
Last modified: July 9, 2024


Release date: June 26, 2024

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  • We fixed a known issue where the workflow’s user task was not passed correctly as a parameter to the user task’s microflow decision method.
  • We made some performance improvements when checking whether the local running app can be updated without stopping it first.
  • We fixed an issue where building would fail if the project path contained quotes.

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: June 12, 2024

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  • We extended logging during synchronization by tracking execution time of database commands. Warnings are printed when a command takes a long time, which is controlled with the custom runtime setting LogMinDurationQuery. A history of all commands is logged when an exception occurs during synchronization.
  • We updated the Gradle included with the Studio Pro installer to 8.5. This is needed for JDK 21 support.


  • We fixed an issue where editing a page/microflow URL would add an invalid, invisible, character at the end when saved, thus making it inaccessible in the browser. If you have such a broken URL, it is enough to open the editor and change the URL to fix it. (Tickets 219539, 219883, 219886, 219224, 221903)
  • We fixed an issue where retrieving more than 1000 objects together with a specialization of an associated entity returned incomplete results. (Ticket 211813)
  • We fixed an issue where the build process failed with the error message “JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory.” (Tickets 218611, 218716)
  • We added a check so that reimported modules only keep database IDs for attributes when a generalization of the entity remains in place. (Ticket 212565)
  • We changed Studio Pro installer for Windows to check for currently installed Git CLI version and upgrade it if needed (previously installer did not change anything if any Git CLI version is installed).
  • We fixed an issue where renaming a document (such as an entity, an association, a module) was not reflected correctly in expressions.
  • We fixed an issue where the “Java Development Kit (JDK) version was not determined.” was incorrectly shown when selecting a JDK in the Studio Pro preferences.
  • We fixed memory leaks that happened while using a context menu.
  • We fixed memory leaks that happened when opening and closing page editors.

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: May 27, 2024

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New Features

We now support Java 21 in Studio Pro:

  • You can configure your application to use Java 21 in the App Settings.
  • In Studio Pro Preferences you can configure a different JDK for each supported version of Java.
  • Targeting Java 21 allows the app to use language constructs and APIs that were introduced with Java 21.

We recommend that you upgrade apps and Marketplace modules to Java 21.


  • We changed the log level of the “tasks cannot be executed anymore due to model changes” message in the task queue from “critical” to “error”. (Ticket 199565)
  • We have made a couple of small performance improvements to the Logic Bot.
  • We fixed memory leaks that happened when closing and opening applications in Studio Pro.
  • We added a Support Tools submenu to the Help menu, this submenu contains the following tools (Performance logging, Profiling, and Optimize MPR).
  • We made some performance improvements when finding usages in protected modules.
  • We made some performance improvements when finding usages of a module.


  • We fixed CVE-2024-33500.
  • We fixed a known issue where disabling a Scheduled Event through Model Options in the Developer Portal did not work. (Tickets 214392, 215703, 215843)
  • We fixed the tab functionality in the new expression editor. (Ticket 205514)
  • We fixed an issue in the new expression editor where the cursor was jumping to the end of the expression upon typing. This cursor issue could also lead to unexpected behavior with IME characters. (Ticket 205514, 216915)
  • We fixed an issue where an error in the client occurred when a client side expression which used a selection variable was used in a snippet. (Ticket 207899)
  • We resolved an issue causing files with special characters in their names to download with incorrect file names. (Ticket 213587)
  • We have fixed an issue where the new expression editor was getting stuck upon selecting a long suggestion in the auto completion popup.
  • We fixed an issue where, when migrating a column from Float to Decimal, the default value was converted to Float before being inserted, which caused improper rounding to happen.
  • We fixed an issue where Data Grid 2 did not show data in some columns when different columns were configured with an attribute path using the same association but with different specialization or generalization entities. (Ticket 203959)
  • We fixed an issue where a pluggable widget with a selection property linked to a datasource property, which was not required, resulted in an exception when the datasource was not configured.
  • We fixed an exception that happened upon closing a non-version-controlled app (after we previously opened a version-controlled app and did not restart Studio Pro).

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.
  • When editing a page/microflow URL, an invalid, invisible, character is added at the end when saved, thus making it inaccessible in the browser.


Release date: April 18, 2024

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  • We improved the performance of the offline database. (Tickets 212470, 213732)


  • We fixed an issue when executing a microflow with a Close page activity or setting by a URL or a DeepLink navigated you outside the app. (Ticket 205701)
  • We fixed an accuracy problem in nanoflows where numbers with many significant digits were stored incorrectly. Numbers in the nanoflow editor now have the same range as the Mendix Decimal data type.
  • We fixed an issue where creating a new microflow or nanoflow from the selector while Suggest lower-case variable names in microflows was enabled resulted in an Oops pop-up window.
  • We fixed a memory leak that happened in dialogs containing UI elements such as drop-down and date-time selector.

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: April 11, 2024

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New Features

Java 17

In a first step towards Java 21 support, we have made the following changes:

  • We added the option to select between Java 11 and 17 in the app Runtime settings.

  • Targeting Java 17 allows the app to use language constructs and APIs that were introduced with Java 17.

  • If you choose to run on JDK 17 you should not have to update your apps. If you have any unexpected issues, please revert to Java 11 if possible and wait for Java 21 support to be introduced.

    Mendix recommends you keep older apps and Marketplace modules on Java 11 for now, and upgrade them to Java 21 when that version is supported in a future Mendix 10 release.

Note that new apps are currently still configured to target Java 11.


  • We fixed an issue affecting that occurred when versioned MDA creation downloaded an app from the server (which took a long time) instead of using a local clone. (Ticket 202414)
  • We fixed an issue where you were not redirected to the page you were initially trying to access after logging in via a modeled login page. (Tickets 205091, 212002)
  • We fixed an issue which occurred when a conditional visibility or editability was configured with an attribute which was not of Boolean or enumeration type. (Ticket 205450)
  • We fixed an issue where the Status bar about the merge did not appear after the solution upgrade, so it was impossible to commit without a Studio Pro restart. (Ticket 206204)
  • We fixed an issue when the application closed when an entry to the entities grid in the OData service was added. (Tickets 210516, 211779)
  • We fixed an issue when the selection dialog where you can choose a pane (Active Tools Windows and Active Files dialog box) did not work on Windows if a microflow, nanoflow, rules or workflow editor was opened. (Ticket 211576)
  • We fixed an issue where changing the association of an association property in a pluggable widget, for example, a Combo box, threw an error. This occurred when the current selected association was referring to a snippet parameter which was no longer available or referring to a data view no longer in scope. (Ticket 212822)
  • We changed the default setting of the Best Practice bot to disabled by default as a workaround for performance issues. The user can change this setting in the current session, but the bot will be disabled again in the next startup of Studio Pro.
  • We fixed an issue where importing an OData contract containing an action referencing an entity type as a parameter caused an error.


  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.4 after July 1 2024, as the vendor has announced the end of support for that version.

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: April 2, 2024

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New Features

WebSQL replacement

We introduced an alternative for WebSQL with this release. After upgrading to this release, opening your offline PWA in your browsers automatically upgrades your WebSQL database to a new SQLite-based database. For this to function correctly, the browser must run in a Secure Context, which means either an HTTPS connection or by accessing your offline PWA via localhost. All functionality will remain functioning as is.


  • We have removed react-native-code-push dependency. We recommend migrating to Mendix OTA instead.
  • We improved the memory consumption in Studio Pro by resolving a memory leak caused by a rebase notification bar.


  • We restored the original functionality in Azure file storage, where a container name can be specified in com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting. This fixes a known issue. (Ticket 210679)
  • We fixed a known issue in the logic editors where sometimes the type of an output variable of an action showed as (not set). (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • We fixed an issue where a concurrency error happened when retrieving a session while optimistic locking was enabled. (Tickets 183769, 198138)
  • We fixed an issue where download file was not working on Android if the files encryption was enabled. (Tickets 204783, 204891, 211451)
  • We fixed an issue where the entered text does not get saved in the Text editor control. (Ticket 207346)
  • We fixed an issue when the text box has an invalid layout in the SQL query editor dialog box. (Ticket 209558)
  • We fixed an issue when the Oops pop-up window appeared when trying to move a remote entity with one-way navigable associations. (Ticket 210793)
  • We fixed an issue in the logic editors where sometimes the type of an output variable of an action showed as (not set).
  • We improved Studio Pro general performance: simple object moves no longer trigger consistency checks in the logic editors.
  • We fixed some spurious foreign key constraint violation errors when using the built-in database (HSQLDB) and foreign key constraints.
  • We fixed the problem that anonymous user objects were kept in the database when their associated anonymous sessions were deleted on application startup after a model update.

Known Issues

  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: March 13, 2024

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  • We upgraded Swagger UI from 4.10.3 to 5.11.7. The runtime uses this to show and interact with the OpenAPI documents of published OData services and published REST services. (Tickets 208761, 208854)
  • We added the com.mendix.core.ScheduledEventsCleanupBatchSize and com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupBatchSize runtime settings to configure the batch size for the periodic cleanup of ScheduledEventInformation and ProcessedTasks.


  • We fixed an issue where a generic unique constraint validation error was thrown instead of a user defined one when multiple objects were committed at the same time. (Ticket 201463)
  • We fixed a scenario when multiple sign-in dialogs were displayed after leaving Studio Pro running without any user interaction or working offline without any sign-in related user actions. (Ticket 205784)
  • We fixed an issue where dates were wrongly converted when selecting a date using the datepicker in a web app with its language set to Thai on iOS devices using the Buddhist calendar setting. (Ticket 206988)
  • We fixed an issue where dependency synchronization failed with a CE9803 error when Gradle could not choose between different version variants (E.g.: guava:##.##.##-jre/guava:##.##.##-android) for certain libraries. We added a Gradle core plugin (jvm-ecosystem) to the buildscript to resolve this issue. (Ticket 206976)
  • We improved the memory consumption in Studio Pro by resolving a memory leak caused by checkable menu items. (Ticket 207357)
  • We fixed an issue where using an object type decision in nanoflows it did not fall back to a generalization in case there was no path for the real entity type. (Ticket 207594)
  • We fixed an issue where custom content in pluggable widgets, e.g. Data grid 2 or selectable objects for the Combo box, were including the objects of the data source in Save changes and Cancel changes actions, even when it was only used for display. (Ticket 207911)
  • We fixed an issue where importing a JSON string with a length greater than 20000000 resulted in a runtime exception. We added the mapping.import.MaxJsonReadingLength runtime setting to manually configure the maximum length of a JSON string to resolve this issue. (Tickets 208462, 211077)
  • We fixed an issue when an entity with validation rules could not be moved from module to another module via Move to operation. (Ticket 208691)
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to use workflow variables in the Wait for Timer expression. (Ticket 208730)
  • We fixed an issue where in the Swagger UI pages of published REST services and published OData services when using a default-src content security policy. The use of inline style on these pages resulted in an empty page in the browser and a message on the console: “Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: …”. (Ticket 208922)
  • We added a workaround for an issue in the Oracle JDBC driver that caused an exception about incorrect data types during object creation. (Ticket 209513)
  • We fixed an issue when the expression editor setting did not get saved in the Preferences dialog.
  • We fixed an issue where resolving a consistency error for a mapping document ran the whole consistency check instead of only the impacted documents.
  • We fixed the issue that where a document was opened or created in Studio Pro, but the document tab did not receive the keyboard focus.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
    • Workaround: You can switch back to the classic logic editors via Preferences > New Features.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: February 20, 2024

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  • We improved the performance during a consistency check for a mapping document. (Ticket 205772)
  • We introduced new custom Runtime settings: ConnectionPoolingTestOnBorrow, ConnectionPoolingTestOnCreate, ConnectionPoolingTestOnReturn and ConnectionPoolingTestWhileIdle. They are false by default and may be set to true to validate connections when borrowed from a pool, created or returned to the pool or when the idle connection evictor runs.
  • We added the custom Runtime setting com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix, which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.
  • We made importing widget modules more resilient by skipping the import of widgets that were referenced from the package.xml but which had been previously deleted from the MPK.
  • We increased the default BCrypt cost for new apps to 12.
  • We improved microflow, nanoflow, and rule editor performance.


  • We fixed a known issue where the new expression editor did not work well with non-ASCII characters. (Tickets 205072, 205761, 206502, 206632, 207386, 208264)
  • We fixed a known issue where Studio Pro suddenly crashed when using the new expression editor in combination with accessibility tools (for example, enabling the text cursor indicator). As a result, the accessibility cursor is not supported by the control anymore. (Ticket 205853)
  • We fixed an issue where a Select button on a data grid threw an error. (Ticket 203690)
  • We fixed an issue when an association property is configured with the same data source for selectable objects and source properties. (Ticket 205039)
  • We fixed an error when a font size in a Document Template had been set to 0. (Ticket 205807)
  • We fixed an issue where Send external object action was failing to update the remote-key mapping when Refresh in client was turned off. (Ticket 206073)
  • We fixed an issue with breaking glyph fonts on some machines. (Ticket 206544, 207012)
  • We fixed an issue where restarting the leader node while follower nodes were still executing scheduled events would cause the leader node to fail startup. (Ticket 206827)
  • We fixed an issue where a database connection that was closed from outside of the Runtime remained registered as active. (Ticket 207645)
  • We fixed an issue where an empty module-level theme settings file caused an error.
  • We fixed an issue in logic editors where dragging objects into and out of loops moved the objects to the wrong place.
  • We changed the minimum object size in the logic editors.
  • We fixed the output variable name that the Logic Bot generated for Create list and Retrieve single from database recommendations.
  • We fixed an issue where an Unsupported specification version: 1.5 error was shown if mxbuild was used with the --generate-sbom flag. If you still encounter this issue, it may be solved by restarting Studio Pro to re-generate the vendorlib-sbom.json file.


  • We deprecated the usage of slashes in bucket names for Amazon S3 storage. You can now use the new com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix custom setting which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: February 2, 2024

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  • We improved the performance of a dangling reference cleanup procedure on the first run of a new app.


  • We fixed a known issue where breakpoints were not updating.
  • We fixed a case in OQL where the ON condition of an INNER JOIN was lost if only ID attributes of the entities were used. (Ticket 204833)
  • We fixed an issue where the Add and Remove options in the properties dialog box of the Change object microflow activity were not active. (Ticket 201629)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when selecting an association for a pluggable widget (for example, the Combo box widget) inside a snippet with multiple parameters. (Ticket 204133)
  • We fixed an issue with external entities where XPath constraints using the contains function with an empty search term resulted in an error. (Ticket 204392)
  • We fixed an issue in the Swagger UI interactive documentation pages for published REST and OData services. These pages no longer allow configuration to be set via query parameters.
  • We fixed an issue where mx.exe create-module-package did not include widgets.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when values entered into the new expression editor were not saved (for example, when generating an expression via the Generate button in the Edit Change Item dialog box).

Known Issues

  • The new expression editor does not work well with non-ASCII characters.
  • Studio Pro might crash when using the new expression editor in combination with accessibility tools (for example, enabling the text cursor indicator).
  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: January 19, 2024

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  • We improved the performance of the microflow editor by reducing the time it takes to create the list of suggestions for adding new elements. (Tickets 204887, 203936, 205329)
  • We reduced the memory usage of the microflow editor by fixing an issue that prevented old references from being cleaned up.
  • We enabled setting any name for an application imported from a solution.


  • We fixed an issue where the last row did not get imported from an Excel file to the Batch translate dialog box. (Tickets 199182, 202693)
  • We fixed an issue where changes could not be saved or cancelled when using an input reference set selector widget in a data view without an object. (Ticket 201170)
  • We fixed an issue in which navigating back in history caused a Combo Box widget using an association to break. (Tickets 205378, 205479)
  • We fixed an issue where a microflow could not be opened that referenced a deleted query when using the External Database Connector package.
  • We fixed an issue in which a microflow or nanoflow was directly created with a default name without asking for it.
  • We fixed an issue in which clicking Select inside the Query External Database dialog box caused a crash when the microflow was located within a sub-folder.
  • We fixed an issue in the domain model editor where undoing changes to the domain model caused an “Oops” pop-up window to appear when making new changes.

Known Issues

  • Breakpoint icons are not updating with the changes.
  • The new expression editor does not work well with non-ASCII characters.
  • Studio Pro might crash when using the new expression editor in combination with accessibility tools (for example, enabling the text cursor indicator).
  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: January 4, 2024

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New Features

Aligning the Merge Update Flow with Rebase

We have changed the flow for updating with a merge to align it with the rebase experience. Now, both ways of updating are handled and managed by notification bars with similar controls.

For more information on how these actions work and their differences, see the Notification Controls section in Combining Changes and Conflict Resolution.


  • We fixed a known issue by reverting the 10.6.0 fix for the issue where created files were not deleted when an error occurred in a microflow. (Ticket 199712)
  • We reverted the 10.6.0 improvement where the changedBy attribute was updated when storeFileDocumentContent or storeImageDocumentContent from the Mendix Runtime API was used or when uploading files.
  • We upgraded the Azure Blob Storage dependency from 8.6.6 to 12.25.1.


  • We fixed a known issue where an error was shown when trying to modify entity members through the Change object microflow activity.
  • We fixed an issue where a NullPointerException occurred due to specific Java dependencies at the startup of an app. (Ticket 203262)
  • We fixed the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException that occurred in microflow expressions using if-then-else expressions. (Ticket 204039)
  • We fixed the performance issue MxAssist Logic Bot had with some blank apps.
  • We made a fix to prevent MxAssist Logic Bot from not providing all available recommendations.
  • We fixed a bug that occurred after downloading a branch where an “Oops” pop-up window was shown with a “Not a Mendix Git URL” error message.
  • We fixed an error in the client that occurred when a widget selection variable was used in an expression inside a list widget (for example, inside a list view or Gallery widget).

Known Issues

  • The new expression editor does not work well with non-ASCII characters.
  • Studio Pro might crash when using the new expression editor in combination with accessibility tools (for example, enabling the text cursor indicator).
  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.


Release date: December 21, 2023

Go to Marketplace

New Features

Redesigned Logic Editors (GA)

We are happy to announce the general availability of our redesigned and enhanced editors for microflows, nanoflows, and rules. The new editors focus on making your daily logic modeling experience faster, smoother, and easier to learn with several huge improvements. The editors also contain the new contextual suggestions pop-up window with smart suggestions based on AI, in addition to rules that make it faster and easier than ever before to add activities.

For more information, see Microflows and Nanoflows.

Data Importer (GA)

We are delighted to announce that the Data Importer module is now generally available. This allows you to easily configure your Excel files through the dedicated Data Importer menu. The configured settings can be seamlessly utilized with the newly introduced Import data from file microflow activity.

You can install the module from the Mendix Marketplace.

MendixChat (Beta)

We are releasing MendixChat in beta, our AI-powered knowledge assistant in Studio Pro. MendixChat can answer Mendix-related development and how-to questions, provide best practices, and more.

You can access MendixChat via View > MendixChat.

For more information, see MendixChat.

Consumed REST Service (Beta)

We are releasing the beta version of the consumed REST service, which allows you to integrate with REST services faster. You can now build your REST requests, test them directly, and convert their response to entities without building any of the mappings manually.

For more information, see Consumed REST Service (Beta).

New Access Rule Editor (Beta)

We are releasing the beta version of our redesigned access rule editor. In this new UI, you can easily view and edit the access rules of an entity in one single overview.

You can enable the new UI via the option in Preferences.

Rich Design Properties

With this release, we have improved how design properties are displayed, configured, and saved. This provides a better visual experience when interacting with your app styling in addition to more options for styling configuration. In the past, you were limited to using either a toggle button for simple on-off styling or a drop-down menu for selecting an option from multiple styles.

This release introduces the following new ways to interact with styling:

  • We changed the technology behind the Styling tab in the Properties pane, enabling more responsive behavior when you are changing a widget’s styling.
  • There is a new color picker that extends the functionality provided by a drop-down menu by letting you assign preview colors to each option.
  • There is a toggle button group with the option of multi-selection that lets you combine multiple toggles into a single control or display small lists from a drop-down menu in a friendlier way.
    • The toggle button group also integrates with icon collections to enable adding icons to the options instead of displaying text.
  • There is a spacing control that gives a much better visual representation of how changes to margins and padding will influence a widget.
  • There is now complete integration with Design mode for immediately displaying any changes made to the styling.
  • We added support for CSS variables when using a toggle button group, spacing control, drop-down menu, or color picker. This means you can define a CSS variable that allows for more lightweight .scss files.

To access these changes, update the Atlas Core Marketplace module, where the new design properties have been included.

To learn more, see How to Extend Design Properties and the Design Properties API.

External Database Connector

You can now connect to Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle databases with the new External Database Connector. This connector allows you to directly test connections and queries during configuration in Studio Pro design time.

To use saved queries in the Mendix Runtime, install the connector from the Mendix Marketplace.

Version Control Updates

We have introduced a new step during the commit process that checks for large files that are being added or changed. We want you to be informed about this, as large files can become problematic for Git.

We have also introduced an optimizing storage solution, which is triggered when heuristics indicates at least five megabytes can be saved on the .mpr size.

Other New Features

  • We have implemented a new expression editor that is enabled by default (with the option in Preferences > New Features to go back to the legacy expression editor). This new expression editor will also work on MacOS.
  • We added a new Retrieve workflow activity records microflow activity that enables retrieving a list of System.WorkflowActivityRecord objects for a given workflow instance. Each System.WorkflowActivityRecord object represents a snapshot of a workflow activity.
  • We added a feature that allows for switching between portrait and landscape rendering of the workflow editor. For more information, see the Switching between Portrait and Landscape Editor Orientation section in Performing Workflow Basic Functions.
  • We added a Wait for timer activity for workflows that stops the process execution until the defined period of time has elapsed.
  • We now use database foreign key constraint validation for new apps.


  • We changed the sorting mechanism in the Go to dialog box. The excluded items now appear at the end of the list of available entries.

  • We updated the Make It Native (MIN) app’s React Native, resulting in a changed MIN app version. This means if you wish to test apps from Studio Pro 10.6.0 and above, use MIN 10. For more information, see Getting the Make It Native App.

  • We upgraded the React Native version to 0.72.7.

  • An external entity can now have an attribute based on a property of a complex type, as long as it is a single-valued complex type that has the supported properties. This is achieved by flattening the properties of the complex type to the properties of the entity.

  • When importing modules, we now ignore included widget packages if their version is older than or the same version as an already installed widget package.

  • You can now select which widgets to include when exporting a module. This is useful in case you want to create Marketplace modules that depend on other modules, and you do not want to include their widgets in your module.

  • It is now possible to use the selection of a pluggable widget as a variable in an expression. This enables writing expressions like $dataGrid2_1 != empty or length($dataGrid2_2) > 1. You can also use an attribute (path) from a selection variable (for example, $dataGrid2_1/Name), as long as the expression is not used for conditional visibility, conditional editability, or validation.

  • We added an option to App Settings > Miscellaneous for using the Data Grid 2, Combo Box, and Image widgets for content generation. This is enabled by default. If these modern widgets are available in the app, they will be used when generating overview pages or generating the content of data views.

  • We made a few improvements to the Data Grid 2 configuration for automatically generating columns when an entity for the data source is selected.

  • When a data view listens to a pluggable widget, an overlay icon and proper selection highlighting are now shown on both widgets.

  • The data view now has a main node and a footer node within the Page Explorer to reflect what is on the canvas.

  • We added the ability to change the search and sort-by options for a list view widget from its properties.

  • We added the ability to change the sort-by options for data grids, reference set selectors, and template grids from their properties.

  • For the logic editors, we added control points for bezier curves.

  • MxAssist Logic Bot now shows parameterized recommendations for a Change list activity.

  • MxAssist Logic Bot now puts the suggestion to retrieve a list of an entity before the suggestion to retrieve the first object of the entity.

  • The MxAssist Logic Bot menu content generation has been optimized and can now show more items.

  • When you are not logged in or you are offline, the AI-generated suggestions in MxAssist Logic Bot are now not available. You will be notified through the Logic Bot menu.

  • We made changes to provide more error and label consistency in the property dialog box of some microflow and workflow activities (in the microflow editor) when a variable is deleted (if it was being used).

  • We are now using the term “path” now in Mendix Runtime (instead of “branch”) for parallel splits in workflows.

  • We removed the path number in jump-to details for the end of a path/branch.

  • We changed the dialog box for editing an entity published in an OData service. The fields about the structure and the fields about the data are now grouped in two separate boxes.

  • We improved the $metadata for published OData services. It no longer has the Com.Mendix.IsAttribute annotation defined when that annotation is not used.

  • We upgraded the UI library used in Studio Pro to the latest version.

  • We updated the mapping editor to accommodate future improvements and make it Mac compatible.

  • We changed the system with which the Client API documentation is generated. This comes with a new more modern look that will make it easier to find your way around in the API documentation.


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-29331 by updating third-party dependencies. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We no longer log a warning when exporting to Excel from a data grid. (Ticket 172006)
  • We fixed an issue where changing the microflow of a scheduled event did not have any effect. (Ticket 190445)
  • We simplified the handling of errors in log subscriber message processing. These errors are now always printed on the standard error output instead. For the file log subscriber, this means that repeated errors are no longer written to .err files. (Tickets 196306, 200771)
  • We fixed a memory leak that occurred when opening pages. This caused issues after opening thousands of pages. (Ticket 197048)
  • We fixed an issue where created files were not deleted when an error occurred in a microflow. (Ticket 199712)
  • We fixed an issue with published OData services where filtering on the properties of an associated object returned an error. (Ticket 200775)
  • We fixed an issue where using the ALT + F7 shortcut triggered the tab switcher instead of performing a debugger action. (Ticket 201938)
  • We fixed an issue where a scheduled task was executed before the calling microflow finished successfully. (Ticket 202006)
  • We fixed a bug where the login page settings threw a consistency error about a non-existent page, even though anonymous users were not allowed. These settings are now cleared when anonymous users are not allowed.
  • We resolved a crash that occurred when refreshing the App Explorer contents.
  • We fixed an issue where Studio Pro did not properly check if an attribute coming from an external entity was filterable and/or sortable, causing an exception in the Mendix Runtime when trying to retrieve the data in the client.
  • We fixed a bug where the data source of widgets was missing as a parameter when creating a new microflow or nanoflow for the Call microflow or Call nanoflow client actions.
  • We fixed an issue in the microflow editor where adding an object to a microflow through the context menu did not automatically select the created object.
  • In the logic editors, we did the following:
    • We fixed the error handler connection points on activities that have custom error handlers.
    • We fixed an issue with MxAssist Logic Bot not opening on a newly created microflow, nanoflow, or rule.
    • We fixed an issue with showing the MxAssist Logic Bot suggestion flow with the error handler.
  • We fixed an issue with published microflows in OData services where errors with access rights resulted in a generic “500 Internal Server Error.” The services now return a clear error description.
  • We fixed an issue in published web services where creating a mapping for custom authentication resulted in an error.
  • We now prohibit using “file” as a URL prefix in addition to the name of any known static folder in the deployment directory.
  • We fixed the “LibGit2Sharp.NotFoundException: No valid git object identified by ‘some_branch’ exists in the repository” error that occurred while cloning locally.
  • The changedBy attribute is now updated when storeFileDocumentContent or storeImageDocumentContent from the Mendix Runtime API is used, or when uploading files. This makes it consistent with other ways of updating file documents or images.


  • We removed the deprecated Import Web Service or XML Schema wizard that was accessible in the domain model editor when you clicked Import web service/XML file.
  • The Deep Link module is now deprecated. We will end support for it with Studio Pro 11.0.0. We will continue to support the module for Studio Pro 8, 9, and 10 until the end of support for Studio Pro 10 LTS. The module is being deprecated because its functionality has been shifted to page URLs and microflow URLs. Using these methods, you can achieve what you used to accomplish with the Deep Link module in easier ways.
  • We deprecated the END_OF_PARALLEL_SPLIT_BRANCH enumeration constant in the WorkflowActivityType in the Mendix Runtime API.

Known Issues

  • Uploading and creating new FileDocuments results in the “Setting value of FileStoreMendixBinaryImpl outside of a transaction, may cause a stale file in file storage if not committed” error. We are investigating the root cause of this issue.
  • Trying to change a member in the Change object activity properties results in a “Please select an object first” error.
  • The new expression editor does not work well with non-ASCII characters.
  • Studio Pro might crash when using the new expression editor in combination with accessibility tools (for example, enabling the text cursor indicator).
  • For some activities in the logic editors, the types of variables are not visible or shown as Not set. This is only a visual bug. (Tickets 205751, 207251)
  • In some cases, even if you are already logged in to Studio Pro, you might still need to click Sign in under the MendixChat tab to make MendixChat available for use.
  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.