If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.

App Modeling

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix Studio Pro allows you to create, view, and edit your Mendix applications. This category of documentation describes the functionality used for modeling your app in Studio Pro.

App modeling is a process of creating and configuring an app, such as creating pages, adding data and logic, configuring security, and integrating with other applications.

For more introductory information, see Studio Pro Overview.

2 Documents in This Category

  • Menus
  • Describes Studio Pro menus.

  • Application Logic
  • Presents an overview of documentation on microflows and nanoflows.

  • XPath
  • Describes how the XPath query language is used in Mendix by presenting functions and examples.