Epics Overview

Last modified: June 18, 2024

1 Introduction

The Epics page gives an overview of all the epics for your current app. You can use the filter on the upper-right corner to filter epics by their status: All, Completed, In Progress, or Not Started. Clicking the Create Epics button enables you create a new epic.

Each row represents an epic.

Each row shows the following details about an epic:

  • Unique ID, which consists of a prefix and a number
  • Title
  • Tags
  • To whom the epic is assigned
  • Progress bar
  • How many stories are completed for the epic

Clicking a row opens the epic details dialog box.

2 Epic Details

When you click an epic, the epic details dialog box opens.

On the upper-right corner, there is a Copy Link icon ( ) and a More Options icon ( ). Clicking Copy Link copies the link to the epic. Clicking More Options opens a pop-up menu that allows you to delete the epic.

The epic details dialog box shows the following items:

  • Objective – This is the description of the epic:

    • You can edit the objective of the epic by clicking Edit Objective and making changes in the WYSIWYG editor. The editor supports different text formats, including code blocks
    • You can link a story in the editor by typing # and the story title, and then selecting the right story from the list.
    • You can type a person in the editor by typing @ and the person’s name, and then selecting the right person from the list. Once you save the epic, the system will send a notification to the tagged person.
  • Assign to – You can assign the epic to anybody who can access the app in Apps.

  • Tags – You can add or remove tags.

    • You can create a new tag by typing the tag in the text box and clicking Create new “[tag name]”
    • You can manage tags by clicking Manage Tags ( ) at the end.
  • Attachments – You can add attachments by clicking Add File ( ).

  • Stories – This shows the open stories that are linked to this epic.

    • You can click Create to create a new Feature or Bug story directly from the epic. The new story goes to the backlog by default.
    • You can link an existing story by entering the story name or ID in the search bar and then clicking Link Story ( ).
    • You can remove a linked story by clicking Remove Story ( ).
  • Archived Stories – This shows the archived stories that are linked to this epic.

  • Comment – You can type a comment in the text box and then click Post Your Comments to save and post the comment.

    • You can sort the comments by clicking the Newest or Oldest button.