Add Date Function Calls

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Add date function calls add a time period to a date and time and return the modified value.

The first parameter can be an attribute of a domain model entity of type Date and time, a variable of type Date and time, or a Date and time value created using a Date Creation function. The second parameter specifies the time period to be added.

You can also subtract a time period from the specified date. For more information, see Subtract Date Function Calls.

2 addMilliseconds

The addMilliseconds function adds a specified number of milliseconds to a date.

2.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of milliseconds to be added Integer

2.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of milliseconds. Date and time

2.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addMilliseconds(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 1400)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 01 01:01:02:400 CET 2007"

3 addSeconds

The addSeconds function adds a specified number of seconds to a date.

3.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of seconds to be added Integer

3.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of seconds. Date and time

3.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addSeconds(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 2)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 01 01:01:03 CET 2007"

4 addMinutes

The addMinutes function adds a number of minutes to a date.

4.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of minutes to be added Integer

4.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of minutes. Date and time

4.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addMinutes(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 3)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 01 01:04:01 CET 2007"

5 addHours

The addHours function adds a number of hours to a date.

5.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of hours to be added Integer

5.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of hours. Date and time

5.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addHours(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 25)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 02 02:01:01 CET 2007"

6 addDays[UTC]

The addDaysUTC function adds a number of days to a date. addDays uses the server’s calendar and addDaysUTC uses the UTC calendar.

6.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of days to be added Integer

6.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of days. Date and time

6.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addDays(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 3)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 04 01:01:01 CET 2007"

7 addWeeks[UTC]

The addWeeksUTC function adds a number of weeks to a date using the UTC calendar as opposed to addWeeks which uses the server’s one.

7.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of weeks to be added Integer

7.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of weeks. Date and time

7.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addWeeks(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 2)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 15 01:01:01 CET 2007"

8 addMonths[UTC]

The addMonthsUTC function adds a number of months to a date using the UTC calendar as opposed to addMonths which uses the server’s one.

8.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of months to be added Integer

8.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of months. Date and time

8.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addMonths(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 13)

The output is:

"Mon Feb 01 01:01:01 CET 2008"

9 addQuarters[UTC]

The addQuartersUTC function adds a number of quarters to a date using the UTC calendar as opposed to addQuarters which uses the server’s one.

9.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of years to be added Integer

9.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of quarters. Date and time

9.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addQuarters(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 1)

The output is:

Mon Apr 01 01:01:01 CET 2007

10 addYears[UTC]

The addYearsUTC function adds a number of years to a date using the UTC calendar as opposed to addYears which uses the server’s one.

10.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Initial date Date and time
The number of years to be added Integer

10.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A Date and time value that is the sum of the initial date and the specified number of years. Date and time

10.3 Example

If you use the following input:

addYears(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 11)

The output is:

"Mon Jan 01 01:01:01 CET 2018"

11 Passing Values of the Long Type

It is possible to pass values of the Long type to different Add date function calls.

If you use the following input:

addSeconds(dateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), (long)(2147483647 + 100))

The output is:

"Tue Jan 19 04:15:47 CET 2038"