme Marketplace Module.

Most widgets work the same way as they do in other Mendix styles based on Atlas UI, but there are some changes which are listed in the sections below.

2.1.1 Buttons

You can choose different types of button by setting the appropriate Button style. The SAP Fiori styles are mapped as follows:

SAP Fiori Style Mendix Button Style
Default Default
Emphasized Primary
Positive Success
Negative Danger
Attention Warning
Transparent this can be added using a building block
SAP Fiori Button Styles

For the Link button, see Applying CSS Classes Manually, below*.

2.1.2 Container Count Badge

The container count badge allows you to add a count badge to containers on Mendix pages as shown in the following example.

SAP Fiori Count Badge Example

You can create this style by adding the ContainerCountBadge widget inside a container.

SAP Fiori Count Badge page design

The number which is displayed in the badge is supplied by a microflow which you can specify in the Data Source tab of the badge properties. The microflow must return an integer value.

SAP Fiori Count Badge microflow

You can specify the appearance of the count badge in the Appearance tab of the badge properties. If you want to maintain the correct SAP Fiori theme, you should choose the Color Source Bootstrap Color Schema.

SAP Fiori Count Badge appearance

2.1.3 List Views

Standard Mendix List view widgets can be used on your pages. However, these cannot be borderless. You can add a borderless list from a building block.

2.2 Applying CSS Classes Manually

Some SAP Fiori styling requires you to add some additional CSS classes manually for the styles to be implemented correctly. These cases are described in the following tables.

SAP Component Style Mendix Class
Disabled Link link-disabled
Emphasized Link link-emphasized
Inverted Link link-inverted
Right Icon Link link right icon
Left Icon Link this is the default

2.3 Unsupported SAP Fiori Components

  • Avatar – you can mimic this using a List 3 building block
  • Message Strip – Mendix suggests you use one of the Notifications building blocks
  • Message Toast/Short message on actions
  • Time
  • Timepicker
  • StepInput

In addition, there are some limitations on supporting other components:

  • In Menus you cannot have:
    • two icons
    • a slider showing sub-menus
  • In Calendars you cannot:
    • highlight multiple dates such as holidays or other special days
  • In Tables
    • you cannot use icons on tables
    • you cannot select rows using checkboxes, you can only select rows using the standard Mendix selection methods
  • In Tabs you cannot have
    • icons with a counter
    • only icons

3 Building Blocks

You can see examples of the SAP Fiori building blocks by going to the Building Blocks page of the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme Marketplace Module. The building blocks are categorized by type.

4 Layouts

You can see examples of the SAP Fiori navigation layouts by going to the Layout page of the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme Marketplace Module. These layouts are designed for use in Responsive (Web) applications, designed to run in any modern web browser, on any device.

The guidelines for the use of each layout are:

  • Use the PopupLayout to create a page which appears in front of the existing page.
  • Use the SAP_Launchpad layout when you want to create an SAP Fiori launchpad. See SAP Fiori Launchpad – Overview on the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines site for more information.
  • Use a Default layout to display information in a single panel.
  • Use a MasterDetail layout to display information in two panels side-by-side such as an Order with multiple Order Lines.
  • Use a Sliding layout to display dynamic side content. See Dynamic Side Content on the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines site for more information.
  • Use a Letterbox layout use Letterboxing display to restrict your layout to a certain width. See Letterboxing on the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines site for more information.
  • Use an Embedded layout when you are using this page inside a page which already contains a Header.

Here is a list of the layouts you can use.

  • PopupLayout (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_MasterDetail_Embedded (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_Launchpad (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_Default_Letterbox (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_MasterDetail_Sliding (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_MasterDetail_Sliding_Letterbox (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_Default_Embedded (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_Default (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_MasterDetail_Letterbox (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)
  • SAP_MasterDetail (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources)

5 Page Templates

You can use one of the available page templates to rapidly create a consistent UI for your app pages. The templates provide you with the building blocks and widgets already arranged to provide an SAP Fiori-style page.

Note that these pages work best when combined with the appropriate Navigation layout. For example, the Fiori Launchpad page template works best with the SAP_Launchpad (SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources) Navigation Layout.

6 Theme Selector

In order to select the theme for your app, specify it in the index.html page as html class="name-of-theme", for example, html class="theme-horizon-morning". The following themes are available:

  • theme-horizon-morning
  • theme-horizon-evening
  • theme-quartz-light
  • theme-quartz-dark

7 Demo Apps

On the Mendix Marketplace, you can find a number of community-supported demo apps, which you can review or use to help you develop your own apps.

8 Add Fiori to Your App

If you want to include the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme in an existing app perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that your app is using Mendix 9.6.11 or above.

  2. Import the Web UI Package for SAP Fiori theme module into your app.

  3. Import the Atlas Core module into your app if it is not already there. Atlas Core must be version 3.2.2 or above.

  4. Look in the Theme tab of the app settings. This must contain the SAP_Fiori_Web_UI_Resources module below the Atlas_Core module.