
Last modified: June 10, 2024


Release date: May 24, 2022

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  • We fixed a minor configuration issue in scheduled events.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)
  • When you horizontally scale an app based on Private Cloud hosting, scheduled events are not correctly run.


Release date: April 28, 2022

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New Features

  • In published OData services, you can now allow clients to delete objects. This is off by default. When this feature is switched on, entity access applies, so only clients with the right credentials are allowed to delete.


  • Published OData services now provide the service document in the JSON format when specifically requested. This format is now also available when exporting the service feed from within Studio Pro.
  • For published OData services, we removed the Can be empty checkbox for published associations except for services using OData 3 and publishing associations as an associated object ID.
  • Also for published OData services, we added a tab to edit the public documentation (summary and description). These fields used to be available via the properties tab only, which made them easy to miss.
  • We added toast notifications when add-on modules are added to or deleted from an app. When you Synchronize App Directory, you will now see the add-on modules that changed.
  • We changed the paths format in the package.xml file to Unix style. Now, the packages exported using command-line tools on Linux and Windows have uniform paths.
  • We improved parametrization of the Delete object(s) action in the MxAssist Logic Bot recommendation with smarter suggestions for error-handling and variable suggestions based on usage.
  • We now support ISO 8601 periods and HOCON duration for specifying durations, intervals, and timeouts in custom Mendix Runtime settings.
  • It is now possible to specify attribute names or column aliases when selecting from a subquery in OQL. Before, it was possible to use only SELECT * when selecting from a subquery.
  • The task queue now supports a cluster-wide thread limitation per task queue, which allows you to limit parallel executions regardless of your cluster setup. A new option on the task queue creation form has been added to specify the scope of the thread count.
  • We added the possibility to specify a custom image for the tile view of the Toolbox for microflow, nanoflow, JavaScript, and Java actions that are exposed as custom actions in the Toolbox of a microflow, nanoflow, or workflow. By default, the same icon and image is used for both light and dark modes, but it is possible to customize it specifically for dark mode.
  • We extended the expression language with four new tokens to make it very easy to evaluate against yesterday or tomorrow.


  • We fixed CVE-2022-24309.
  • We fixed a known issue that prevented the selection of a line in a multi-column tree when double-clicking a column that was not the first column.
  • We fixed a known issue where an error occurred when you imported translations from an Excel file for batch translate or batch replace operations.
  • We fixed an issue where navigation was broken if a user tried to navigate during a page transition. (Ticket 105484)
  • We fixed an issue where the comparison of an XPath association constraint to a Boolean function did not result in an error during the XPath query build. (Ticket 120692)
  • We fixed an issue in the data view widget where it threw an error when the nanoflow selected as the data source returned an empty object. (Ticket 138186)
  • We fixed an issue where a Call web service activity that had a SOAP fault starting with BOM characters was not properly written in the logs. (Ticket 140186)
  • We fixed a NullPointerException during startup that occurred after renaming a module with an external entity that was created before Studio Pro 9.6.3. (Ticket 142150)
  • We fixed an issue where grouping was not applied to a number value when it was edited directly from the table in a data grid. (Ticket 143149)
  • We fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to open properties in the page editor by pressing Enter. (Ticket 143990)
  • We fixed an issue in the interpretation of path parameters to published REST operations where for some locales (such as Turkish), the arguments that clients passed appeared to be empty in the microflow. (Ticket 144131)
  • We fixed an issue with a reference selector already initiating a validation feedback upon being opened on a page. (Ticket 144516)
  • We fixed an issue where the Runtime Server could not determine the correct time zone, which caused issues with XPath date functions on some databases. (Tickets 144700, 131707, 119712)
  • We fixed an issue where publishing a system association in an OData service with associations as links without publishing System.User did not throw a consistency error. (Ticket 144761)
  • We fixed an issue where offline PWA users lost their valid sessions upon a new deployment. (Ticket 144836)
  • We fixed a bug in scheduled events where a schedule with an offset of 59 minutes crashed. (Ticket 145833)
  • We fixed an issue that prevented users from building native apps using the Mendix Native Mobile Builder’s advanced flow. (Tickets 146147, 146912, 147027, 147152)
  • We fixed an issue with calling a microflow asynchronously from JavaScript. (Ticket 146371)
  • We fixed an issue where SELECT * from a subquery always returned only the first column of the subquery. Please note these improvements currently work with a single relation (a table or subquery) in the from clause.
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where if clients updated an enumeration with an incorrect value, the request was accepted and the value was set to empty. This now results in an error response.
  • We fixed an issue in consumed OData services where turning off security caused fields for external entities to be read-only when creating a new record.
  • We fixed an issue where the user tasks of failed or incompatible workflows were still visible in the task inbox.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented a pluggable widget from loading if it contained a dependency that used the new JSX Transform introduced in React 17.
  • We fixed an issue with native list views and pagination. Native list views did not become scrollable if the initial number of items was not overflowing, which rendered “scroll to load more” unusable. Now, native list views attempt to load as many items as they can to fill their content. The pagination limits are respected for any “scroll to load more” event thereafter.
  • We fixed an issue with an incorrect tooltip message that appeared after editing a value directly from the table in a data grid.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred during a first deployment with demo users enabled and a custom default time zone.

Breaking Changes

  • We removed the fallback mechanism to use an older version of the internal query engine.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)