Amazon Polly

Last modified: July 5, 2024

1 Introduction

The Amazon Polly connector enables you to connect your app to Amazon Polly and easily convert written text into human voice in your web applications.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

Amazon Polly allows you to synthesize text to speech, with 96 voices supporting 34 languages. With dozens of lifelike voices across a broad set of languages, use Amazon Polly to build speech-activated applications, for example, to accommodate the following use cases:

  • Provide accessibility features for users who have difficulty reading
  • Create audio-supported interfaces in your application.

1.2 Prerequisites

The Amazon Polly connector requires Mendix Studio Pro version 9.18.0 or above.

To authenticate with Amazon Web Service (AWS), you must also install and configure the AWS authentication connector version 2.1 or higher. If you are using the Amazon Polly Connector version 2.0 or higher, it requires the AWS Authentication connector version 3.0 or higher. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS Authentication connector, see AWS Authentication.

1.3 Licensing and Cost

This connector is available as a free download from the Mendix Marketplace, but the AWS service to which is connects may incur a usage cost. For more information, refer to AWS documentation.

Depending on your use case, your deployment environment, and the type of app that you want to build, you may also need a license for your Mendix app. For more information, refer to Licensing Apps.

2 Installation

Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the Amazon Polly connector into your app.

3 Configuration

After you install the connector, you can find it in the App Explorer, in the AmazonPollyConnector section. The connector provides a domain model and activities that you can use to connect your app to Amazon Polly. Each activity can be implemented using it in a microflow or nanoflow. To ensure that your app can connect to the AWS service, you must also configure AWS authentication for the connector.

3.1 Configuring AWS Authentication

In order to use the Amazon Polly service, you must authenticate with AWS. To do so, you must set up a configuration profile in your Mendix app. After you set up the configuration profile, the connector module handles the authentication internally.

As of version 3.0.0 of the AWS Authentication Connector, all the resources and logic required to set up authentication are centralized inside the AWS Authentication Connector module.

The AWS Authentication Connector supports both static credentials and temporary credentials. For more information and detailed instructions please refer to the AWS Authentication Connector documentation page.

3.2 Configuring a Microflow for an AWS Service

After you configure the authentication profile for Amazon Polly, you can implement the functions of the connector by using the provided activities in microflows. For example, to synthesize a string of text into speech, implement the SynthesizeSpeech activity by performing the following steps:

  1. In the App Explorer, right-click on the name of your module, and then click Add microflow.

  2. Enter a name for your microflow, for example, ACT_SynthesizeSpeech, and then click OK.

  3. In the App Explorer, in the AmazonPollyConnector section, find the SynthesizeSpeech operation microflow.

  4. In the App Explorer, in the AWSAuthentication section, find the GetStaticCredentials and GetTemporaryCredentials microflows.

  5. Drag the one you would like to use and the SynthesizeSpeech microflow in to your microflow in that order.

  6. Double-click the SynthesizeSpeech activity to configure the required parameters.

    For the SynthesizeSpeech activity, you must add your own entity that inherits from System.FileDocument to store the contents of the audio, provide a credentials object and specify the AWS Region. You must then add your SynthesizeSpeechRequest entity in your microflow as the last parameter. This entity requires the following parameters:

    • Text - The actual string of text that needs to be synthesized.
    • OutputFormat - MP3, OGG_VORBIS, or PCM. JSON is not yet supported by the connector.
    • Engine - The enumeration parameter that specifies which engine (standard or neural) will be used by Amazon Polly during speech synthesis. It is set automatically to standard in the connector when a SynthesizeSpeechRequest object is created, but can be modified by the user.
    • VoiceID - The selected voice for the output of the text.

    The following parameters are optional:

    • TextType - The enumeration parameter to specify if the input text is plain text or SSML. If left empty, the default value is plain text.
    • SampleRate - The valid values for MP3 and OGG_VORBIS are 8000, 16000, 22050, and 24000. The valid values for PCM are 8000 and 16000. The default values are used by Amazon Polly, if not given.
    • LanguageCode - Language code of the voice. This parameter is only necessary if you are using a voice that can use multiple languages. If left empty, the default value for that voice is used.

    For more information on Amazon Polly voices and their engines, see Voices in Amazon Polly.

  7. In the Edit parameters section, edit the ENUM_Region parameter, and provide a value by using a variable or an expression.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Open a page that contains a widget for playing audio, for example, the Play Audio widget.

  10. Configure the widget to use the FileDocument configured in the SynthesizeSpeech activity.

  11. Configure a method to trigger the ACT_SynthesizeSpeech activity. For example, you can associate the activity with a custom button on a page in your app. For an example of how this can be implemented, see Creating a Custom Save Button with a Microflow.

4 Technical Reference

To help you work with the Amazon Polly connector, the following sections of this document list the available entities, activities, and enumerations that you can use in your application.

4.1 Domain Model

The domain model is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more information, see Domain Model.

4.1.1 AbstractVoice

The AbstractVoice entity is a representation of an Amazon Polly voice. It contains the unique identifier for a voice (VoiceID) that is required for SynthesizeSpeech activities. It also contains additional information on a voice like the name, language and gender.

Attribute Description
VoiceID ID assigned by Amazon Polly that is specified when calling the SynthesizeSpeech action (string)
Name Name of the voice (string)
LanguageName Name of the language in English (string)
LanguageCode The language code of the voice (string)
Gender Gender of the voice. (string)

4.1.2 DescribeVoicesRequest

The DescribeVoicesRequest is the request object used for the DescribeVoices action. It inherits from the AbstractRequest entity (AWSAuthentication v.3.0.0).

4.1.3 DescribeVoicesResponse

The DescribeVoicesResponse entity is the response for the DescribeVoices action. The action also returns a list of DescribeVoice objects associated with the DescribeVoicesResponse object. The DescribeVoice entity inherits from the voice entity and contains all its attributes.

4.1.4 SynthesizeSpeechRequest

The SynthesizeSpeechRequest entity is used when calling the SynthesizeSpeech action.

Attribute Description
Text Text to synthesize (string)
TextType It is used to specify whether the input text is plain text or SSML. If left empty, the default value is ‘plain text’ (enum)
OutputFormat The format that the output should be encoded (enum)
SampleRate The sample rate for speech synthesis (string)
Engine The engine that will be used during speech synthesis (enum)
VoiceID The ID of the voice (string)
LanguageCode The language code of the voice (string)

4.2 Enumerations

An enumeration is a predefined list of values that an be used as an attribute type.

4.2.1 OutputFormat

The format in which the returned output will be encoded. For audio streams, this must be MP3, OGG_VORBIS, or PCM. JSON is currently not supported.

Name Caption

4.2.2 Engine

Specifies the engines (standard or neural) that are supported by a given voice.

Name Caption

4.2.3 TextType

Name Caption
PlainText PlainText

4.3 Activities

Activities define the actions that are executed in a microflow or a nanoflow.

4.3.1 Synthesize Speech

The SynthesizeSpeech activity allows you to synthesize a string of text into an audio file. It requires a Credentials object, a SynthesizeSpeechRequest object containing the required information, and a TargetFileDocument (System.FileDocument or its specialization) to contain the response of the SynthesizeSpeech activity. It also requires the AWS_Region in which the Polly service should be called.

The SynthesizeSpeech activity has no return value, instead the input parameter TargetFileDocument contains the synthesized speech.

4.3.2 DescribeVoices

The DescribeVoices activity returns the list of voices from the Amazon Polly service. It requires a Credentials object and an AWS_Region parameter to get the list of supported voices from the given AWS region. The voices can be used in the Synthesize Speech activity to synthesize a piece of text to speech with the right voice.

The DescribeVoices activity returns a DescribeVoicesResponse entity containing a list of DescribeVoice entities. Examples of the returned DescribeVoice objects can be seen below.

Examples of available voices for Amazon Polly

For more Amazon Polly voices and their information, see Voices in Amazon Polly.